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Everything posted by Ivan

  1. Yeah, I would love to have those cuties, JOKE. Well they could be some homeless pedestrians.
  2. I'll play the game till my eyes bleed and my fingers get chopped off.
  3. Ivan

    head set

    Looking at its features, looks pretty decent.
  4. I has ran teh Corleoni Famili!!11!11111!!!!!11
  5. Wow, awesome theme, congrats.
  6. yeah, it's weird

  7. I think I saw somewhere that there'll be more than just orgasms.
  8. You lucky bastard Here in Portugal we only get game adverts like twice a fucking year.
  9. Sorry for that post Imade about your mother, it was really stupid, sorry again.

  10. Yeah, it's just aƱ average game, it got 7.7 in ign.
  11. It would be cool to drive it.
  12. You'll be banned because you are creating 2 accounts, not because of me. If you improve your attitude then maybe you won't get banned.
  13. Why did you create two accounts? So that you can be a double asshole?
  14. This is the first Command and Conquer that I'm going to get, as soon as I saw an article about this game, I knew I had to buy it.
  15. Maybe it was just a silly joke, relax.
  16. Everyone has to respect everyone, there are exceptions, I guess your parents didn't teach you that, ask them then.
  17. Don't bump topics, look at the date. Just a heads up.
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