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Everything posted by Chris

  1. It's a nice idea, but it's not something I'd want to modify in the forums. I was actually thinking about hiding the pip images. IMO they are pretty pointless now. 1. You can already see the user's post count, do you really need graphical blocks to show this? 2. The area is cluttered, especially with the store and awards mods using them. If we add gang related stuff there too it will be even worse. So that's why I think we could get rid of pips. Who agrees with me? And who would honestly say they'd miss having the pips there?
  2. That's the one I described above CroScorpion.
  3. Well it's good to see Sony making some advancements. They really do need something decent for the PS3, this looks like it could take off quite well, and I hope it does for Sony's sake. Also reminds me of The Sims, but good.
  4. Yes it's near the Pay n Spray in Vice Port. If you face the pay n spray, to your right will be a gate, drive up to that and it will open. Drive in and head left, the garage is at the bottom of the area, near the sea.
  5. Well a couple of years ago I came up with the GTA2 remake theory, this is actually the first thing in those 2 years that's made me consider it again. THe 7 gangs in GTA2 were: * Yakuza * Scientists * Looneys * Rednecks * Zaibatsu * Russian Mob * Hare Krishnas There's of course a chance, but I've honestly no idea what R* have in store for us. I'm hoping the trailer can give us clues.
  6. Rockstar have made a small update to the official VCS website, adding a new PlayStation 2 section to the screens page. Seven shots have been posted, 5 of which are new. You can check out our gallery for more screenshots of the game, or click the thumbnails below to see the full size images. The official site still has no word regarding the release of the soundtrack on iTunes, it is beginning to look like this won't actually happen now. We'll report more on that if we get any updates though.
  7. IGN have today given us their thoughts on Vice City Stories for PS2, they seem to pick up on the fact that many of the bugs which plagued the PSP version are still apparent, though there are a few technical improvements, namely the framerate and graphics. Having said that, the game doesn't really take advantage of the PS2's stronger hardware. IGN's review seems to take quite a negative stance on the game, however it concludes with more positive points, which thankfully outweigh the drawbacks. They gave the game 7.5 out of 10. In addition to the review, IGN also posted about 12 in-game screenshots which you can view by clicking the links below. Link: IGN Review, IGN Screenshots
  8. Some pics for the lulz: And when she went on that rage: I LOL'd
  9. Great. For anyone who has already got it and is playing through it, you could post about it in our VCS forum, especially if you've played the PSP version so we can hear your thoughts on how they compare. I'm particularly interested in whether any of the bugs which were reported in this topic have been fixed. Specifically for me, these that I discovered: see my post on page 2 of that topic, or click here.
  10. Vice City Stories has now been released to North American gamers, European gamers will have to wait an extra few days until the release this Friday March 9th. The PS2 version is a near identical copy to it's older PSP counterpart, minus the multiplayer features. It is retailing for just $19.99, a bargain for any GTA fan. Check out the Vice City Stories section of our website for anything you need for the game, including cheats (same as the PSP version), a 100% check list, and a complete walkthrough. We'll be adding more content to the site over the next few days.
  11. LOL, ead this the other day. Moved to Entertainment forum btw, belongs there. What good does Britney do for the world that would matter if she did commit suicide anyway? Unless you're a fan of her musicthen I can't see how you'd see it as a great loss, not being insensitive, just saying. People die everyday, unless it's someone close, you generally don't care.
  12. The point of bumping is too bring a topic back to the front page of a forum and at the top of the list of topics, this makes it more noticeable a more open for additional replies. This fine with topics which are asking for help or are particularly useful, not so if it's for something trivial, like "what is your favourite colour" - the reason why that topic is a few pages back is because nobody cares. Anything on the first page of a forum is fine really. Especially when it's for older stuff, such as GTA Advance, and GTA Classics, they're so underused that all the topics are on the front page anyway, thus no bumping can take place there as it makes no difference apart from moving it up a few places in the topic list. If the topic is more than a few weeks old, ask yourself the following questions: 1. Is this topic actually useful to other people? 2. Is my reply contributing to the thread in a positive way (i.e. "thanks 4 da help" is no good, offering an alternative solution to a problem is more useful) The main problem comes when people start doing this with topics in the lounge and other general discussion forums. Topics there are generally not too important, save a popular few, so we don't like bumping there. We're more lenient in the GTA forums because many of the topics there are helpful to many people. But just think to yourself when posting, is it actually going to be worth it? Also, it would look like you're just posting for the sake of increasing your post count or getting more points etc. if you aren't posting anything useful. A bit of common sense is all that's necessary sometimes.
