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Everything posted by Chris

  1. I'm not sure you had the option to change that in GTA3. I don't remember anyway. You are talking about the PC version right?
  2. Dude it is the GTA3 forum. This website started AFTER Vice City came out so we weren't even around for it. Additionally, the game is nearly 7 years old, that part of the forum really isn't that active anymore. I just replied to a couple of your topics.
  3. Is this happening only on cars you've modded? After adding the .dff and .txd files to the archives did you make sure to rebuild them? Or are you using the GTA Mod Installer? EDIT: Didn't read topic title. I've never actually used the mod so I'm not sure. I take you've tried reinstalling in case you missed something? What I said still stands sort of because it looks like dff or txd files are missing/corrupt.
  4. Over the last few days every single one of my extensions has now received an update from the author and so they're now compatible. This is awesome. Also Ice it's definitely your shitty PC, obviously not Firefox since it works fine for the majority of visitors.
  5. Your English isn't too bad, we can all understand you fine. Actually reminds me of a Polish contact of mine currently making an English GTA site, despite there being a HUGE Polish community. Yahoo recently acquired babelfish, so if you need help with certain words of phrases then use that - EDIT: they don't offer Hungarian. Just looked on Google Translate and they don't offer it either. Looks like you're out of luck there. Two of our staff members actually offer paid hosting and domains etc. Maybe one of them could cut you a deal? Gerard and rockstarrem are the guys to ask. I doubt they'll host for free though because it's business for them If you really do want free hosting though then there are plenty of them around. A quick google found me http://www.000webhost.com - they seem to offer a pretty decent service - often free web hosts such as freewebs.com are absolutely shit and should be avoided.
  6. As news is obviously pretty slow in the GTA universe for the moment, while many of you hope and pray for a PC release announcement from Rockstar Games, we're going to being making occasional news posts about interesting creations made by members of the community. Today we received this great realistic rendering of Niko Bellic created by pixeloo, a DeviantArt user, click the thumbnail below to see the high res version. The image was, according to his blog post, made for Official Playstation Magazine UK and can be seen in the current issue. pixeloo has gained quite a lot of attention for his "untooned" images, if you haven't seen any of his other work be sure to check out his DeviantArt gallery (the Stewie Griffin, Mario and Homer renditions are pretty good, if a little creepy). Thanks to Alfred for emailing about this, and also bigjim for posting on our forums.
  7. Final Cut Pro is actually an awesome piece of video editing software, easily as good if not better than Adobe Premiere, Sony Vegas etc. But yeah, my mates doing Film Production were using it and they got dropped frames errors a number of times, completely messed up the syncing when played back on a TV. Took them ages to fix the problem, video playback on other sources was fine though, it was the software being retarded for some reason. And yes I was referring to both Boot Camp and Parallels. Great for most things you might need it for, but not great for gaming.
  8. ^ lol, trolling irl ftw. I'm on my MacBook right now actually. I'm definitely not a Applefag though. In fact I've completely gone off the company now, several reasons. The main one is the users. Yes, the users. 1. Over zealous users who think they're better than everyone else just because they have a Mac 2. Absolutely everything is overpriced 3. I'm not a big gamer by any means, but gaming fucking sucks on a Mac, even through Windows emulation performance is way lower than on an actual Windows OS 4. Crashes more often than Vista. Seriously my Mac or programs on it crash way more than anything on Vista. My Vista machine has actually never crashed. To be fair my Mac doesn't crash a lot, but whoever all these people are that say macs never crash are liars. The only things I still like about Apple: 1. Their designs are sexy 2. People write some awesome programs for OS X. Coda is the best program a web developer could ever want. Text editor, CSS editor, syntax highlighting, FTP - all in one easy to use, intuitive program. On Wndows I have to use a separate program for each thing. That's all.
  9. Oh look, another girl! Seriously, it's nice to see another female member around these parts, we're sort of lacking In b4 shitloads of horny teenagers PM'ing you for msn and such
  10. Yeah definitely the latest one you made makes you look like a typical Polish / Czech / Hungarian GTA site. They all use that grunged up style. The one before was better. Random question: How come you aren't seeking help from members of the Hungarian GTA community? I know there's only a couple of big sites (GTAHungary and GTAPlace.hu?) the latter of which stole our name ( ), but I thought it might be easier for as you could speak your own language etc.? I'm not telling you to go away or anything, it just surprises me to see Europeans whose countries have their own large communities...
  11. Fuck yes are Portugal out? I haven't been following it lately. Fair play they have some decent players, but I hate their team with a passion. Did Ronaldo cry like the fucking pussy he is again?
  12. Oh you stalker you.... Well anyway I just checked the error logs (could have just done that last night actually) and it turns out the MySQL server was down for like a minute or something, no actual errors anywhere.
  13. Whose profile? And any particular tab you clicked on?
  14. Actually other people have had this problem, I'm looking into it now. For now, use the services of one of our side projects ImageLodge.net. Perfect for any kind of image hosting you need. EDIT: Fixed now, I had accidentally changed a setting in the admin panel. Should all work fine again now. Sorry for the inconvenience.
  15. If you're going for gaming/clan website look then check out some of the layouts on http://www.clantemplates.com/ for inspiration.
  16. Yes they will by default. However, opening in Photoshop is fine too if anyone is wondering, upon opening it'll ask you what size you want to make it and will then generate it at that size and rasterize the image (so it's not actually a vector anymore).
  17. I have a couple of .EPS files. That's proper scalable vector images. i.e. if you really want to you could make it 10000x10000 pixels or something and it'd be in perfect quality... I have .eps for the R* logo and the GTA3 logo. And from the GTA3 logo you can of course just chop off the III to get the GTA logo which is what I did for the above. If I remember I'll make a list of all the stuff I have and post it here.
  18. Oh right, damn I just found a better GTA1 logo too! (edited in previous post) Anyway, here's the GTA logo, approx. 1000x1000, the second one is the same except it has a white border around it. and with white border:
  19. Ok I do have the GTA1 logo, but it's not very good quality. Also might look a bit rough on dark backgrounds. Here's a transparent PNG though. Also do you actually want it for something or were you just making a stupid request to see if I actually had it? EDIT: better one:
  20. Original as in GTA1? No, I don't have any stuff from before GTA3 unfortunately. Just looked through what I have got and seem to be missing a fair bit actually :/
  21. Yes this is quite old. I have loads of high res artwork, logos and such lying around. So if anyone needs them just ask and I'll post them up somewhere.
  22. Lol wut? You had an OS X theme on a windows OS? That surely would look absolutely ridiculous no? Don't get me wrong I like OS X's looks but in a Windows OS I can't see that going together well. And besides, if the creator of the theme isn't a lazy ass he'll release an update for it, so just wait a few days or whatever. You're not going to notice drastic performance changes just browsing randomly. You might notice it with program startup times, and on javascript intensive websites such as Flickr, last.fm, Digg etc.
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