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Everything posted by Pandora

  1. RMB the drive at my computer. I think there's an option there for auto-play.
  2. It's still cheating actually.. But just doesn't get counted in the game as cheating. Guess what? TRAINERS! Get them in TGTAP's download database.
  3. Wii sports FTW! hint, hint.
  4. Haven't posted in this thread for a loooong time. Anyway, I'm getting ready for vacation ATM. Packing in my stuff and all those type of things. And trying to finish a little map before I leave or Chris will get mad at me or something..
  5. Woops, forgot. Sorry. I found quite some, but most of them have speakers built in to it. So would you want it with or without speakers? But here's another. It's a 1600x1200 monitor (can't really find 1600 by 1400). Acer TFT AL2023 20 Inch, 8 Ms, 2 Speakers. Silver/Black color. Small pic..:
  6. You still didn't say why XP is 'crap'. If you make a statement it should be backed up with arguments. Cause IMO XP is (one of) the best OS ever made.
  7. Right, so I've got a Wii (duh). I'm not sure about getting any other console, but if I do it's going to be the 360. Will wait for the price to drop first though.
  8. So you need any more suggestions or will you do with that?
  9. You got to do it when it's about half way into the circle if I remember right. Was a pain in the ass, even for me
  10. Uh, yeah. Well most movies you only see once.. Or at maximum once a year. That's why I never have had the need to buy them. Though renting is good. And how is 7.50 EUR more expensive then 500 EUR? You're not going to whatch like a 100 movies are you?
  11. Banned together with me for arguing.
  12. IMO Casino Royal was kind of a let down... Expected far more. But that's not the point. I have to agree. In general Sony is a good company and I myself have got loads of Sony stuff at home. Just think they failed with their ps3.. And the customer doesn't have to buy anything. The company's adapt to the customer, not the other way around. I'm not going to spend like 500 EUR on some stupid Blu-Ray player when I just can watch the movie in the Cinema, much more fun their anyway.
  13. 4800. Loosing posting 'speed' actually...
  14. Banned for not spamming anymore.
  15. Here we have the number system. So what does C equal?
  16. Pandora


    Why are you then even posting here dude? Just a update, I've done 65 of the 100 now.
  17. Scans or GTFO Has my mom ever seen me looking at porn? No, luckily not. Just add 2 and 2 together y'know..
  18. You know Silb, your gramma and stuff have greatly improved the last couple of months Anyway +1.. Guess I lost the bet
  19. 0? lol Seriously dude. Just normal member is enough. And what are the really big benefits of being a (super)mod anyway? You just take up responsibility's and have a bit more say on how everything is done. You've got your own forum, have fun there with mod ability's.
  20. Didn't watch the vids, but IMO San Andreas stunting is/was better. In Vice City the handling is very light and unrealistic. Fun, but yeah, unrealistic.
  21. Though I'm not Sky (BTW, Sky doesn't make anyone a mod. Chris does) name 3 reasons why you would have to be made a (super)mod? P.S. Oh, and just cause one would have a IBPfree forum isn't a reason.
  22. Rofl, I hated that guy in the original. In Melee he's ok. And they made Ganondorf to slow IMO. Uh, like, What the hell? If people can't or don't want to spend that much money on a player and are fine with sticking to DVD then no matter how much companies support Blu-Ray it won't be sold all that well. And are you implying that one is better of buying a ps3 instead of a 360 just cause you get some free Blu-Ray movie with it when you might not even like/want it or already have seen the movie? 7.50 EUR for theaters. Saves you lots of money.
  23. So you want me to do both? I can, but I won't have it before tomorrow.
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