I remember Ram the Don and Silberio Silva, These guys were fun. Then I remember that guy whose ass YJ whipped so hard for acting like a gansta. Jared used to be more active. Spaz used to be noobs worst nightmare. I remember one member warning a newbie to stay away from wild dog named spaz (no offence).
Sky used to be Skyline (i think) and also the super mod who had big ass rep! Spaz used to run the casino sortof game. Dazza acting as Dar-el, and creating dazza bars.
The gang members who used to take the gang system so seriously that they used to flame each other in every topic. Venato mafia ad LCF mainly. Sher-e-india used to be flamed by everyone.
The first time I used photoshop and posted my stuff over here, people actually took time to notice it, Spaz took the pains of PMing me tips about transparancy and offering his help if I needed anything, Greatly appreciated buddy.
Still more stuff which I'll write later.