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Everything posted by Chris

  1. I should disable commenting on my profile. I'm so popular, 85% of comments here a pure ass-licking ones.

    Everyone leave me alone or I'll ban you lol.

  2. Yes they are. At the moment it is unknown if R* have any plans to do so, only on Xbox 360 is there confirmed downloadable content.
  3. Wow, epic troll/flamebait. I don't have time to type out proper answers but I would actually like to, so I will some time tomorrow.
  4. lol vbulletin sucks, IPB is much more powerful in every way, especially with user-created mods. But please, OP, tell me what critical bugs you encounter that mandate the upgrade of IPB? Actually to be fair, that's one area in which vB has always been way better in, mods. It's only recently (since 2.2 or something) that IPB has introduced components (that work properly, not like early 2.0 or whatever) that many mods are becoming easier to install. With vB mods, you rarely have to edit php files or anything, everything just works off the 'hooks' system. Basically like a plugin for wordpress (or any blog) which some of you may be familiar with. Thankfully, IPB is getting better now, and I hope that minor mods also change to it because it really is a pain in the arse editing php files because everytime the software is upgraded you have to go through and do all the edits again. But yeah, this a minor path denoted by the 3rd number, so it's not important for us to upgrade. Once 3.0 is out however that will be a different matter because that is a huge new release and we'll have to test that out first.
  5. That's arguable. It's better in some areas whereas IPB is better in others. We started out using IPB 1.2 (when it was entirely free) and went through 1.3 and then 2.0 until they started charging money for it. At the time it was way cheaper than vB so we stuck with it. Plus we didn't want the hassle of converting when we already had most our stuff integrated with the IPB system. Converting would require a lot of recoding of other things on the site. Why do you say that? Are you just saying that as a member or have you had experience managing both? I do still like both forum softwares a lot. And one of my sites will be using vB as it's forum if it ever gets popular.
  6. Wow you never stop with your suggestions do you. It's not an important upgrade, and many of the files it updates are ones we have to edit for our mods to work. As in loads of them, I just can't be bothered to go through each one and copy pasta code into the updated files.
  7. Install Firefox (the portable edition thingy) or probably a better option, Opera Mini, on a USB stick and just run it off that
  8. Well it's not that big of a problem here, no point installing stuff to use more resources when it's not needed. Also, as long as the member is smart enough to clear tgtap.com cookies before logging into their second account they will circumvent the mod. It's not that effective really. So no, thanks for the suggestion but I won't be installing it. The mod relies on the member being a cretin.
  9. I'd like to add though, I'd very much like to buy that. But 20 quid for one bottle? No mate, I'm not paying that much. I know it's rare as hell but I'd want at least 3 for that. One to drink, one to show off with, and one as a spare in case some idiot breaks the other one.
  10. Lol is that your auction? Or did you just join here today with a similar username to that of the one used on the auction, who incidentally has 0 feedback so is also obviously new. Also, are you a Kikizo employee, because they are, AFAWK, the only people who received this. See this topic for links.
  11. Just use the direct link to the image, not the one with the timestamp generated, i.e. http://i198.photobucket.com/albums/aa279/I...andits1-Ash.png
  12. Chris

    Digger Fun!

    They dig holes and shit
  13. Yeah, why's this? We never delete accounts as there's no point. You registered 2 years ago and get your first post now, I'm surprised you even remembered you had an account!
  14. Derrick. Because Francis lets you call him while on a wanted level, and he calls the cops off for you. Only thing is, the hours you can call Francis are very few, so it's not really worth it either way
  15. Fail poll, 2 real options and 2 fake options. Nice. It's "which Rockstar studio do you like the most?" and it would have been helpful to at least put all the real options
  16. Actually the cars were all 3D models too, but from a top down perspective it all looked 2D.
  17. Yeah, people really shouldn't be changing their name so often, there's no need. The time period was increased to stop people doing this. Some people try to take advantage, the minute they get bad rep they choose a completely new name and no one realises who they are for the first few days.
  18. I meant to link to this paragraph on Wikipedia in my last post - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eurovision_So...national_voting Just from reading that you can see how ridiculous the situation is. Western Europe has no chance.
  19. The thing is, Eurovision, because of this, becomes less and less prestigious every year. You CANNOT get fame from winning anymore. In a few weeks, everyone will have forgotten the winner's name and song. The only reason people still know Ruslana is due to GTA IV and because news of her being in the game was leaked early on (I bet she did it herself) which sort of hept her in the spotlight a bit. Winner's generally only become popular in their home countries as well I think. Another thing that's stupid is the disproportionate amount of immigrants in other people's countries. This happened several times last night, and you can tell because the country had a shit song (no one else voted highly for it) yet somehow they got a 12. Examples: Moldova awarding Romania 12 - There are shitloads of Romanians in Moldova, why are they allowed to vote? UK awarding Poland a decent number of points - There are shitloads of Poles in the UK, why are they allowed to vote? Obviously it would be almost impossible to remedy this since there's no real way to restrict foreigners from voting... but I'm just making a point. And the whole former USSR is just fucked because everyone's so spread out in large numbers that mass voting can easily take place and people can get their home countries higher up. I don't think these problems can ever be solved to be honest unless radical changes in the way the voting is done take place, something like Gerard said. Until then, I don't think the competition will ever be taken seriously. Except by the 4 or 5 countries who regularly appear at the top. coffin dealer's post above is proof Eastern Europe still takes this seriously! Oh and also, Malta, wtf, where were our points you bastards? With all the British heritage lying around in Malta you'd think we'd at least get a pity vote! And Cyprus, with all the British help you got during times of difficulty (still ongoing I believe)!
  20. And Russia won. Lol, what a load a bullshit, it wasn't even good. Fuck the USSR. UK joint last yet again, lawl. During all that, I coded a video uploading script for ImageLodge.net and learned a Serbian phrase, Dobro veče, from having this shit on the TV in the background
  21. The Greek entry: Meh, she looks hotter on TV
  22. See look at all Russia's votes lol, 12 from basically all the former USSR countries Seriously though that Greek chick is so hot considering she is Greek... and stuff.
  23. OMG some of those songs were awful, the worst part was sometimes the vocals though. Pretty weak. Some weren't too bad though. Greece or Ukraine will totally win this thing though unless political voting gets in the way, they both had hot singers.
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