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Everything posted by Chris

  1. Did anyone install any of the betas or RC's they put out? I didn't, so it's completely fresh for me. Have to say I'm loving the new visuals and how they match your operating system, now looks much better in Vista and OS X. Looks like they've made some subtle changes to the addons manager too. Just uninstalled a bunch of themes I no longer want - I actually like the default theme now though so I'll most likely stick with it. Had a lot of extensions incompatible, some of them I no longer need though so they've been uninstalled. Maybe now I've got rid of some shit I don't need it'll start up faster Bookmark managing has improved nicely too. So yeah I'm impressed with the changes. Very nice. Firefox remains my #1 browser, followed by the awesome and underrated Opera 9.5 which I sadly don't use much, mainly due to Firefox being made so much better with a wealth of extensions to do useful shit that I need as a web developer.
  2. Finally, the page is now showing Firefox3 downloads instead of 2! http://www.mozilla.com/en-US/firefox/all.html
  3. What's the point of posting links to other sites? Your downloads won't count towards the world record attempt then. Just wait til Mozilla pull their heads out their asses and fix their site. Ironic that they're web developers yet their own site is broken :/
  4. Holy shit another failure. World record page now loads (slowly) and they still link the 2.0 download page (which only has links to the latest RC of 3.0) What the hell is wrong with them? What have these 350,000 people who've already downloaded actually got?
  5. Yeah as you say it would probably be spammed. We do still occasionally get people submitting twin towers based pictures but delete them now. Never really thought about comments but it's something I'll bear in mind.
  6. Mozilla Europe is back up but still with Firefox 2 stuff. I was refreshing the world record page every 5 mins but it's still down. I'm just gonna check back some time later and get it then.
  7. I wonder how many servers they have handling this. You'd think with what will probably be hundreds of thousands if not millions of people accessing the site simultaneously they would have added a few more...
  8. Server must be getting hammered to fuck. It's down. Lol.
  9. That's nothing to do with the server, it's all powered by javascript which is client side (i.e. it's all handled by your browser). What browser do you use? Internet Explorer is terribly slow at handling javascript, Firefox is much better but suffers from huge slowdowns if there's a lot of it (shouldn't be too bad on a forum though). Opera is really the only browser that can handle large amounts of javascript well. But I'm not suggesting you switch or anything I was just pointing it out. If you tend to always use fast reply, then there's an option in My Controls where you can have it set to always be open (i.e. you don't have to click reply to open it). You may want to try that, it's under posting options at the bottom.
  10. LOL. This is sad for them. It's up on their ftp servers and everything but there's no links from anywhere on the firefox sites. Epic way to fail at a world record attempt. Damn. Wonder what happened. EDIT: Ok I've just found out the official release time is 10AM PDT (GMT-8), hence why it's not out yet. They could have at least publicised this on the site so we wouldn't have to make posts like I just did :/ just over an hour and a half to go then
  11. So today is the day. When do the 24 hours actually start? I'm still seeing pledge links rather than download links... Anyone else?
  12. And GTAForums certainly don't need you advertising them, they've always been the biggest GTA forum around. If you can't get members from their own forum then that should be a massive clue to you that your gang is failing, badly.
  13. Hey guys, As some of you may have been aware, the site has been going slow for random amounts of time (usually 5-10 minutes) at random times of the day for the past week or so. Emails were sent to server techs etc. who upgraded various software on the server for us and are monitoring it for 24 hours to see if they can make any optimisations. One bug you may have noticed was the IPS driver error on the main page, luckily I knew what and why this happened and it's been fixed now. However, if there are any other bugs you've found, or IPS driver errors in places where you didn't expect them please let me know in this topic. Also post here if you find the site still going slow at times, or if you can actually notice any difference in tgtap being slower/faster - don't just post for the sake of it. Thanks.
  14. The one with all the females in.
  15. Oh wow. So now Sky is our forum pedo? Awesome. And both are staff, says a lot about the people we have in our team
  16. LOL! lrn2sarcasmdetect I dunno what it is but it literally just appeared today in my convos too. Weird huh. Maybe it did catch AIDS from AIM or some other worthless IM app.
  17. LOL WUT Sky I haven't heard you speak yet. On Xbox Live I guess? But is your voice deeper than chris82's? Our resident teenagepedophiler. Lol
  18. It's absolutely fucked in Firefox 2 (Windows) - Proof: http://www.imagelodge.net/imgs/chris/GTAGs...CKED-lol9xu.png As a developer you need to develop for all Mozilla based browsers, plus Opera and Safari - THEN and only then should you apply extra crap to make it work in IE. Never begin developing for IE, otherwise it'll be broken in every other browser. Also, you're using frames AND tables. Both are outdated methods of laying out a website. I would advise you to learn to use divs and style them with css if you're serious about websites.
  19. Yeah but it's directly to do with GTA IV so it's alright here.
  20. Russian Mail Order Brides
  21. Topics merged, Spider-Vice... idiota!
  22. Zombie outfit is on 360 too, now that the Let Sleeping Rockstars Lie achievement has been made viral. Broz B4 Ho'z: Clearly you're a fanboy, most PS3 players themselves will admit just how atrocious online is, especially for GTA4. Xbox Live easily has an absolutely huge advantage in online gameplay, and it's well acknowledged.
  23. That's the one he's on about. The thread you're looking for is the "what's your homepage" thread, where chris82 posted a post.
  24. The blue colour has now been made a lot lighter and greyer to fit in better. Should look better now as I also removed the stupid "important topics" and "announcements" headings which were completely unnecessary when they're prefixed anyway.
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