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GTA IV Prison?


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I think it would be a good idea if in gta IV there was a part of the story which would make you have to go to prison and do missions there ( a bit like unlocking a new island). Or if instead of just getting busted from the cops then going back to the nearest police station u would have to go to prison then maybe break out (this is probably unlikely)

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Maybe where you go could be based on your wanted level when you get busted. Levels 1-2 you go to the nearest station, Levels 3-4 you go to jail, Levels 5-6 you go to prison. If you don't have money for bribes you get put in a cell (when you go to jail or prison) for a certain amount of time and go through what actual prisoners go through.

Not only would this add some extra depth to the game, but it would give Rockstar extra leverage if they get sued by some kids stupid parents, saying that the game shows that their are consequences to actions in the game.

Edited by Bryant66
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There is also Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay. From the title you guys probably get that Butcher Bay is a prison and you have to escape. Very good game I might add.

Back on topic, I don't think in VCS Victor will get arrested and you have to do some missions in jail and eventually escape. Maybe you'll have to bail someone out, sounds familiar? Well it should because you did that with Cam Jones in Vice City. Maybe they will do something like it but harder and a bigger prison, either than that I don't think you will have to do missions or escape from prison.

Edited by ArturKim21
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yeah cool but dumb, if they do it they should make it a VERY short visit. or just be able to do a bunch of cool and fun things to break out.

  Strike9 said:
i think it would make you sit and be bored for 5-10 minutes and do nothing but stay in a small room

wow retarded. that would suck. how about instead of giving that idea. go drive drunk go to jail and then there you can have the most fun you want sitting doing nothing in a cell, if thats what your implying.

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If GTA did make jail missions i doubt you'll be standing doing nothing, you'll probably be stealing guns, shooting down patrol officers, escaping the jail with a six star warn level, stealing a ped's car and making your way swiftly to your local Pay and Spray!

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I didnt mean the prison thing is every time you get busted you go to jail i meant like after a certain story mission you are stuck in prison like in SA you were stuck in the country for a bit. Then maybe after a few missions you can get out but then maybe an odd job would be smuggling stuff in

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I'd like it as a part of the storyline. As in, something you had to do to progress and it wasn't something you could avoid. If it happend when you were busted, it would get VERY bothersome and old, VERY fast.

So yeah, the storyline idea sounds good. It would be pretty cool. It could also introduce some type of small new feature in the game. I don't know what, but something.

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