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Everything posted by Chris

  1. Normally I wouldn't have done but you said you were a fanboy yet didn't even know Arnie wasn't in it :/
  2. MIIISSSHHHOOO, cuzzin, it's your cuzzin. Want to go see some big American titties!?

    Great. Pick me up in 1 hour.

  3. My place or yours? Or somewhere neutral? A nice park perhaps?

  4. Awesome, 3 pages already. Look how lonely we all are! That makes two of us Wow. The only 2 people I knew for a fact were married both post within a couple of hours of each other. draftermatt where you been? Haven't seen you around for a while.
  5. You're an idiot. Of course it's not him. You do realise he's a governor now right? Like he has actual politics shit to do, he doesn't still do acting, just minor cameos here and there. A possible cameo is his only talked about part in TS. Also, why would the film NOT have a terminator in it? Do you realise what you just said? Have you even watched the trailers, or even read the title of the film? You can SEE terminators shooting shit. I swear people on this forum get more and more retarded everyday. Damn. Anyway, yes, James Cameron. Awesome. The film should be totally awesome because also it has Christian Bale as John Connor I thought those were terminators. It looks like a whole machine anyway rather than humans riding them.
  6. Actually Opera is one of the better browsers for JavaScript handling, should be fine with whatever you use except IE6 really. Anyway I've never had this happen so I've no idea how to fix. Not worth doing now since we're waiting for IPB3.
  7. Single. BTW you made this a multiple choice poll. It's fine, though you can always count on some cretin coming along and choosing every option :/
  8. Sort of in the wrong forum but I guess it fits. No, it's just saying where he comes from. For example if he was Chinese, he'd say "You're a Chinese piece of shit"... he's just saying it to emphasise his dislike by inferring all people from his region are the same. The Polak thing is an insult however. It's a great example of typical Western ignorance. They can't tell the subtle differences in accents from countries in Eastern Europe, so they just assume he's Polish (one of the biggest countries there so it's understandable) and call him that.
  9. Modders in the community will be happy to know that texture file editing has now been made possible with the latest update aru has made to his excellent SparkIV tool. This latest update also includes the following features and fixes: You can Download SparkIV here which will take you to the GTAF thread (download link in first post). The other major tool we've been covering is OpenIV, also currently in beta stages. That program also underwent a small update today to fix a few bugs and add a couple of new features: You can Download OpenIV here. It's great to see development in both tools progressing so well. As these tools get bigger and better we'll hopefully see some very interesting mods very soon.
  10. I masturbated towards the end of it ahem.. yes, ice cream...it was like... yeah i couldn't eat... for a while... either... yeah me too...
  11. I'm struggling to believe there are still people who haven't seen it! Well done watching it all though.
  12. Looks alright actually, as I've said before: AFL is like a pussy version of Rugby, but also like a hardcore version of NFL. i.e. they're not fucking massive fuckers that try to kill each other, but they also don't wear a fuck ton of armor and padding.
  13. Guess I need to choose from these 6: BTW, anyone who's posted more than 3, can you please make it clear in your post which ones you want entered, otherwise I'll just take the first 3. Thanks.
  14. Well if you've done all the main missions, go through our 100% checklist starting from the side missions to see if there were any you've missed. Probably quite a lot considering you've only completed just over half of all that. You didn't mention pigeons for example.
  15. I knew this would happen as soon as I posted. There's a topic somewhere else for posting your specs, we don't really want that in here. Just pictures of the setup on your desk etc. Thanks.
  16. Ok but I don't think we're really gonna be using this system any more, at least not in the same way. So it'll be kinda pointless.
  17. Anyone figure out how to sync them up? I redid an achievement and it added it to my gamescore. But I mean some I can't exactly do again unless I start a new game. For example I just got the achievement for unlocking guns from Little Jacob. I thought syncing would have been even better on GFWL than it is on the 360 :/
  18. 6 minutes, 300MB? Unless that's 1080p resolution with an impressive quality codec, you're doing something horrendously wrong. Just use the DivX codec like normal people, and no more than 720p resolution since YouTube can't handle any higher anyway.
  19. Ah right well yeah, just use it to manage your mods, and close it down before launching the game in future
  20. Well it does, obviously, they're all made up of loads of little square texture files though, so that only the ones needed to be viewed have to be loaded. Saves loading time and such. The ones making up GTA IV's map are all 512x512 squares.
  21. I passed this on to Gunner who said he'll look into it. I don't think it's too much of an issue though, it's not like you'd keep the program running while playing GTA IV.
  22. In my last news post regarding the state of the GTA IV modding scene I talked about various tools currently in development by members of the community. Today we have another to add to the list. I mentioned OpenIV in the first mod round-up here, and since then it has gone through a number of versions in closed beta testing. Today they have just released the first public beta version of 0.8, and the tool is now a very powerful piece of software, and is comparable to SparkIV for those of you who have already used that. OpenIV's already extensive feature list includes the following (download links at end of post): Large GTA IV map On a slightly related note, yesterday I used SparkIV to extract all of the radar images from texture files. I then pieced these together (all 63 of them!) in Photoshop to create a very high resolution map of GTA IV's Liberty City. The map measures 5632x4096 and is around 1.9MB in lossless PNG format. Those on slower connections might want to view a medium sized version I created, that's 2048x1489 and just over 1MB. View the full map or the medium sized version. In time we'll be adding various items of interest to the map, pigeons, jumps, weapons etc. So stay tuned for updates on those, or keep an eye on our GTA IV maps page. Links Download OpenIV Download SparkIV
  23. I would but wherever I am looks shit, but I do have all the stuff necessary for a good setup. Except a nice desk and a bigger room. My room at home has a big old desk my Dad used to use and it's old/dirty/too big etc and also has my Mum's computer on it which is a pain. My room in Stafford where I'm at for most of the year except Summer and Holidays is small, and has a shitty desk. But as I said, I have the equipment so I'll list it here, you just imagine I'm in a mansion with a huge room with all this stuff arranged in a nice manner and that'll be my pic. 26" Samsung TV 20" Samsung Monitor Gaming PC Xbox 360 and accessories (could also include my PS2 and SNES for the lulz but I wouldn't have them out unless I had a shit ton of room for them) Logitech 5.1 surround sound Logitech wireless keyboard/mouse MacBook 13" Nice comfy leather office chair Yours looks awesome btw, very nice setup indeed!
  24. I couldn't be bothered to take my cards out my wallet in case one of you tools tries to steal my identity But no all there is is my provisional driver's license, bank Debit card and some other useless shit. I took my cash out though to give the impression I'm rich when I'm not Also this isn't actually my desk, so don't ask what all those ambiguous stains are. I don't know.
  25. God knows how that happened. Fixed it now, thanks for letting us know.
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