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Everything posted by Chris

  1. Why? Is your penis really dirty or something? Do you have an STI?
  2. Someone log in to his profile and put that as his personal photo and/or avatar? There's a little mod... In the nets for IPB that is Member Snoop. You just enter the members name and get full access, it's wicked to do these things Also. LOLWUT at the topic, I bet Husky's doing this to get the awards. Thing is, the awards are fucking far. I'm pretty sure the ability to edit members is standard in IPB..... Yep, to an extent anyway. Mods can change peoples sigs/avatars/photo etc. so if they upload inappropriate content it can be dealt with without having to get an admin to remove it. One of the mods will confirm this soon when they change Husky's pic I suppose.
  3. LOL do it when the mods are asleep!!1!11 Oh wait...
  4. ITT? Probably. Yeah well there isn't one for girls boobs because only like 3 of you are active so it would end after a few posts
  5. 私はあなたが本当に知っている人です。私は非常に面白い冗談を書くつもりでした。翻訳は、この何て残念だった。残念に思う!

  6. Haha I'd completely forgotten about that. Can't remember who the hell made it but it was so random at the time. I expect an immediate post saying he was obviously joking. Hmm... or a post saying that his time spent not on TGTAP was instead spent experimenting with different pizza types, thin or thick base, stuffed crust or normal, temperature of pizza, which toppings are the best for maximum pleasure etc. I expect a well written report on the advantages and disadvantages of each, a comparison with real sex, plus a conclusion as to which is better based on such conditions as; safety, pleasure, ease, and social impacts.
  7. That's interesting. I'm pretty sure that's already been confirmed as being true, it's just the difference isn't huge like most people think. Most statistics I've skimmed over show the mean averages for black men as larger than that of Caucasians, and conversely, Asians had smaller average size. What I think it is is people afraid of being called racist if they point out differences in races like that. Even though it's fact. Too bad society is FUBAR these days :/ I actually saw a couple of Asian pornos once (really shit, wouldn't recommend unless you have a fetish ) and you could clearly see the guys in it were way smaller than their white or black counterparts. And that's porn, where you'd even expect more well-endowed men. So yeah. Shitty way to argue a point but I just felt like mentioning that I love how this topic has a huge mixture of serious and joke replies, it's pretty funny to read.
  8. Erect. Flaccid length can vary a lot, with things like temperature or if you're just slightly aroused etc. Most people's are well under 6 when flaccid. Probably under 5 actually.
  9. I think it's pretty normal for it to reach your belly button and would mean it's between 6" and 7".
  10. Husky never thought it would get taken this far. This is brilliant. I love the internet.
  11. Alright I've now split this topic. Pizza related intercourse posts are now at http://www.thegtaplace.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=23607 Please keep this thread to serious discussion about the loss of virginity now. Thanks.
  12. Topic split from one which was in Serious Chat - obviously not where this belongs Husky's original post remains here. Quoted below. You may now continue discussion of this here.
  13. I think I'll split this topic, not really fair on OP when he started this as a serious topic, which it should be. EDIT: Fuck. All the serious replies are mixed in with Pizza-related ones. Oh well. Continue.
  14. For being a complete dick to a new member, and well, he's got off lightly a couple of times in the past so it's amounted up to a suspension.
  15. He was probably trying to be cool and imitate the infamous pie-fucking scene from American Pie but his mum hadn't baked a pie so he decided a pizza is fine too. He then proceeded to do the act and kept quiet about it for some time. Until a couple of days ago where he decided to post about it on an internet forum "as a joke", but everyone knows he was being serious and are gonna show his parents the post so they can laugh at their son etc. Husky was suspended last night btw, so he can't even edit out his posts.
  16. Oh yeah shit I was just thinking we've missed an excellent opportunity for some sort of knobcheese joke at Husky's expense. Never mind.
  17. Yes we do indeed, it's vital to our survival. If we know someone has a small penis we immediately exclude them from the community and they are forced to hang out with other small-penised-men and live in inferior conditions.
  18. Chris

    Best game OST?

    GTA Vice City (and SA was good too) All the NFS games All the Burnout games All the MGS games
  19. Awesome I just realised this is in the fun and off topic section. Most of us took a serious view of this anyway which is strange. Continue reporting your penis sizes guys. Remember we're all gay (apart from me and Sherman) on this forum and we love this kind of discussion, it's what sets us apart from the other GTA sites.
  20. A Scandinavian is offended/surprised by talk of penises! You appear to have the wrong mentality for someone from your country. Unless the stereotype has changed for the worse and I wasn't informed, you guys are supposed to be really open and stuff you know.
  21. If you mean what I think you mean then you are correct. Well here's a diagram, can't believe I actually searched for this... Supposedly the average is 5.1" - 5.9", which is almost a whole inch difference, so let's half it and say 5.5" is the average. I expected it to be 6", so you can imagine my delight when I found mine was bigger than that quite some years ago But seriously, there must be a shitload of men out there with small penises bringing the average down. That or they purposely report lower averages to boost our confidence or some shit. Which is weird because if your penis is too big then a lot of women will find it painful if you fully insert, so I've heard. So that's a big epic fail right there. That or you're all a bunch of fucking liars. If you are actually lying btw, who the hell are you trying to impress? If women then you're an idiot because there's only about 5 here, if gay men then you're an idiot because there's only about 5 here.
  22. You are 16 years old and have a 7 inch penis? Ha. Do you guys even know where you're supposed to measure from?
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