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Everything posted by Ivan

  1. I'm not too keen on this new HUD, seems kinda odd.
  2. I don't think it we'll be the Game of the Year, that place's reserved for MGS4.
  3. hentai is one of my guilty pleasures too, i've been looking at it, downloading it and even having weird fantasies about it for some years now. i like the stuff i admit. dunno why, its just good stuff. but i mostly like the pokemon and digimon hentai. if any of my friends or family see this, im perfectly fucked so, lets keep all this here and not tell anyone else . the 'normal' porn is good, but, i like the pokemon & digimon hentai more Dude...Pokemon hentai? WTF?
  4. Will you stop with the images?
  5. -THE-DEALER- don't tell me to fuck off, you're a silly graphics XBOX 360 fanboy whore. Yeah those words basically describe you.
  6. I'm a gameplay man myself, but I kinda want the game to look good too, you know. It will look good but not as good as Crysis,etc...
  7. Sorry for the X2 post but I need to post this milestone: 1000th post!!!!!!!!
  8. You can't imagine how weird it is to see you post in portuguese.
  9. Don't worry, it's just a bunch of graphics whores conplaining.
  10. Thomas throw us some more portuguese!
  11. Wow, hey there I haven't seen you since I first registered.
  12. Yeah, probably but will come out later.
  13. What's the SAES server?

  14. Only 7 posts to the big milestone
  15. I thought I heard him say that he hated it.
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