Since when can the PS3 get the Yellow Light of Death?
It happened to me today. In the PS3 manual, it says that it has over heated, and leave it to cool down.
First of all, its freezing here, the whole day it's been raining, and I have never played my ps3 for more than 4 hours. (29.4.08)
How the [hell] can it have over heated?
So anyway, I let it cool off for an hour, so then it worked.... for 2 minutes. [Oh no] , I should have at least taken out the COD4 disc...
So, people on the internet say that you have to pay like $150 if your out of warranty, mine ended Dec/2008. I think...
Coz, when I got my ps3, (20/12/2007) the guy asked if i wanted an extended warranty for 3 years instead of one, now I don't remember if my dad did it...
Is there any way to find out?
I tried calling Sony, they fucking closed at 6pm and now its 7:30. Now I have to wait till Monday. [Help] me.
[screw] Sony, [i hate] Microsoft, [please] cant they make something useful? [Oh dear]