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Everything posted by Chris

  1. One is in development, yes. It'll probably start off pretty basic. If we start seeing increased usage we'll put more effort into it and make it nicer to use. Still, there's not really too much we can do with it aside from making it more accessible to mobile devices. The "Lo-Fi" skin can be used on the forums. No point making downloads database since people will need to be on their PCs/laptops to use any of them.
  2. Rockstar have announced a whole host of dates for Episodes from Liberty City events, mainly on PlayStation 3 and PC. Further details and specifics for each event will be posted nearer the time.
  3. A title update for the Xbox 360 versions of Grand Theft Auto: Episodes From Liberty City and Grand Theft Auto IV is now available via Xbox LIVE. The update includes the following fixes and changes: You will be prompted to download and install the update when signing into LIVE.
  4. Nope. Obviously back when the game was first released yeah... but as more and more people got it it became easier. So yeah just to clarify, you only have to kill someone who has the achievement, doesn't necessarily have to be a R* dev.
  5. That trophy/achievement is viral so you just have to kill someone who has already got it. Pretty much everyone who's ever played online has it because it spread so quickly.
  6. Following on from the success of the Xbox 360 multiplayer events, Rockstar will be hosting another multiplayer event on Friday, 5th February (tomorrow) from the usual 4PM to 7PM Eastern Time, this time on the PS3. A PC event will be coming up soon, and there will be a whole calendar of events announced next week! So stay tuned for those. Full details of how to get involved in the event can be found on the Rockstar Newswire
  7. See replies from me in this topic regarding the server issues.
  8. We can merge your accounts once we verify they are both yours. Myself or Gerard will look into this later.
  9. Rockstar have released the final set of cheats for the iPhone version of Chinatown Wars. These three are focused on manipulating time. Cheats are spelled out using the magnetized letters on the Mission Replay Board located in any Safe House. You can find the previously released cheats in parts 1 and 2. We will soon add all cheats to a page on the website for your convenience. Source: Rockstar Newswire
  10. Yeah, depends on the level of care they need. If they become disabled in some way, physically or mentally, then they might end up completely dependent on other people. That's a massive commitment and something most simply cannot afford to do. If they just grow old without major problems then yeah it should be easy enough, helping them out when they need it and visiting them when you have time etc. Care homes (at least in the UK) don't exactly have the best reputation, mainly talking about poor living conditions and sometimes dodgy staff. Because of this, if either of my parents becomes somewhat dependant, I will hopefully be in a situation where I can pay for a private carer to look after them in their own home or something, I'm really not keen on having them in actual care homes. It would be impossible to do this myself since I'd have a job and need to be at that etc. So yeah, all depends on the level of care they need. It shouldn't be manadatory though, as Bear mentioned, there's going to be cases where people simply don't like their parent(s) and wouldn't be deserving of the care.
  11. What he said ^ This is better for them than just giving away money because they make a lot back for themselves at the same time. Greed is all it is. Gives them a good public image too so people will like them more and be more likely to buy their stuff in the future.
  12. LOL. Haven't spoken to you for ages, how are you? We'll chat on yahoo some time :)

  13. Ok both of your unread counts should be fixed now. If anyone else is getting told they have unread messages when in fact they don't, post here now with how many it shows and I'll reset it to 0 for you.
  14. I've just ran the query manually for you both to see what results are returned (I haven't read the messages, don't worry). Steam: There are indeed 17 messages that are showing as unread by you. The earliest of these is from December 15th, and the most recent being from yesterday. Could you check your messages on and in between these dates, I presume some must be showing the little "unread" icon. Let me know if everything appears to be read by you, if so I'll just manually set them as read in the database so they don't show up as new. Ryan: Same for you really. 5 messages from between December 27th and January 4th. Let me know if you can't see any messages with an unread icon, and as I said I'd do for Steam, I'll just manually set these to read for you. Anyone else with similar problems let me know.
  15. Chances are you do but they're hidden away somewhere. Perhaps in a sent folder, or drafts or something. I shall look into why this happens though.
  16. OOOH THAT'S DIRRRRTTTYY!!! LOL, I got linked to this when they first put it up. It is pretty funny. Badger Badger Badger is funny too but I think the novelty of that has well worn off now. At least this song has more than 5 different words in it <3 Weebls Stuff though.
  17. Wow that has been a long time haha. Will have a look at that now. Thanks. UPDATE: This has now been fixed. But please let us know if you get an inaccurate count on the homepage.
  18. I prefer females though, so I'm not happy with my current offers.
  19. Yes that is correct. EDIT: Yeah I mean for DLC it is. I presume EFLC disc acts in the same way. It's possible you may need to switch discs or something (PS3)... not sure if it's an 'install disc' or a 'play game' disc. For PC I'd imagine it would simply install them as the DLC is on the 360 and yeah it'll be playable on demand.
  20. Of course it doesn't overwrite anything, that would be stupid. First time you start it up it'll say something like DLC installed would you like to play it. If you choose no you can simply pause GTA IV and select New Game and choose TLAD or TBOGT and go from there. They use a separate autosave slot too.
  21. Not sure, haven't had any issues with ads myself lately. I did have that in the past with another ad and it's some weird Firefox bug that's pretty much impossible to fix, mainly because it's the fault of the ad, rather than anything on our part. We've done as much as we can with CSS styling/positioning to prevent it from happening but some ads just override everything. From April 2010 we will be under a new ad network, rather than UGO, and I'll be in complete control of it, which means I can stop any troublesome ads like that one from showing at all, which will be great. Really? I've had a few minutes downtime twice... The current server: Quad Core Intel Xeon X3220 2.40Ghz 4GB RAM 100Mbit Network Port It's a 32bit OS as well, rather than 64, so we can't even make use of any more RAM. As you can see, the new server we'll be getting is so much better, you can hardly compare them! what the hell i never new this was a United Kingdom founded website Yep, I'm from England In fact a number of the first sites to get big were British founded. GTANet/GTAForums, iGTA (formerly GTA4.tv), and the gone but not forgotten CodenameGTA.
  22. Yet you have Sherman as your avatar. Look Dom, you can only have one of us ok. Please choose just one. I know it's difficult since we're both admins and I'll ban you if you don't choose me, and Sherman might ban you too if you don't choose him. You could be pretty fucked here actually
  23. 2 x Intel Quad Core 2.4GHz E5530 Gainestown i7 CPUs 12Gb DDR3 1333Mhz RAM 2 x 500Gb Drives 3Ware RAID 1000Mbit Network Port (yes, one thousand, makes my 20Mbit internet look like shit ) Fast enough for you?
  24. Actually it sounds exactly like something they would do. We love you Raybob. <3 LOL. No. We never moved there. The MTA server is completely unrelated to TGTAP and isn't very good anyway. TGTAP's current server is actually fairly good and we've been using it for a couple of years now. But it's been having some technical problems lately as has been mentioned already in this topic, tech guys have been optimising Apache and have updated the kernel, but nothing they do seems to be improving. It's still being looked into and if anything changes I'll update this topic. Yes we're all getting annoyed by it, but we will be doing a big server move in the next couple of weeks anyway. I'm bringing TGTAP back home to the UK where it belongs Sorry Americans, but you know, most of our traffic is Europe based (about 60%) so it makes sense for us to host the site in Europe. The server we're getting is many many times more powerful than the current one, so everyone should see a very noticeable increase in speed. We're looking to move with as little downtime as possible, but a topic will be made once we decide on a date for the move outlining what will happen. And in the case of more downtime than expected we'll keep our twitter/facebook pages updated with status reports so you know when we expect to be back.
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