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Everything posted by chris82

  1. Excrement is naturally degraded and used, it's part of the cycle of life.
  2. What do you mean what does it have to do with anything? You're saying that these sins are "flaws"...Microsoft's 360 has flaws... You understand now? Why do you always assume that we're going to fight about something? It's only a fight if you intend it to be and as for me, I don't intend to fight with you about anything. You just assume things, which is one of the things wrong with today's youth. I didn't say the sins were flaws, I said that, according to Christianity, sins can't be created by man...only God can do that. Everything has its flaws, Microsoft's flaws just happen to be Vista and some defective Xbox 360s. Well because when it comes to this subject we always seem to. There's nothing wrong with guessing what will happen based on past experiences. What's wrong with today's youth isn't them assuming things...it's the adults and people in charge imposing all this politically correct, "It's not okay to spank your kid if he fucks up," "He gets bad grades because he has A.D.D., let's load him up with pills" shit. Oh and who are you calling "youth," you're a youth yourself, I'm only three years your junior. For what's wrong with your religion, see here, here, and here for a more recent example. Also this is another website which I LOL'd at. Also, enjoy not eating meat on Friday for no reason! EDIT: As for Christianity as a whole, this is all that needs to be said
  3. What does that have to do with anything? It's a really bad analogy. But seriously, I'm not about going to start a bitchfest or flame you...but I will, however, state true facts about your religion.
  4. What? Please restate your problem clearly.
  5. OH GOD THE PEOPLE THAT RUN ONE OF THE MOST CORRUPT, VIOLENT, MURDERING ORGANIZATIONS THAT JUST HAPPENS TO BE A RELIGIOUS ORGANIZATION (which is TOTALLY uncommon) IS TELLING ME WHAT I CAN AND CAN'T DO BASED ON BLIND FAITH AND NO PROOF OF ANYTHING. That's only been happening for about 2008 years now. The Vatican's just butthurt because soon you'll be able clone humans which, IIRC, Christians say is impossible. God forbid diseases be cured and people helped by gene manipulation. For that matter, you can't "add" sins. The only 'sins' are the ones in the Bible. Hence why Catholicism is bullshit.
  6. CS3 and I believe several earlier versions will "snap" align the layer for you if you move it around in an image.
  7. Aaah Freewebs is AIDS. InuYasha is the only one I've seen and continually watched, I just don't watch that much TV but anime is nice, it's just unfortunate that all anime that comes into the US is edited to fuck.
  8. 8 or 9ish I played GTA2, then VC, then III, then played through them all since then.
  9. The Sims was a pretty good series, it's always fun putting someone in the pool and then taking away the ladder. Why would you play it on the console though? RTS games are pretty much a PC genre.
  10. Why, that'll just make people spam and post-whore to get money.
  11. Lol, there's no way that's from Rockstar, "informations?" It's also not unusual for owners of fansites to receive gifts. Plus the address at the top says Take2, Rockstar has their own office, it it was from Rockstar as the letter claims and carries the Rockstar logo like the letter does, it would be addressed from Rockstar, not Take2. /thread EDIT: Oh and I lol'd at this, pretty good shop:
  12. Hm, you could leave it at that for posters in the topic but raise it to like 50+ for the topic starter.
  13. This has been known for a while, and it will actually run at 60fps being that that's what 720p/1080p output at.
  14. I preordered the 360 special edition from the GameStop nearby. Hopefully they'll do it like they did with SA where they put it out at 7pm the night before...that was fuckin tits. But I can't play the game as soon as I get it. I have to attach other keys to the keychain, put things in the safety deposit box, listen to the CD, read the book, smell the manual, read the manual, insert the disk and then play.
  15. He's right, a demo with a series like GTA is really hard to do...
  16. Must...not...flame.... You don't know what you're talking about, stop saying things like this. It does look like snow to me in that screenshot but then again it could also very well be stars...we'll have to see. But I'm pretty sure Rockstar said a while back it was set in October 2007 and then they said it was set in May 2008. So unless they went in and changed everything, I'm pretty sure there will be seasons.
  17. There's still news to report on, corporate happenings with T2/R*, announcements regarding the PC version of GTAIV, big mods coming out, and the forums are still active between releases, GTA isn't the only subject discussed here.
  18. People were warned months in advance of how much money MS paid Rockstar and how it would be exclusive to 360. And they still bought PS3s. If you want the content, get a 360. Simple as that.
  19. Yes but Intel's shit wasn't true quad-core because it shared the cache, etc...AMD is great value for the money and are great overclockers. Intel's new lines are great at overclocking too but stay away from anything with the word "Pentium" in it...P4/Celeron are absolute shit.
  20. Earlier this month, a Swedish gaming magazine called Level obtained a hands-on preview of GTA IV. Several new details about the game were revealed: Brucie is located in the Broker docks in an abandoned warehouse. He pays Niko to kill a specific person. Niko goes to the targets house, but somehow the target manages to escape through a back door. After a long car chase, Niko does a drive-by on the target who tried to escape on foot. When Brucie calls after the assassination, he screams: "You're the man!" Keeping friends is very important. If Niko shows up on time for meetings, run errands and help his friends, he will get taxi service (what this means is not explained), a free helicopter and guns delivered to his home. If you can't make it to a meeting, you should call whomever you where supposed to meet, and tell that person you won't be able to meet him or her just now. Enemy health is indicated by a circle above the head. The massive weight of a car is something you really feel. Cars behave much more realistic than in previous games. There is a car named Contender. There is a place where you can rent helicopters. When Niko gets there, a man in a yellow jacket approaches him, and asks if he wants to view the city from above. Instead of replying nicely, Niko blows the guys brains out, and steals a helicopter. The Rockstar Games representatives told the previewer the following: "Congratulations! You're the first of all journalists to fly a helicopter in GTA IV! We actually never thought that any of you would come up with the idea to do that!" According to the previewer, you can fly the helicopter very high above Liberty City. The last thing the previewer did was to land the helicopter on top of the GetaLife building, stand on the 'G' in GetaLife, and snipe people on the ground. Thanks, GTA Don Source: Planet GTA
  21. That Core2 is much faster. I don't "like" Intel but that processor will have much better performance than the other one you listed. Then again, Core2s can't really compare to the x2s since they're different generation processors. AMD equivalent = Phenom
  22. Just build an entirely new PC, I doubt you'll even see a better framerate with the Pentium 4, if you're looking for maximum settings you'll need a better processor. It has nothing to do with how much free space you have on your hard drive. Also be sure that your motherboard's CPU slot is the same as the P4's. I'm guessing they're both LGA775 but if your motherboard's isn't, you'll need a new motherboard for the processor...then you'll need a new CPU cooler and thermal paste, etc...
  23. You're not funny, seriously, I should ban you for this shit, GTFO.
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