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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/14/10 in all areas

  1. My most favorite is GTA: Vice City. It's graphics may not be that good compared to GTAIV and although it's small compared to the other GTA games, It's storyline, the places in the map and the characters who appeared in Vice City are really cool. I also loved the Vice sunset and sunrise.
    1 point
  2. Sorry to hear about your dog, Thomas. As for me, pretty much everyone at my school seems to have forgotten that this holiday even exists. But, my parents took my Brother and I out to a fancy restaurant, which was very fun (and tasty).
    1 point
  3. I don't think Raybob has a clue what's going on. L-Ric is right - nobody has a "right" to be on this forum. It is provided by Chris for free, and subject to you following the rules. If Chris (or his staff) don't want to let you use the forum or all of its features, then we can do that. You have completely ignored the rules and staff, so you have ignored the terms of your free use of this site. We've even tried to be nice by not banning you (which we could easily and legitimately do), giving you a second chance, and another chance. Yet you STILL complain that you don't have as many features as possible, and you want to Staff to go around cleaning up for you. So you want MORE from us for free whilst you continue to abuse the forum and ignore its staff? That's totally fair. You've run out of chances. You have a grand total of zero remaining. Have a week's suspension. Now either STFU or GTFO.
    1 point
  4. Used to be Vice City, now it's IV and it's dlc. I love it, I think the storyline was really good, more emotional, had kinda of a rpg feel with the choices you could make and generally I just thought the missions were really well done and quite different from each other, adding more variety which wasn't seen all that much in previous GTAs. Graphically, it was much better but that's understandable since it's next gen and all that, the physics were great too. Big improvement in gameplay, cover, blind fire and other additions were great. In the end, I din't really enjoy IV like a sandbox game, thought it kinda failed in that aspect but as an action game, I think it really delivered a great experience.
    1 point
  5. oh yeah deffo gta vice city although it wasnt the first gta game i played it was gta1 when i was really little and went to the hospital lol they let me play it and i was real happy running over people but yeah i didnt even know it was gta1 at the time lol vice city is awesome much more cheerfull and eighties in my eyes
    1 point
  6. Vice City, I love the 80's music and Tommy is awesome , The music in San Andreas is just terrible I think they went OTT with the gangsta vibe although I like the map scale, and 5 girlfriends but no boyfriends?? for-shame rockstar
    1 point
  7. Vice City. Although I love GTA IV, and CTW to me Vice City just oozes style, and character. IMO no other game touches it in these two areas. What I love about Vice City is it's old school GTA. There's no micro management shit in it like GTA IV, or SA. In Vice City I can play it without worrying about maintaining virtual relationships, or keeping other gangs away from my territory. It's just me, and the city.
    1 point
  8. probly vice city. i havent played gta4 long enough to say whether its my favourite or not (i dont own it). i liked vice city storyline, setting. the asset missions were fun too. san andreas was cool too. its a close 2nd for me.
    1 point
  9. -1 points
  10. um you noob i can still ask if there is because there could be an old unposted update
    -1 points
  11. im not noob i was trying to say wait til he post something for updates
    -1 points
  12. The few apostrophes and capitals you were missing. EDIT: WTF?
    -1 points
  13. OK, better idea, I'm gonna pull a Brett Favre and stay. BUT, if I don't get out of the restricted group soon then I'll just go and what I said before about being very busy was not a lie.
    -1 points
  14. I'm going to be taking some time off of this site. Clearly, I need to learn to be more mature and things in my life have gotten extremely busy anyway. Hopefully this will have a greater effect on my demeanor than just being suspended, since that just makes me more mad at Gerard and this is my own decision. Raybob ^ And sorry for this being in the Serious Chat section, I just saw it now, I know it belongs in The Lounge. Again an epic fail on my part.
    -1 points
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