  13. Yes! We agree on something. Or were you just copying me? Either way, good to have someone other than myself also "analysing the hell" out of the trailer, we can hopefully find everything we need to. Location and time period should be most obvious. Not sure if we'll see characters.
  14. No, but as I mentioned in an earlier post it's likely for the PS3. Truth is, we aren't really going to notice much difference anyway.
  15. Background text spam I bet none of you even knew that tag existed, unless you use the rich text editor rather than the standard post editor. Which you can switch between by clicking the button. made of win
  16. @Chrisman: I noticed we're lacking some nice clean, unobtrusive themes. Here are some that I have installed, maybe you'd like to add them to the topic? Blue Ice - A crisp, simple ice blue theme. Qute - Simple and unobtrusive theme with clear, colorful icons. Azerty I - Pleasant icons similar to the symbols used by IE or Qute Azerty II - Pretty and pleasant icons. Each button was designed to symbolize its real function. Sometimes realistic or symbolic but always with merry colors and original forms. Azerty III - Pretty and pleasant icons. Built to accompany Azerty 'mail. Cylence - A link to many different colour variations of the default Firefox theme, the original one is my favourite.
  17. Having said that, there aren't that many GTA forums that are much more active than ourselves, off the top of my head, gtaforums, gtagaming, and gtawh. The rest I guess are either foreign or obsolete in a sense (like Gouranga). The main thing is that a lot of people prefer to lurk on forums, rather than post. They might just be looking for one scrap of information, and once they've found it they'll leave. Of course we do our best to turn lurkers into posters. That is a hard task for any forum owner. We have many enticing features, the arcade, store, gangs. And other little perks, reputation for example. There are periods of time when it's pretty quiet. Most of our users are US and Europe based. Europeans being mostly active in the evening, and US in the late afternoon, means that early mornings are generally pretty quiet. So there's a fair few factors involved. If you're in this situation again, how about thinking up some interesting topics to post? Then leave and do something else for a while, come back later in the day and read and reply to responses...
  18. Heh I was actually just thinking that myself, did we even have tables when we had IPB 1.3? Maybe I was testing a mod at one point or something, because I don't remember much usage of them.
  19. Jesus Fucking Christ. Yes. Just yours. Learn to read. We just cleared up the confusion, don't go starting it again.
  20. That would be extremely stupid. Certain people would get to see it before others. Yeah that was the entire point of my post. Of course they aren't stupid enough to base the countdown on the USER'S computer time. It's coded in Flash, and it uses Rockstar's server time, therefore it's counting down to the same time for everyone. If you're in a different timezone to Rockstar's server, the time shown on your clocks will be +/- a few hours, that's the only difference. It's not a particularly difficult concept to grasp. Let's stop talking about it now before we lower the average IQ here even more.
  21. Yes, everything, information on anything, web development, design, programming, webmastering... and I can't believe no one as said pr0n yet. I thought everyone used the Internet for that.
  22. I understand this is graphics and creativity, but I think it's better suited to the Fake Artwork topic in the GTA4 forum. Therefore I am merging the two topics.
  23. Yes of course it's going to be at the same time for everyone. The countdown is counting down to a time which is on R*'s server, it's not going by your computer clock. So as I gave the time 11pm GMT in the first post, from that you could all work out what it was for your timezone, which some people have done, some people are still confused, but hopefully that clears it up. Also, please take your retail price talk elsewhere in the forums, it does not in this topic, which is for discussion of the trailer. Clearly this is quite popular, and I hope you guys are all gonna be as talkative on the 29th March
  24. I would post mine but it's absolutely tiny. Doesn't help that I try to fit ALL of my stuff in. If this topic was "post a picture of your cool stuff" (btw someone make that topic) I may out-do everyone
  25. I'm surprised nobody here is interested this game, yesterday when I signed on in the afternoon to play the game, I noticed something which made me assume that all GTA players like Crackdown... reason why. My friends list had 4 other GTA webmasters, all of them were playing Crackdown, including myself that makes 5 of us. We were all playing single player though, co-op is laggy as hell at the moment, they need to release an update to fix it. So does anyone else here have the game? I need to do some co-op stuff if anyone wouldn't mind
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