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Everything posted by steveplayer

  1. We forgive you. Forgive me for what? Enough with the smilies, they lose there impact if you use them IN EVERY post. It's also fucking annoying.
  2. LOL, I see that car and I think Borat for some reason
  3. Whenever I see a topic started by you I expect Epic Failure. I haven't been disappointed yet. Back on topic:
  4. Yo man, I remember you from the WH! You coming back anytime?

  5. You do know this means end whatever was in front of it..? So yes, you are a retard.
  6. People who go on about how fucking awesome their heritage country is but have probably never been there, and who have lived in one of the most multicultural and welcoming countries in the world and bitch like this. IF YOU DON"T LIKE THE PLACE FUCK OFF AND GO HAVE A FAP ABOUT SAID HERITAGE COUNTRY!! First of all Gaelic football is a product of Ireland, so of course they are going to be better than everyone else at it. Second, if I remember correctly, the game was pretty fucking close for a team who has never really played the game. Thirdly, AFL is nothing like Rugby. Before you go around making stupid comments, try watching both games and note to yourself the only real similarities are the shape of the ball, and even then the balls are fairly different. [/rant]
  7. steveplayer

    Killzone 2

    It's available on the EU PSN store. So if you have a US, Aus, HK, JP or any other PSN account you will have to create a EU one. That's what I had to do. That being said, after playing the demo, I liked it but I have abit of a gripe with the gameplay. It feels laggy to me. I was expecting better character movement but ti feels slow IMO.
  8. What is up, my like minded individual?

  9. Indeed I could. But let's see what he does next.... *Observes*
  10. Ohhh, that's why my Grandma got mad about you beating her in a test...... No, that's why your Grandma liked it the other night when I did that thing your Grandad doesn't know about........ Ooo, I thought of another one; Yeah, the AIDS test See, I can make irrelevant, idiotic posts too. What that 'With age comes wisdom and knowledge' post was pointing out was that when you grow up to the point when your balls have finally dropped and you get your big boy hair, from then on you will have more life experience and be able to talk about the stuff in your OP with the 'wisdom and knowledge' to back up your statements. Lets see if you take Harwood's advice and ignore the urge to try and reply to this post.
  11. With age comes wisdom and knowledge my young apprentice.
  12. Why is it necessary to keep this topic open...?
  13. And I yours. I keep clicking 5 stars but it doesn't go any higher than 4 :(

  14. Well yeah, he's a great speaker. But can he hold his word((protip: No president really has yet )) But guess what the good news is!!??!?? 20 cent tacos at Taco Bell today!!! FUCK YEAH SCORE!!!! That's exactly what I've been trying to tell everyone...about Obama...not the tacos. All he's done so far is what the other 43 have done...become president. I didn't like any of our choices for president; the choices are usually shit anyways. So I'm not expecting much from Obama...that way I don't get pissed off like everyone did during Bush's presidency if Obama ends up messing up. EDIT: Remember, in almost every movie where there was a black president...the world almost comes to an end. But then again, those are just movies. Don't forget 24, from what I remember they had 2 or 3 black presidents in a row. (Haven't watched it for ages, so don't hold me to that)
  15. I should be getting myself this game. Whether or not I pre order it is the question To go down the same track as Don, who here is gettin Tom Clancy's HAWX? This game looks awesome in all the IGN videos. I just hope it isn't like Endwar, where the videos make it look sweet, but the actual game play and graphics are mediocre.
  16. Major bumpage to explain to us how you go about making your ghetto silencers...
  17. It can't possibly be that big. Stop the download and start again, if that doesn't fix it, the problem may be your connection. Other than that I don't know what else may help.
  18. I've seen the movie, you are not funny.
  19. Looks like a re badged Vista to me. I like that they give you a choice of themes though. It's interesting, I'll keep a look out for it. Thanks for the link, first I've heard of it!
  20. Watch the movie Antz. It proves that ants use mining tools to build their tunnels, wage war against termites and congregate in bars and complain about their lives.
  21. A mate of mine has it and says it's pretty cool.
  22. I love you man! <3

  23. Technically, "the invisible man" is not offensive rather the truth. If the truth was 1+1=2, then it wouldn't be offensive to call 1+1=3 bullshit. You can't be offensive if it is not actually real. Please don't make me argue how it all ain't real. Unless providing proven evidence don't bother posting. Take your own advice. Unless you can provide to me proven evidence that God doesn't exist than don't bother posting yourself. "The Invisible Man" is offensive to people who have faith. Don't bring up the over used argument you've been regurgitating about, "Science has proved the Earth is older than 5 000 years old, therefore God is fake." The Bible, more so the Old Testament, is a series of stories explaining the divinity and power of God. Taking it literally is like believing wolves can really wear your Nan's clothes and use seductive measures to try to eat you. I believe in God, in a higher power. I believe in all the science stuff also. Have any of you "Religion bashers" sat down without your cynicism and thought, "Science may be the answer to how we are here but not why? That's my view on everything. Supposedly the Big Bang is how everything started. But before then, there was absolute nothing. How can an explosion appear from nothing without something or someone to give it a hand? Lets bring the argument back a bit closer to our solar system. You're telling me that "it's just one of those things" that Earth is like it is? That there couldn't have been a higher power behind it all seeing as Earth is the perfect distance away from the sun. Isn't too hot or too cold, perfect conditions to sustain life, while every other planetary body in the system is pretty much uninhabitable (for now). Don't bring up the argument of "If God is real, why does he sit around watching the world go the way it is". God isn't intervening because, as has been said before, our lives on Earth are a test of our faith and humanity. It's a test to see if we can have faith through all the shit that's going on and still persevere through the tough times. God watching us and doing nothing, the same argument you use could be put on ourselves. Wildlife documentary filmmakers, those Animal lovers are the same as you're cynical view on God. They love animals, as God loves us, but they sit there on their thumbs whilst watching innocent animals being slaughtered by one another. Watching innocent gazelle being orphaned in front of their eyes and they do nothing. Toonskull has said it best. I can't convince you or prove to you that God exists, but you can't prove to me he doesn't. To be definitively sure God doesn't exist you yourself would have to be God, the Atheistic paradox.
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