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Owned by Llama!


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Ok... I'll post the convo me and Llama had on Steam...

MrLlamaLlama: Steam crashed

-ets- | Ice.KeL: Hey m8

MrLlamaLlama: hey

-ets- | Ice.KeL: Ahh

-ets- | Ice.KeL: So...Chris does have Steam :D

-ets- | Ice.KeL: ChrisJP :P

MrLlamaLlama: yeah

MrLlamaLlama: oooh i got a new game yesterday, tis awesome

-ets- | Ice.KeL: http://www.gametracker.com/server_info/

-ets- | Ice.KeL: Neil, check my CSS server :D

-ets- | Ice.KeL: Well, I'm second owner of it

MrLlamaLlama: don't have CSS on thos account

MrLlamaLlama: have to switch to my other one to play

-ets- | Ice.KeL: You can still look at the link :D

-ets- | Ice.KeL: http://www.gametracker.com/server_info/

-ets- | Ice.KeL: Switch to your other Steam account m8/

MrLlamaLlama: ....

-ets- | Ice.KeL: ?

MrLlamaLlama: can't be bothered

-ets- | Ice.KeL: lol

MrLlamaLlama: it's effort

MrLlamaLlama: i has better game than CSS anyway

MrLlamaLlama: look:

-ets- | Ice.KeL: lol

-ets- | Ice.KeL: TF2

MrLlamaLlama: nope

-ets- | Ice.KeL: Source SDK, Portal

MrLlamaLlama: nope

-ets- | Ice.KeL: Peggle

-ets- | Ice.KeL: damn

-ets- | Ice.KeL: GTA IV

-ets- | Ice.KeL: wtf

-ets- | Ice.KeL: GTA IV for PC?

-ets- | Ice.KeL: WOW

MrLlamaLlama: :P

-ets- | Ice.KeL: Impossible

MrLlamaLlama: prly?

-ets- | Ice.KeL: GTA IV is not out on PC yet

MrLlamaLlama: orly*?

-ets- | Ice.KeL: And it's not in Steam Store either

MrLlamaLlama: you CAN add non steam games to run through steam

-ets- | Ice.KeL: I know

-ets- | Ice.KeL: But GTA IV is not out yet for PC, is it?

MrLlamaLlama: yeah

MrLlamaLlama: i've got it

-ets- | Ice.KeL: Omg!

-ets- | Ice.KeL: I can't get it either :(

-ets- | Ice.KeL *Looks for warez PC GTA IV*

-ets- | Ice.KeL: Lol

-ets- | Ice.KeL: Chris was last online on Steam 29 days ago

-ets- | Ice.KeL: :o

-ets- | Ice.KeL: How

-ets- | Ice.KeL: ..

-ets- | Ice.KeL: :(

-ets- | Ice.KeL: http://www.google.co.uk/search?hl=en&c...earch&meta=

-ets- | Ice.KeL: Wheres the damn demo :P

MrLlamaLlama: there is no demo

MrLlamaLlama: like there never has been for GTA

-ets- | Ice.KeL: shit

-ets- | Ice.KeL: There any way to get GTA IV for PC?

-ets- | Ice.KeL: Warez like

-ets- | Ice.KeL: :P

MrLlamaLlama: ...buy it....

MrLlamaLlama: ?

-ets- | Ice.KeL: lol

-ets- | Ice.KeL: True

-ets- | Ice.KeL: Where from exactly

MrLlamaLlama: My local gamestore

-ets- | Ice.KeL: The Game-Stores near me don't have GTA IV in stock

-ets- | Ice.KeL: Only for xBox 36

-ets- | Ice.KeL: 360

MrLlamaLlama: might be sold out

-ets- | Ice.KeL: damn lol

-ets- | Ice.KeL: I'm gonna save up :D

-ets- | Ice.KeL: :D*

-ets- | Ice.KeL: Why don't we have any mods for GTA IV on TGTAP?

MrLlamaLlama: Fucking lol that you fell for that

MrLlamaLlama: classic

-ets- | Ice.KeL: ?

MrLlamaLlama: :P

MrLlamaLlama: I just renamed my VC exe

-ets- | Ice.KeL: OMG

-ets- | Ice.KeL: Neil! YOu bitch

-ets- | Ice.KeL: xd

-ets- | Ice.KeL: xD*

MrLlamaLlama: FAIL

-ets- | Ice.KeL: rofl

-ets- | Ice.KeL: I'm pissed red now ;o

MrLlamaLlama: xD

Everyone please note: When I said, looking for warez GTA IV, I'm only joking!

Anyways, I got damn owned by Llama with his trick! :(

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