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Everything posted by insane_pyro28

  1. dude for the last damn time, just put your name in your actual signature dumass...
  2. I also wanna see Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. that show got some damn good reviews! on Movies.com it got 17 positive reviews and like 1 in-between But the real movie I'm waiting for this year is The Day After Tomorrow
  3. no I think the problem with Frogger is you only get one point when you beat the whole level, every target counts for the whole point. I managed to get one target , that game suxxs ass Also another problem I have seen is on Mars Rover or whatever it's called...the screen on the game is freakin huge! you have to scroll up and down just to see the whole screen...
  4. man school is annoying, it needs to hurry up and end... I hate numbers, theres like too many of them
  5. If I wanna get music I'll just search on Kazaa Lite Ressurection
  6. uh...no, no I can't say I do... I might go to that place Skyline was talking about too though, they do that game design and computer stuff right?
  7. that poker game is retarded, it doesn't even give you instructions if you didn't already know how to play...
  8. that game is pretty hard. The Simpsons is "bad" Flash Poker is the gayest Punch the Monkey has just plain issues, does that game ever end? I just stopped playing at level 24 Chris IMO you should get rid of a bunch of games, like the gay ones (most of all that gay rip-off Frogger game) I think the only ones we should keep are... Space Invaders A-Ski Asteroids Star Wars Shooter Punch the Monkey Pac-Man Hexagon Targets and thats about all P.s. We need to get some games like Galaga and Galaxian
  9. I voted the first one (something about fools riding horses?) because I like the name... I've never seen or heard of any of these shows.
  10. gay l33t piece of crap n00b language
  11. Pretty cool, pretty cool Can u try making like a better one or something?
  12. oh you're right I meant a 2.6 oops my bad
  13. I only have one sim which is me... If I make another sim it's gonna be a robot/bear need IIIIII say more?... and his name might be doorhandle or something...
  14. well I still think it looks cool... ...and no I'm not gay
  15. ain't nobody gonna beat me in Asteroids or Space Invaders so...
  16. okay your right I give it a 3.4/10
  17. it only took me about 2 hours to download it
  18. uh...yes?...no?...maybe?...scrambled eggs? Am I the only one here who thinks their original logo looks kinda cool? I've seen a bunch of their logos and I cant remember all of them but I know the St. Patrick's Day isn'y my favorite one...
  19. dude that's not google's best logo believe me, they have a different logo for every single holiday and every special event. I have google as my homepage, I've seen hundreds of different logos
  20. Actually it was really good, I just saw it last night twice. It's pretty funny, you should watch it
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