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Everything posted by Chris

  1. Did everyone else also get the email today? Even though the update happened a couple of days ago and was fairly minor :/
  2. LOL! Girl gamer in the making perhaps? Yeah, I got this one by just standing in a hospital and blasting away cops everytime one of them walked through the door. You'll likely take a few shots here and there, but since you're in the hospital you can just grab the medipack off the wall, it respawns every couple of minutes. And yeah, good luck getting rid of it. I guess if you're lucky to avoid cops enough that they don't see you get into a Pay n Spray you could, but getting there would be difficult and there's probably too many cops around to be able to get in without being seen.
  3. Apparently there was scheduled maintenance last night which was supposed to take around 15 minutes. It took a little longer than expected though, but I sent an email as soon as I found out about it and it got sorted pretty quickly.
  4. WTF? How is that proof? Looks like he just bought it off Amazon himself. I'm confused at how this is proof. Also epic fail for being US only, what's the point... EDIT: So you need 8 referrals for the lowest "prize" which is a 40gb console. So we just need 8 of us sign up to one offer (and keep on doing it for other people) and we could get a shitload of TGTAP members with free PS3's then... if it works of course. I'll wait til one of you guys receive it. Keep us updated!
  5. rem is a noob and approved this without checking the category probably And the author is a noob for uploading to the wrong place. Thanks though I'll go change it now.
  6. Jessica Chobot Yeah, I found it. Seriously guys, learn2google. She works for IGN now, and an interesting fact: She is the girl who appears in this now hugely famous pic:
  7. Yeah that's when it's scheduled. You seem surprised about something?
  8. Was it by REspawn? If so, it's probably G-TXD. I'm not sure if we even used to have his tools here, I don't recall being asked to remove anything...
  9. Nice, one of the first I've seen for IV. What capture card are you using?
  10. Good, yet another internets drama comes to an end. Seriously did anyone actually believe they were gone forever? This is like the 4th time it's happened now. Well, they've actually stopped developing so I guess that's one thing... but I mean the whole taking down the site thing... fucking ridiculous and unprofessional to be honest.
  11. I was thinking that same thing. Exact same thing. Do you know what makes this image even more awesome? No? It's taken in our fucking hotel! The one we webmasters stayed in. See, go on http://www.hotelonrivington.com/guestrooms.html and click on "owners suite". Look at the first picture. Recognise that bathtub?
  12. There's some weird rules about who and who can't enter though. And I think a song has to be specifically written for the competition now, and since it's so shit, no famous bands will stoop so low as to do such a thing, which is why every year you get unheard of artists playing.
  13. Brucie is an awesome character for the game, I think he's hilarious.
  14. That's awesome, reminds me of the SA cover girl comparison... which I now can't find. Source of real life pic?
  15. LOL I can't wait, I love Eurovision and how utterly shit it is every single year. I watch it simply for the lulz and all the political voting that goes on - seriously you see the same countries voting for each other every damn year... and Terry Wogan doing the voiceover in the UK... some of his comments are hilarious, I swear sometimes when he does it he's slightly drunk as well The only annoying thing is when one of the countries has a song which is shit, but it's really catchy, and you get it stuck in your head and you wanna listen to it more... that's annoying. I also like how all the Western countries just don't really care anymore... they might as well just make it the EasternEurovision
  16. Damn I thought this would be the biggest clan here but only 1 person wants to join? Wow. What's with everyone here, not many people interested in multiplayer at all, I hope we don't have to scrap this :/
  17. Well the first Pirates film is actually pretty decent. The remake of The Ring is lame though just like all other US made JAP remakes. They're good if you're bored and fancy a not-too-shocking horror flick, but yeah fairly average.
  18. Most game->movie films aren't that great, but I dunno about this one. I'm hoping it's going to kick a lot of ass. It has the potential to. And as long as Uwe Boll isn't directing there's a good chance it will.
  19. Lol. And yeah, air rifles are generally used for hunting, and most farmers own at least 1 air rifle I think BB guns do sting like a bitch though, depending on what type of pellets are used, and how close range.
  20. Why? I don't think anywhere has an exact date posted, but if it was at the end of the month and on the usual Tuesday release, then I would guess either Tuesday 21st or 28th, or even 14th if it was earlier.
  21. Generally only in London, they have done for quite a few years now. No it's just that guns aren't sold here (generally) so there isn't a big problem like in America where they stupidly allow people to buy guns which is why loads of people get shot over there all the time. The deadliest weapon you'll come across in England is some sort of knife, barely anyone carries a gun, just the hardcore gangsters really. This is fucking mental though, I mean it actually sounds like he shot shit up for no reason whatsoever. Glad the police shot and killed him - it's awesome to hear this as it means the gene pool is -1 of the fucking idiots
  22. OH SHI- bandwidth lol. What I was actually posting was this;
  23. There's shit everywhere in this topic.
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