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Everything posted by Chris

  1. Hmm... this Xbox 360 dashboard update is actually alright

  2. No, the point is to get more people active on these forums. But yes I'd imagine the actual 'interview' would be formspring style. i.e. we'd have a topic where users would ask questions and the interviewee could respond to each one individually. Alternatively we collect questions over a few days and they're asked all at once, this doesn't really encourage posting though.
  3. good night out :D

  4. Chris

    Medal of Honor

    Who the fuck buys these sorts of games for single player anyway? The multiplayer beta was actually quite good I thought. Yes it's pretty annoying not having squads, but like CoD you've got killstreak rewards. I think it's a nice balance between CoD and Battlefield actually.
  5. Kermit, thank you for clarifying your position. But why are you still sexualising everything? You keep bringing sexual activity into this discussion when it's completely irrelevant. Just because someone is gay does not mean they are going to constantly be wanting to fuck other men just because they are surrounded by them all the time. That's extremely retarded thinking. It is possibly for someone to be openly gay and NOT want sexual activity with any particular person around them. Same thing if you're "openly straight" and you go into a line of work predominantly done by females, say nursing for example - does not mean you are sexually attracted to everyone you work with. The point is, WHY is this even a discussion? What does it matter one's sexual orientation is related to his line of work?
  6. Quite an extreme rant there, kermit. Some might say you're overdoing the anti-homosexual vibe a bit - you should be careful, the cynical among us might think you're a closeted homosexual trying to give the impression he is straight... Either that or you're a Republican and/or massive homophobe. In which case I don't think you'll last long here, so enjoy your time here while it lasts
  7. I guess no one else was interested in this then?
  8. Lacuna Coil are awesome live!

  9. Indeed that is quite a cool idea and could be quite interesting, if people ask good questions that is. I would be up for this
  10. caused a pretty decent little fire in the kitchen today :D :D

  11. Finally got round to completing Red Dead Redemption. What an epic game that was!

    1. Damjan


      And i'm still waiting for a PC version.

    2. Ivan


      Yeah man, Rockstar did a really awesome work.

    3. Husky


      I beat that boofoo africa game in 2 days without

      skipping cutscenes

  12. F1 2010 for 360 (I'll acquire the PC version too). MOH and COD I'll be buying on Steam soon.
  13. Managed to lucid dream for a few minutes. Excellent :)

    1. MK47


      Well done dude :D

    2. Ivan


      I wonder if you can have a lucid wet dream.

  14. You're kidding right? You're a PC gamer and you have no idea what Steam is? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steam_(software) Anyway the point is, loads of games are available on Mac now. Thanks to Steam (and Steamworks) games like Half Life 2, Counter Strike: Source, TF2, Portal and (soon) Left 4 Dead 1 and 2 and a shitload of indie games. Even WoW is available on Mac, as well as some EA Games. So yeah basically gaming is now getting a lot more popular on Macs.
  15. Steam must be a completely new concept to you huh?
  16. In Rockstar's latest Asked and Answered Newswire post it was revealed that the classic GTA trilogy (GTA III, Vice City and San Andreas) will at some point be available on Mac, "most likely later this year". Asked if Rockstar were thinking of porting their games to Macs, they responded: So, great news for all Mac owners who are wanting to play the "PC" versions of these great GTA's!
  17. As we mentioned last week, Chinatown Wars HD for Apple's iPad is now available from the App Store priced at £5.99 ($9.99). The game is is identical the iPhone version but includes "enhanced graphics, higher polygon count vehicle and building models, and enhanced lighting and explosion effects that maximize the 1024 by 768 high-resolution touch screen on the iPad." Rockstar have posted some screenshots showing off the game on the Newswire. Direct link: Chinatown Wars HD
  18. Thanks for all the birthday wishes people :)

  19. Chinatown Wars is making its way to Apple's iPad in an upgraded HD version. Straight from the horse's mouth: The game will be priced at $9.99 on the App Store, and will be released on September 9th.
  20. Woo! 50mb broadband ordered :) .... Virgin Media are a bunch of shitheads though...

  21. I have that card, albeit a 1GB version. I have 4GB RAM though and a slightly faster processor, it seems to run fine for me though, on roughly medium settings for everything. Slowdowns occur when I blow tons of shit up but it's fairly smooth apart from that. You already have the latest drivers so all I can suggest is to turn the graphics down. What settings are you using at the moment? And what average fps do you get if you benchmark it (in game)?
  22. At the bottom right of each post (except your own) you'll see two icons, and You can click these if you feel the post is deserving of reputation. Reasons to vote up: Posts that are informative, helpful, for example if someone answered a question for you... or if you find a post witty/funny Reasons to vote down: Any post that breaks the rules really, or is just unhelpful, spam, flaming etc. lulzworthy = worthy of lulz. lulz = lolz. lolz = things that made you lol. So he was saying if a post is lulzworthy (makes you laugh) you could vote it up. Hope that helped. And by the way if it did help, then this would be an example of a post you might give reputation for... of course I'm the admin here so I don't care/need it... but you can if you want
  23. Sounds like you've installed several mods at once. Uninstall each mod one by one until the problem is fixed... then you'll find out which one caused the problem.
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