Are you that conceded? You think because you're Atheist you're better than me? You come into this topic all the time and basically say everyone is equal and no one is better than anyone else.
@ Spaz: No, it shouldn't be an issue to begin with, just like racism and interracial marriage 50 years ago. But what I meant with it being on the ballot is at least they are trying to do something about it.
I never once said I was better than you, I'm just saying that Atheists have no flaws compared to christians, being that they do not kill people because a book 'confuses them enough to make them kill people'.
And of course I don't think everyone is equal, but I don't see myself very high in the list of people who are good, but yeah, I actually never even said that once, you just assumed that because I'm not a gay basher.
No. Once again you are completely oversimplifying the situation. 'The book doesn't confuse them' into killing people. They don't feel confused, you assume they are confused because they see it differently than you do. They are twisting the words around to fit their own agendas, they aren't confused about it.
You keep putting your foot in your mouth. You keep implying that you think you're better than me because you are Atheist and I am Christian. For one, it is hardly if ever the Christians warping the words of the Bible so that they feel comfortable going out into a crowded street or cafe and homicide bomb everyone in sight. Whether or not you 'directly' said you are better than me, saying Atheists have no flaws and Christians do is implying you think Atheists are perfect and better than Christians. Something without flaws, is considered perfect. By no means, is Atheism perfect.
I assume you thought everyone was equal because you come in here saying gays should have the same rights as straight couples to get married. Implying that you feel there is no difference between gay and straight, that they should have equal rights to marry and adopt like straight couples. That is you projecting that you feel they are equal, that the only difference is who they are attracted to.
For someone who accuses Christians of thinking they are better than everyone else, you are just going to show that no matter what your belief, you always think your own is better than the others.