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Everything posted by Jared

  1. Hehe, yeah, seems I am a little bit younger then you :P.

  2. Holy christ, that is out of this world. Nice connection mate .
  3. I like the last one, great angle. chris82, nice skin mate.
  4. I like them, the last one is a little two dark however, and the text in all 3 is a little to dark. But apart from that, there not to bad. What did you make them with out of interest?
  5. You'll have to reinstall it. I would give you a backup, but I'm not on my primary PC with SA installed currently. So a reinstall would be best mate.
  6. Well each GTA had some degree of gang related story line. San Andreas just had a lot more beefed up version, it wasn't to bad, and I definetly didn't hate it. By the way gta-connor, I fixed your post, you have "hy" instead or "why" .
  7. But they do only actually get 7 to 10 people that actually go. Thats nothing, really. Thanks .
  8. C Blood, the quality of yours a very good, I like them .
  9. Sad to see you go, I always saw you as one of the best guys here when I first joined, your a great guy, good luck in your future ambitions friend.
  10. Because I think it will take off, if so it could be a replacement for the out-of-date duplicated of itself. If not it will be unpinned. This is a trial.
  11. I think that was meant to be the point of the game. You didn't try any missions? I loved the game myself, very well developed and fun.
  12. The visitor font however needs to be used with a small font remember, the smaller the better.
  13. Not bad, you need to get the correct font though --> Visitor. Its the one widely used in Userbars.
  14. It's fine, I haven't seen one of your posts that have been any smaller then several lines yet.
  15. New and already your on your way to being on the highest post count list. Welcome to you too connor. It's an honor to finally meet the guy filling the forums with great posts and on his first few days
  16. I'd say thats a given yes, maybe even so there may be more exclusive content for the PS3 we just don't know about yet. While it could be possible, i wouldn't say it's a given yes. It's possible. Well yeah, your right. I apologizes, I sometimes talk like I know for certain when, of course I don't.
  17. Wow, that is damn fast. Wish I lived where you live. Whats your ISP package cost you?
  18. I'd say thats a given yes, maybe even so there may be more exclusive content for the PS3 we just don't know about yet.
  19. BoWzER - I fixed your image, you don't need HTML, use BBCode . Also, I have moved, pinned and edited the topic title of this topic. Theres another topic similar to this already running, but it's a little out of date, so we will use this for the moment.
  20. Yours is about the same as mine, only a little better in some fields.
  21. I can't even access The GTA Place at school, so I wouldn't know . Chris, is this normal with IPB 2's or is it just happening with out copy? EDIT: Oh, and by the way, I had this problem the other day when my internet was slow. And I was using Firefox. :/
  22. Its because customized cars contain a lot more polly's then the default games ones. Meaning the game can get sluggish.
  23. Yes, but you have to understand the English Language is like that, miss out something even as small as a comma and the whole sentence can be out of whack.
  24. I like the second island (the big one I mean) the best, just has a nice feel about it.
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