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Is that really vic in vice?


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Yes, the guy that got killed in the VC intro was Victor. Why does he look so dofferent from VC and VCS? R* never knew that Victor was going to be the main playable character in a GTA game 4 years from now. They made him look differnt in VCS because they knew people wouldn't want to play as a short fat guy (as how Victor looked in VC) but instead would want to play as a normal height with medium built guy (how Victor looked like in VCS). This also happened to Toni from 3 and LCS.

Edited by tommy vercetti guy
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  MrLlamaLlama said:
In GTa 3, toni was shorter and fatter than in LCS, but to cover this up, rockstar had many characters mock toni about not eating right and looking to this and pasty.

Actually Toni was really tall in GTA III. Just use the Liberty Studio mod and the Liberty City Mod for VC and spawn Toni...hes tall. You just always seen him sitting down and he seemed short to you.

  tommy vercetti guy said:
It was Vic that was killed. This is just like the "omg lolz tommeh varcetty iz in VCS!!!1!one11!!" topic that GTA not a master made. I shove all the fatcs down your throats but then you end up just spitting it back out.

Actually I was pointing out the possibility. You really need to shut up about that.

Edited by Original GTA Master
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Yeah that is kinda getting annoying. Anyway, I agree with TVG R* made Vic so he wasn't appealable to people in VC and wouldn't drag away attention from Tommy. If SAS is made (which I bet it will) I wonder which character they are going to use (if they make a recurring character which I also bet they will as they have done with LCS and VCS) and how much they are going to change. Or it could be a brand new character like Brian Johnson (the other Johnson brother). Gonna stop now before I go too much off topic.

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Brian Johnson was 15 when he was killed. Hmm, it doesn't feel right hijacking cars when you're not even old enough to have a driver's license. With SAS, I'm thinking more along the lines of Cesar.

That's a funny idea, though. Playing Brian when the most he could do is tag walls and steal bikes.....Bully 2, maybe?

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In GTA3 he was overweight and short

yes i realize that. I'm not saying he doesnt look at all different from gta3. It's normal for people to lose and gain weight over time. There is a three year difference between the two games of course his appearance changed as is bound to happen with anyone. its beleivable, you can still tell it's him. What I'm saying is that the person in Vice City as opposed to VCS looked different, acted different, had a completely different body type and all toghether persona and voice. It was as if it is an entirely different person thats what im saying. I never said that Toni looked identical to himself in gta3.

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You do make a good point. But it is highly unlikely that it was Pete or anyone else for that matter. Because no one else was involved in The Vance Crime Family except for Vic and Lance. Plus

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Plus on the official Vice City website it says it was Vic (or so I hear, I'm gonna check it out now) so just accept the fact that he died. Just a bit of a shocker but not all stories end "happily ever after".

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