Rofl, that's just as sick as the conversation we had about breaking that guys legs then chainsawing them off, shoving them up his arse, then slicing his ear off, then make him eat it or we get his wife and then..Um nevermind..
Pretty good..
I have a really sick mind, as well as having a really weird and funny mind too..
I'm gonna hit you with a chain
Then scoop up your brains
Shove a pipe down your throat
Make you eat gas till your crying
Wait till you're lying on your ass
So I can devour your heart from your shit covered body!
It's all gone foggy, but at least you're dead..
I'm not much for writing lyrics, I'm better at instruments..
Everyone who I know who's a mosher or different from a chav gets hassle, so do I, that's why I finally gave them what they want, a reaction..Everytime one of them does something, they get something a lot worse everytime..
Still, I love listening to Metallica..So I decide to buy things with their logo on it..I have loved listening to them for 4 years...And I'll carry on..