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Everything posted by Chris

  1. I'd like to announce that all 177 of JVT's Vice City mods have now been added to the downloads database. All of his amazing cars and humourous other mods are there. To see a list of all his downloads click here and enjoy! We'll be adding all 22 of his San Andreas mods tonight and tomorrow.
  2. Possibly one of the most amusing emails from Jack Thompson has arisen, and let's face it he does send out the most preposterous, ironic, and hypocritical emails you've ever seen. TheInquirer say he's sent out 4 more emails but it doesn't say what they were about, I don't think anybody takes him seriously anyway so it makes no difference. Anyway, this time he's found the little mention of himself on the Official LCS Site where he is being portrayed as a sexual pervert complaining about the Internet and such. Jack is now crying his eyes out claiming Rockstar are bullying him. (we laughed as well). Wake up and smell the coffee, Jack. You asked for it. On a more serious note there are some previews of LCS that have surfaced with some much higher resolution screenshots than we have seen before. Check out Gamespy with the high res screenshots and 1up with a nice preview, oh and there's also a preview at EuroGamer we didn't mention.
  3. One of the lesser publicised online San Andreas mods has had a second version released with many features. The guys at AlienX Software worked hard on this and the synching is pretty good on this one so give them a try. This version has: You can see more info on in game commands on the download page, download Online Andreas Reloaded 2.0 from our database and comment here and let us know how it plays.
  4. Happy Birthday Sky get laid and drunk (at the same time)
  5. they have no imagination why do people roar?
  6. Just wondering what everybody's life is like where they are living, and what everybody's background, I don't know about you but I think it's good to know a lot about the people we converse with on the web, since we don't get a chance to meet them in person, or very rarely anyway. Post in a format like your background (as much as you want to share), significant events in your life, how everything is going at the moment, what your hoping to do in the future. Yeah so it's chronological Guess I should start so you can all see what to do ************************************************************* [REST OF POST REMOVED]
  7. GamesRadar have posted an article on their site. There's no new info but four new screenshots. GamesRadar have earned themselves a reputation for stating incorrect facts, and they've done it once again in this preview, mistakingly thinking that Toni was the owner of St. Marks Bistro. Check out all the LCS Screenshots.
  8. ^ Is a tramp < Isn't crimson V wants to hold my hand after meeting me and crossing the road.
  9. Ever since the trailer for LCS was released I've seen numerous forum threads asking what the name of the song is in the trailer, so I emailed Rockstar the other day and got a response from them today. So they're you are, little bit of pointless but requested info for you.
  10. Well in England basically every online store (amazon, gameplay, game, play....etc.) are usually always at least £5 cheaper than and in store prices, Thats why I always buy games and stuff online, saves me money
  11. ^ wants cock < wants what ^ said V wants to be an admin
  12. There's no way in hell I could make myself look like a girl. Spaz you didn't actually talk to G-WizZ did you? This is one of your posts from gtawh that you've also put here isn't it?
  13. I still have to get a PSP first. I'm hoping for like Amazon or somewhere to bundle a PSP with LCS and reduce the price
  14. I would get one but it would cost like $30 shipping to the UK, plus the $39.99 it costs to buy which is quite expensive in my opinion.
