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Everything posted by chris82

  1. Sauce on this? True, just pointing it out. Link to benchmarks of this statement? You can't say "ATi cards just suck in some games" without backing it up. Really? Well here's another one from a more well-known source. The cards are very close but the 3870 edges out the 9600 ever so slightly on some occasions. and vice versa is true in certain situations...notably with Anti-Aliasing turned on, which is AMD's fault but whenever they want to fix that problem...
  2. Yes, that's funny about the IV storyline ending, Also
  3. lol nVidia That chart is misleading...what game is being benchmarked and what are the other specifications...the CPU, the RAM, the hard drive, the driver versions, etc...and under what settings. For me, nVidia cards have been the epitome of AIDS and overheating, it's pig disgusting. Anyway, that chart also lies, 9600 GT and 3870, 3870 is cheaper but the opposite is shown on the chart. The cheaper 3870 also has faster memory (GDDR4), more stream processors, and a higher core clock. Also, how in the dick is the 9600 GT that much higher on the chart than the 3870? In that benchmark comparison, the competition is about even with the 3870 winning in some situations and the 9600 GT overcoming in others, however, the final result I linked to shows the 3870 was slightly faster on average. Research and sauce, children.
  4. England...Great Britain...The United Kingdom...Holland...The Netherlands...Germany...Deutschland...stop with the different names! Well I suppose you'd say it would be Scotland's loss.
  5. You most likely switched positions of the 360 while a game was in, never do that. It's best to keep it horizontal as said above.
  6. Have fun getting hacked then. Seriously, I have a great software firewall called "Outpost," it tells me whenever it blocks random attacks and there are a few per day. If you're doing anything on the Internet, especially being that you use IE, you need a firewall.
  7. There's random characters you can do missions for on the streets, look around. There's also the stunt jumps, pidgins, and other random occurances. How? There are many different buildings you can go into, such as bowling alleys, clubs, gun stores, and random buildings too. And lol wut at you saying the only features from San Andreas that returned are eating, swimming, and dating. I'm pretty sure that climbing walls, advanced targeting (seeing your enemy's health), buying clothes, etc...were all features introduced in San Andreas that made it over. And if by "the swimming in gta4 is bad," you mean "you can't dive underwater like in San Andreas," that's because the ratio of land to water in Liberty City is pretty high, there's no need to be able to dive. The same people who have picked the soundtrack for every other GTA game: Lazlow and Craig Connor. Yes, most current music sucks. That's what you have to deal with. But there are many good songs, IMO, especially on Liberty Rock, Radio Broker, Electrochoc, The Journey...pretty much every radio station is at least tolerable. But seriously, Steveie Nicks? Heart? Joe Walsh? Those are all artists featured on Liberty Rock Radio and the songs by them are all damn good too. Use the handbrake and you'll be fine. Yes it is pretty different and I agree that the breaks are far too weak and the bike handling especially needs work but if you slow down and think ahead, you won't spin out, especially in the nicer cars. No, he was betrayed when he was fighting in the war in his home country, so he was trying to find the man who betrayed him. Roman's debt is really more of a side-story that doesn't dramatically affect the game, although there are missions that revolve around this. I do agree, I would have really liked to see the minigun, the homing rocket launcher, the flamethrower, and more melee (Firefox has a spell-checker) weapons. Would take about 5 seconds to fly over in a plane and cops don't really use bikes in NYC IIRC. However, I would have liked to see bicycles too.
  8. True, but the PS3 version of the next GTA game will possibly look better because they are going to eventually run out of the space available on DVD9s, so yeah... Compressed textures = not needed on a Blu-Ray disk
  9. lol Niko said that almost word for word at some point in IV you douche. Go to X's place (although it should work in any safehouse after you complete the mission) and cycle through the outfits until you get it.
  10. Then, later... wat? Xbox 360 doesn't doesn't sell well in Japan because it's not what the Japanese have traditionally preferred in a console; the PS2 was preferred to the Xbox because it was smaller and had a larger quantity of better games. Also, that link I provided shows worldwide sales for all three consoles, which also shows the Wii beating both, with the Xbox 360 in 2nd place. That's all. For the record, just because Urban mentioned sales in the Japanese market in the first place doesn't make him a fanboy. I hope you're not insinuating with all this that I don't like the Xbox 360, because I DO have one and it's been extremely reliable, at least for me.
  11. Yes, because numbers lie, it's not like the Wii has outsold both of them worldwide or the fact that the 360 has sold more than PS3 worldwide and in the US. If you're going to say something and you want to make it appear factual, back it up with data and statistics. Right, we're more likely to buy something made in China because it's cheaper.
  12. Nah, MS paid $50 million, I'm sure when (and if) he said this, he meant that both consoles will be getting downloadable content, but 360 will get exclusive content that PS3 won't, so 360 just gets more. And no link to article?
  13. So it's slightly to the left? It's supposed to make it easier to handle the car. Because you're sitting on the left side, not directly in the middle. And when running out into the street, look around first!
  14. Don't listen to these people, the only way is to see for yourself. Go to GameFly or some other establishment and rent it and see if you like it.
  15. Not challenging? Wait until you get into the later missions some of which are bitches to complete on the first try. Also, PROTIP: Use handbrake to corner. Lack of things to do? TV? Internet? Multiplayer? Activities with friends? Stunts? Hidden packages? Also if you're playing on a HDTV you should have no problem with lighting, it DOES get pretty dark in some places but nothing annoying.
  16. Yes, if you have money you can go to bars and drink, alone or with a friend, and for a while in-game you will be drunk (the camera shakes and the controller vibrates, and it's hard to walk and drive).
  17. Well that's Sony's fault. Not first to market, didn't listen to what the customers wanted, and too expensive. Not saying the Xbox is perfect but Sony screwed up. Besides, Blu-Ray won the war, so Sony should be doing well for itself in the coming years.
  18. Who cares, it's just an illustration, probably because more people have Xbox 360s than PS3s, it doesn't affect you in any way.
  19. Lol, so many people (i.e. people who would buy the game) can't because they don't like consoles and don't own a PS3/360. Plus the PC version allows for better graphics, better controls, modding, and other things impossible with console games. Yes Rockstar did put a lot of effort into the console versions but porting to the PC is an effortless job and I have no doubt that they will do so.
  20. Why? PC versions are incredibly popular, there's no reason why they wouldn't release one.
  21. You mean Microsoft spent $50 million on them...so Rockstar made $50 million before the game went on sale.
  22. Because of the difference in time zones, it's already been released in Australia. The damage depends on a lot of factors...what kind of car you're in, what you hit, where you hit it, how fast you're going, etc...
  23. PROTIP: Unless you see it on GameSpy/GameSpot/IGN/Kotaku/GamePolitics/RockstarWatch/here/Take2's Website/etc..then it's bullshit!
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