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Everything posted by Chris

  1. Chris

    Hello guilty.by.ASS :)

    Feeling better yet?

  2. LOL I'm surprised, I thought Americans generally liked our cars and considered them cool, compared to the mundane, boring ass ones used in the US. e.g. On an American blog they thought it was cool we have some "tricked out BMW 5 series" police cars - seen here. To be honest I've no idea where the blue/yellow check pattern comes from, I'm more used to seeing the old style orange/yellow. I agree the new yellow colour clashes badly with the blue, it needs to be not so bright and fluorescent IMO. But yeah I also think this is a decent request. Nothing wrong with US police vehicles they just have an incredibly boring design. Practically any European police force would be good actually.
  3. Chris


    He's here too, he just doesn't post much, if at all actually.
  4. Chris


    Oh yeah that's a great idea isn't it... bring more GTAF people here...
  5. No he was telling you and others off. You asked an absolutely stupid question of epic proportions (why would someknow know how many buildings there are). And copying and pasting lists is killing the topic. Why don't YOU ask a more sensible question?
  6. Lol sorry was just pointing it out But I was saying this is a far better topic. And slightly off topic now but could also be your graphics card...
  7. Yeah he made this last year but put stupid rules including incredibly low res 800x700 (not even a proper res) things so users complained etc. I haven't looked through but I'm guessing some people's collages will be broken links now. This new topic is better and has decent guidelines. One question though - do people still use low resolutions such as 1024x768? I can understand if you are on an old PC/monitor but come on most of us are gamers are we not? I just think it's an unrealistic size these days that's all - Not complaining though since you only said it as an example in the guidelines, not a strict rule. I think I might create one this time, might post it tonight or tomorrow.
  8. Yeah The GTA Place would be fine, I meant the actual Grand Theft Auto logo itself, i.e. the font, positioning of the words under each other etc. Not sure about about the character artwork since the artists at R* are the designers of that.
  9. ^ you spelled man wrong, fixed. Enjoy your hot sunshine, swamps and hurricanes and whatever else they have in Floridaland. Everyone party on the forums while Sky is gone and forget that we have other mods still here and get banned. It'll be awesome.
  10. IIRC you have to sit through them, one of them is a few minutes but I think the rest were relatively short.
  11. Yeah it's probably the single most pointless feature they could add to the forum software. Topic ratings make sense but users? Yeah it's pretty much never used by anyone, there's no option to turn it off in the admin panel either.
  12. Haha that's a pretty sweet invention. Now if my facial hair growth wasn't so slow and thin...
  13. Chris

    I'm fine, what about you?

    Haven't been up to much at all lately except for a few days in London. You?

  14. Probably the most legendary was the "how is babby formed?" question but they deleted it. Screencap at http://images.encyclopediadramatica.com/im.../2/29/Babby.jpg Moar at http://www.encyclopediadramatica.com/Yahoo!_Answers Yahoo answers really is a whole barrel of lulz. 50% of their users are retards, the other 50% are trolls who do it for the lulz. Problem: You can never actually tell who is being serious
  15. Pretty sure they still use gxt's but I'm not 100%. Even if they don't, someone would make an editor.
  16. No because I don't know how to model and never looked into editing the text files. I can make texture mods, but I don't. I run a fansite with one of the most popular downloads databases for GTA on the net, I leave the modding to the pro's Related note: We're aware well over 60% of our users actually come for downloads (in comparison very few come for news/content/forums) - it's always pissed me off but I figured I'd capitalise on it. We'll probably run featured mods as well as try to get interviews with some of the more prolific modders in the community. Strangely we don't actually have many prolific modders here bar Switch Designs. Most tend to be small time modders. But it would be great to see if any of you are planning on making mods.
  17. Yeah the 30D is an awesome camera too, that's more of a borderline pro model though, too expensive for me. I'm starting out with the consumer level DSLR's. It's amazing how much difference a decent DSLR and a good lens can make though. Um, my EOS 450D I got for £469.99 including the 18-55mm kit lens. Photography is expensive as hell though. I bought another lens with it at the time, plus a bag, couple of filters and spare battery. Today I just ordered another lens. So far I've spent about £700 in total on it. But I'm planning on getting into it a lot more hence the recent spending spree! It won't all be wasted cash! Double all the figures I said to get US$ btw.
  18. Yeah it's my new DSLR which I love Canon EOS 450D (or Digital Rebel XSi if you live in America - dunno why they give it a silly name for you guys) My ordinary point and shoot camera is a Canon as well, Digital IXUS 860IS - that's pretty awesome too actually, but yeah, here's a pic of that camera. You can actually see me this time. I feel like some scene chick taking a pic like this but my excuse is I'm showing off my camera
  19. Haha, ah that sucks, your hair looked decent before as well. How long will it take to grow it back to that length? Oh and thanks for the comment. And you're hosting on imagelodge so just copy and paste the bbcode links it gives you to link the pictures here I was bored today and it was raining so I couldn't go outside to take any pictures of anything, so I took a pic of myself instead, in the mirror, hiding behind the camera I r pro photographer lol.
  20. i heard Ciara's a transexual. sorry to burst your bubble XD LOL. I remember hearing that a couple years back. I'm 99% sure it was just a rumour though. The other one I heard was that she's a hermaphrodite - I don't know which is more believable Oh BTW you got post #300,000 on the forum
  21. Not 100%. He's most likely referring to beta builds that he's seen or played himself.
  22. Chris

    Rawr. It's Daniel who is 17 years old and from Melbourne, Australia. He lives in the best place in the world. And he knows it.

    ... Apparently.

  23. I'm good at telling people they're idiots. You may well be but there's more to being a moderator than just the ability to tell people off.
  24. Nice. Looks like it could be pretty good, so good luck with it!
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