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Everything posted by JustADummy

  1. hey dude, long time no talk, sup with life?

  2. Wait. xlive.dll? Isn't that xliveless,a mod to remove GFWL? Try removing it.
  3. Or try GTAGarage, though you'd have to ask the administrators or divide it in lots of parts.
  4. has got a new screen, though its only 2" bigger, it's better. And for free.

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. Damjan


      HD porn.What else did you think?

    3. Miles Pedro Prower

      Miles Pedro Prower

      Oh. Yes, that makes it really useful.

    4. JustADummy


      1080p porn awesome

  5. The rep system is getting abused. Neg rep for a friendly warning post..? True. How many Sea Sparrows are parked all around the map?
  6. Oh god stop it girls. Just don't spam and you'll be fine lol. True T/F - Maccer can't stop jerking off.
  7. hey again.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Samil


      Is it that season people are returning to the site?

    3. Miles Pedro Prower

      Miles Pedro Prower

      Probalby is. Anyway, I guess SV never left the site, did he?

    4. JustADummy


      I don't visit it as frequently though. Used to be a daily visitor :P

  8. Ohh look who's back! Looks awesome, Huck
  9. He's having problems importing. Have you tried another model?
  10. Oh, with the "what has the trivia turned into" I meant all the photos ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- False, the presenters are Peyton and Mary Phillips. Q: Where's the third stop you make in Wear Flowers in Your Hair, because of The Truth's government fear?
  11. What in hell has the Trivia turned into? Don't post if you want to pass an answer, I have very bad records on me because of that lol. Q: Name the mission where you must be a decoy for Woozie on the countryside.
  12. Ooh admins still on the works. This is a replacement to the normal awards/achievements right? Or...?
  13. I'm fine too, easter vacations and stuff. boring.

  14. Haha no problem, how are you these days?

  15. If you went to the first pages, you could see I created this topic in 2007 (Holy shit, that was long ago...) and there was confusion in the middle. I'll stop the offtopic though.
  16. Hey man, you been missing or something? D:

  17. What the...? Oh I thought this topic was closed already due to spam in the past? If that's true or false, then True. Q: What mission was after High Stakes, Low-Rider in the pre-release version of SA?
  18. Happy birthday Matt dude.

  19. There you go, the Guest one. Links missing again :S
  20. JustADummy

    R* Hacked?

    A member at [removed] registered and gave lots of information about Max Payne 3 and a "threat" that if R* didn't announce V, the guy would leak details himself. All the topics he made, including the proofs one made by another member were deleted but the links are [removed] and inside there's a zip file download with doc files and excel sheets. It does seem real, looks pretty professional and I don't think someone would spend all his time doing excel sheets and writing documents about Euphoria and all the type of coding. He also referred two cities would be revisited..
  21. Damn fuck you Ivan But here goes the returning user one: Written in informal "you". Links somehow disappeared
  22. Oh nice, more new year changes Done every year, keep the forum clean.
  23. Lolwut wat is this. No more imagination?
  24. It's been known. Though still rumoured to mean CJ Mother (but the D...).
  25. You kept an old ACP image of the ranks? Damn Chris has a custom member title, I'd like to see the "top secret" rank.
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