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Everything posted by Deji

  1. Because you two are. And apparently, I'm not the only one who thinks so. This is supposed to be serious discussion? How am I? What've I said that is dumb, all i've said is my Oppinion.
  2. Of course mine was a bit weird as they always are at first. Kinda uncomfortable but it get's easy fast.
  3. That's where crappy Itunes come in! lol
  4. You can subscribe to Scope news here: http://gtag.ipbfree.com/index.php?act=ST&f=33&t=118 Subscribers get News, Screenshots, Trailers and Download Links sent to ther email account! Episode 4 out in 2 minutes!! DRAT! 2 Minutes late! lol... Go to the link on my first post to watch... UPDATE: High Res Screens Now Available: http://gtag.ipbfree.com/index.php?act=ST&f=33&t=126 New Episode 1-6 Trailer!
  5. That's your problem. Don't turn this into a flame war... And yes, I did know he is from the UK... Does that matter?
  6. Uhum... That was another thing about America... To much self pride. I'm not labling everyone for this but some can't take a joke or even a serious comment. We all make assumptions. Which is one of the reasons the world is so dangerous. (Nothing against you Crypt, just using your post as an example) Crypt commented about Russia but you never said anything about that. To everyone... A forum is about posting your Oppinion. I posted mine, you posted yours. I never complain about yours even though I think some were wrong... Keep that sh** in your head and prevent annoyance...
  7. It'd take alot of modding... We really don't need the picture. What is that anyway? Making the enviroment destructable is a bit too much for San Andreas and you'd need some sort of supercomputer. I was working on a map mod to make windows and doors destroyable as well as having San Andreas have easily enterable places like Vice City... But it's gonna take a while...
  8. easy way to back em up... Save the bookmarks on Internet Explorer and then go to File > Import ect...
  9. Umm... Honking the horn at anyone in SA just makes them wave. Alot of people think you have to use the horn but this is more likely to stop them offering their 'Services' Just drive and stop, when a girl comes then she may offer if your lucky...
  10. One of the main issues of today is Copyright. I used to live with someone who was against the laws so I got the other side of the story. In his mind everything should be free and require donations or people should get to listen free before they buy an album. I personally think this is just a cheap excuse to download things free. I don't think the laws should or ever will be changed. If you look through the eyes of an artist then you would want all the laws to remain the same. Take being a Rapper for exanple. You'd want people to buy your music as it was worked on hard. But you wouldn't want your inome powered by donations. Not everyone in the world is that honest and the world is quite selfish. Plus isn't Itunes a good enough listening for free tool? Copyright is earned free upon simply creating w/e it was you created. If you picked a bogy then that's copyrighted by you in some weird way . If you made a song then YOU own that song and own all copyright. Oppinions? Try not to break the Warez rules here... Don't name anything specific.
  11. Remember that religion was originally used to get the people to do what the churches and preists wanted them to. IDK if anyone knows where it came from b4 then....
  12. USA. I've never been there but.... They have a big bomb and dumb people voting for dumb leaders. They choose some whacko they've had before over Obama? Can't they try something new? Or are most of them just racist? Idk but if they vote for Bush or w/e again i'm gonna point and laugh! lol Aparently these are: Colombia. Iraq. Samuel. Somalia. Also Niger is a pretty good place despite popular believes. The most dangerous place is.... The middle of a desert!
  13. Tis' real and no fake. In fact I woulda done it ages ago if it weren't for my stupid mother (I love you really ) and getting 10 people to do the same thing is HARD! Yeah you just sign up for expensive adverts and decline them once you've got what you wanted. The guys recive money for advertising and can afford to give you a PS3! As well as the fact that some offers give you free trials to things you may want. I always wondering weather changing IP and cleaning cookies would work. If so, i'll tell you all how to do it . lol It's even been on newsnight and was prooven to work! The moral of the story: ADVERTISIN IS EXPENSIVE! lol
  14. Indeed, normal British will do . Beijing... Yeah I hate when american films/shows exagerate british or english accents. Just cause we actually speak english and not american/bad english! But at the same time not all americans speak like that and i've never heard one person speak like they think we do. "Oright mayt fockin nora" I've NEVER heard a britsh person say that. Even the Northeners don't except the chavs. The most weird speakin ppl here are southerners lol. I live there now
  15. What are you guys talkin about? I don't watch football. And especially not American Football if thats what your talkin about... Plus it was a Joke/Tease
  16. I stopped liking football when I stopped doing what everyone else does. I found it utterly boring watching a 90 minute recording of people kicking balls around a field. But this is something else! This actually requires more skill and practise instead of pure physical abillity. Football may be good but i'd rather pay for front row seats for 6 minutes of this than 90 minutes of Football... Hope you liked it!
  17. Enjoy the bad porn & cheap video games! lol.... I've got a few cheap games. And 100 Terabytes of porn! lol (Kidding) I have an 80GB HD so no space for that type of trash...
  18. I did that once but it got annoying after a while... Tried going into the settings and checking that DBQ or Auto Tune or w/e it is?
  19. I just get 6* then run around crazily. The cops are pretty dumb still so I can outsmart them easily. I also get on top of buildings and do the shootin of heli's thing. But I do like to have a nice gun battle indoors every now-and-then just for the damagable scenery and good places to hide. My favourite way to escape the police is to get an NRG-500 900...
  20. It hacks into goverment databases and collects peoples IP for me to hack them. I've even got yours UrbanOutlaw lol . _____________ Mine Downloads's stuff and Defragments and Registry Cleans and CCleans and lot's more. Or I just spend all night on it... Uhum. Must remember to go to sleep now...
  21. The Reporter for WCTR who goes out with Leanne...
  22. kwl kwl... just interested.
  23. I'm sure it was. Someone saw it with about 3 members... Including googlebot... Just interested why it was offline... And no typing error. It's one of my 100's of bookmarks I visit everyday...
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