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Everything posted by Chris

  1. Pictures of hidden package #7 for webmasters are now on my flickr photostream The hand grenade is fucking awesome!!
  2. This would be retarded if Scotland left us, I don't really think they'd do too well as an independent country. ITT: Confuse Americans by saying "British Isles", "Great Britain", and "United Kingdom"
  3. Strange, the header of that file says it's a PNG. You can't just fake an image type by renaming it from .png to .jpg. I'm assuming that's what you did. You should be able to upload PNG's anyway, did you try?
  4. It was pretty funny I think. It's better than all the "omg rockstar suck gta4 is shit" type threads you see anyway. At least this has some kind a point and has humour.
  5. Spaz when you do next upload pics, post that really old one with your hair spiked up, liberty spikes or whatever. For some reason I just thought of that, was pretty cool and reminds me of the good old days of TGTAP
  6. ROFL. You joined just to post that?
  7. The official GTA IV website has received what will probably be its last update today. The multiplayer page is now complete and new wallpapers have been added, the Outdoor Series II. There has also been a few screenshots added although you've probably seen these before from IGN, GameSpot etc.
  8. Yeah, somewhere in that building is a server with all our shit on it. Meanwhile, I'm still in the UK managing everything. Yay for the internets! It would be awesome though to have a UK server too, I mean we're one of the few British owned GTA sites left now.
  9. Ok. Sorry for the blue liney shit I had street view turned on, was just checking that it was fairly boring as viewed from a street rather than above...
  10. I was gonna be all cool and post a pic of where our server actually lives, but the building is really boring and doesn't look cool or anything
  11. Come on guys seriously, does nobody here play multiplayer or something?
  12. ROFL. The top floor is like the 106th or whatever, since the game's version is pretty much an exact replica, there wouldn't even be an extra 100+ floors. Nice troll.
  13. Hey everyone. We're looking to get our official clans started now for GTA IV games, we already have interest with games against gta4.tv's clans, so things can get organised fairly soon. And before I start let me just say this doesn't affect the unofficial clans you guys have been making yourselves in the multiplayer forum, you can still be in those... the official ones will of course require more of your time and attention though, so just be aware of that. Basically we'll have 8 official clans, based on console and time zone, obviously 4 for X360 and 4 for PS3. We need a leader for each of those clans, someone who can recruit members here and help organise that matches. That includes communicating with the equivalent gang from gta4.tv, and agreeing time/details with them etc. and informaing your own clan members of the plan so they can all be online at the specified time. I've set up a forum just for this so that all discussion is done away from all the general mp stuff. You can visit that here: Official TGTAP clan forum I've also set up a topic asking for leaders, so if you want to be one, READ and then post in this clan leaders topic That topic should also give you more information for those who are interested. So please read it fully. Thanks and have a great time in multiplayer! Let's hope we win some games!
  14. Hey guys, We need to start our official clans now (doesn't matter if you're already in an unofficial one, you can be in an official one too). For now, I'm going to be leading the UK/Euro Xbox 360 clan, and I need a decent group of members who can be online when an agreed time is set between us and our opponents (at the moment it's gta4.tv's equivalent of this clan). I'm only leading temporarily btw, after a while I'll be choosing a new leader from whatever members we get as I'll be busy with other things and probably won't be able to make all the games. So, if you're in the UK or Europe and want some good multiplayer action in GTA4, please post your gamertag here and add everyone else to your friends list so they can be invited to the matches. Current members: Chris - ChrisJP88 jimmy1782 - jimmy1782 Xe0 - xeo094 flippy888 - flippy1008 P.S. Looking for other official clans? want to lead one? See this topic for more information.
  15. Hey guys, It's time we get our official clans organised. We need to get some leaders who can help to organise matches against our opponents. Currently, our main opponents will be guys from gta4.tv who are doing a similar thing but already have their clans running. Basically, you and the equivalent leader from their gang will agree on a time and day to play a game and the rules etc. Apart from that all you need to do is get a decent group of people in your timezone and make sure they're all online and added to your friends list so you can invite them to matches. We'll have 3 timezones areas, if one isn't yours then pick the closest. We'll have these for both consoles, making a total of 6 clans. Leaders are needed for: GMT-8 - GMT-5: - USA/Canada GMT0 - GMT+2 - UK and Europe GMT+8 - GMT+13 - Australia and New Zealand and other Asian countries NOTE: If you're in between Europe and Aus and would like a clan for that, just let me know, only reason I didn't list one was because I don't think there's enough users for that area. But I may be wrong. Requirements: -Be online regularly -Add all clan members to your friends list so they can be invited to matches -Communicate with your clan members as well as the opponents' leader to agree on matches and game times -Organise your members so they are aware of when the matches are and can get online To apply, just put forward your username, console, and the timezone group you want to lead, and if you're a trustworthy member I'll give you the go-ahead to set up an official topic for your clan so you can begin recruiting and discuss everything. And yes, if you like you can name your clan. Hopefully if this all goes as planned we'll have a dedicated forum for official stuff, to seperate everything from the general multiplayer discussion. Don't worry if someone else has put their name forward for what you wanted, I'll probably be choosing sometime over the weekend, and besides, you can work together if you like since you'd be in the same clan anyway
  16. Yeah. Unfortunately we lost the database and all the backups of it in a server crash (we don't have database backups ourselves, only the source php files). Since there's really too much to put back in ourselves we haven't really thought about starting them up again. I'm not sure what will happen to it now. Maybe something will be put up in the future. I'll close this for now though.
  17. I did it in 27 doing very few side missions. With 3 hours to spare I probably could have gotten away with doing quite a few side stuff. Good luck getting it. If you're worried, just save after completing each mission. Then if you fail one, load it back up, that way you don't waste any time.
  18. Supposedly so, I mean online has been pretty good for me, but others have reported glitches so I dunno.
  19. Not sure but it's definitely official this time, not like those rumours on here previously. I've posted as news and that post will be updated once we hear official details, so keep your eye on that.
  20. After debunking several rumours posted on our forums in the last few days, an official patch is now actually here for PS3 owners. Just a heads-up for next time you're online and start up GTA IV - you'll be prompted to download the v1.01 update, which is 18MB in size. Also, no word on a patch for Xbox 360 gamers yet, we'll keep you updated if we find out anything though.
  21. We posted about the UK's 'day 1' sales figures for GTA IV last week, and now Take 2 have published a press release concerning overall worldwide sales data so far, the figures are amazing. So there you have it. 6 million units in just the fist week, and over half of those were on the first day! Link: Take2 Press Release
  22. Heh, loads of people here don't have good social lives, and I guess I'm one of them - any GTA webmasters that are great socialisers? Never really go out much and have a small group of friends back home and a small group at uni, never been popular or anything, and I'm not sporty so didn't make friends through clubs and after school stuff etc. So yeah. Pretty boring life at the moment, but hey, GTAIV keeps me occupied a lot of the time!
  23. Yep, on Algonquin, the shop you wanna look out for is called Perseus.
  24. http://www.thegtaplace.com/gta4/maps.php http://www.thegtaplace.com/gta4/cheats.php
  25. Cool, good idea, for PS3 right? I and some of the staff have already played a few games on Xbox 360 because that's what we all have (and invited random tgtap members who were online at the time). It's pretty cool, and putting voices to some of the guys you know around here is cool. Though I suppose since PS3 doesn't come with headset, a lot of you are silent in game?
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