  15. Chris


    This rather large to do list was staff only but now we've let the whole community help if they wish Basically we need a load of content done to complete our unfinished parts of The GTA Place. I figured if I ask members of my forum we can all help get stuff done quicker. So I'd really appreciate it if anyone can do stuff to help. We aim to be the best GTA resource available. NOTE: Anybody who is doing content, please spell and grammar check it, and also you can post it all in this topic if you like CONTENT |-|-|-Classics-|-|-| (this for GTA1 AND London AND GTA2) Info - needs a few paragraphs Gangs Cities - Copy info from official site Vehicles - Get pictures of each one if possible Features - list the features Screenshots Movies |-|-|-GTA Advance-|-|-| - DONE!! Info Features Cheats |-|-|-GTA3-|-|-| Info - get from official site Characters page needs finishing Radio stations - need logos Map of Liberty City unique jumps rampages hidden packages Power ups - adrenaline, health, armor, wanted stars...pics and info Gangs - need logos Criminal Ratings list system requirements Import/Export Securicar garage Screenshots Trailers |-|-|-GTA Vice City-|-|-| Info - put site link at bottom rather than top Characters page needs finishing Radio stations - need logos Need a map of Vice City.... unique jumps rampages hidden packages Powerups - adrenaline, health, armor, wanted stars...pics and info Gangs - need logos system requirements Outfits page needs organising Import/Export Screenshots Trailers |-|-|-GTA San Andreas-|-|-| Locations - info on each city and stuff to do etc. secrets and easter eggs - needs much more, get screens Weapons page Gang page reorganise and logos Vehicles - screens features - grammar errors Powerups - adrenaline, health, armor, wanted stars...pics and info characters - revamp weapon skills Radio Stations glitches page Maps trailers - make page look better Import/Export criminal rankings |-|-|-GTA LCS-|-|-| Gangs - logos, info, from gta3 where possible islands - from gta3 general info - official site features characters cheats |-|-|-GTA VCS-|-|-| Gangs - logos, info, from gtavc where possible islands - from gtavc general info - official site features characters cheats artwork empire building |-|-|-GTA4-|-|-| nothing as of yet ***For GTA3 trilogy possibly ask member of gamefaqs permission to show their walkthroughs for each game*** DOWNLOADS Add the rest of JVT's mods (the vehicles - theyre the mods that are actually decent) SCRIPTS/CODING Remove (xx Votes) from Poll on right menu to make clearer viewing align the 300x250 ad to the bottom of the page rather the a couple of lines under the content - pile of shite - cant be done FORUMS Reorganise smilies mod - fix it Image uploader - fix it - Is crap so theres no point Gang system - see dedicated topic(s) 2.1 upgrade - and other shop mods n stuff WEBSITE css make font size 1px smaller for news/content Speak to dennis - Didn't need to different colours for each game possibly new headers poll bars to match layout colours? Put "gallery" and "previous" links on POTD Sort POTD gallery by year and month Sort news archive by site, year and month *********************************************************** Strikethrough things on the list when done. I seriously need help with all this. Please NOTE: Anybody who is doing content, please spell and grammar check it, and also you can post it all in this topic if you like
  16. No. It's in slow motion, that's the boats engine you hear.
  17. I want a PS3 and an Xbox 360, I don't care about Nintendo these days, they're rubbish, full of kids games that's all.
  18. If you're on the Rockstar mailing list you will have noticed after the Liberty City Stories announcement there was a small paragraph about the Limited Edition GTA3 Kubrick Sets now available at the Rockstar Warehouse, along with some new apparel. There's only 3000 of these sets worldwide, and the R* Warehouse only has 50, so if you want them you better act quick.
  19. Is everyone else like really hyped up about it now? LOL I'm still laughing at all the funny stuff Rockstar have doen with the sites, it's exactly the sort of thing I would do ROFL
  20. You are 12 hours late. Sorry. Helps if you read the fansites like the one you are on now before you post like this.
  21. Most of you are probably using Firefox 1.0.6 So I'd like you all to upgrade to 1.5 for all the new features it offers. One of my favourites is like IE7, Firefox can open webpages that are supposed to be opened in a new window in a new tab instead, making for even easier browsing. Download Firefox 1.5 beta1
  22. Rockstar just emailed us to say the official site for Liberty City Stories has just been updated with screens and teaser videos. The official site contains "emails" with information on characters and new screens, and also the trailer to feast your eyes on. The game will be released in North America on October 25th. Expect a huge overhaul of LCS content on The GTA Place over the weekend. We've added all the Screenshots to the site. At the official site you can view the trailer in either Windows Media or QuickTime. Tomorrow we'll be updating all our content pages with much more comprehensive stuff. Also check out the hilarious teaser sites at C.U.N.T, AmmuNation.net, PauliesRevue, Lips106 FreeCoq is still not used, neither is bathtubginstill, and NewMarketingReadThis is parked on the AmmuNation site. The official Grand Theft Auto website has also been updated with a nice new shiny flash intro with links to all the GTA games, very nice indeed. Oh and finally, IGN have a little preview with some new screenshots which we'll have for you soon.
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