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Everything posted by chris82

  1. If you're going to use it exclusively for Blu-Ray then no, there's much cheaper blu-ray players out there, but if you're going to use it to play games as well, you should, especially if you like the exclusives coming out for it.
  2. No, and I repeat, until it's from an official source/review site/etc..., no box art/gameplay/etc...videos on the internet are real. End of story.
  3. Those were the days. OrangeGrey, SA screens coming in...so awesome.
  4. Yes, I believe a few of those were already known but that's a good list, wish we had the descriptions though.
  5. That's amazing, you both did a very nice job, you should sell those or something, I'm sure you'd make money.
  6. Not quite, I like how Vista looks but I don't like Vista's AIDS.
  7. No cussing club, don't you fucking dare cuss, asshat. And why profanity means nothing:
  8. Lol, so if I got a BSOD and got an error message about it, I should reinstall Windows? Makes perfect sense. Also, if you got the message before you shut off your PC, it's possibly a virus. Go to start, run, and type mspaint and if paint works, you should do a virus scan.
  9. And the 360 can't? If you already have the 360, which is undoubtedly the better console for GTAIV, why would you buy a PS3? I'm not a big console gamer so I can't tell you about exclusives.
  10. All youtube videos of GTAIV gameplay are fake and all videos showing the case are from someone who either printed out the artwork and slid it into another case or stole a display case from a store.
  11. Nothing is confirmed but usually retailers will sell the game at midnight on its release day, although hopefully, like they did with San Andreas, will do so 1 day before.
  12. Depends on the forum software. If you're using free hosting you probably won't be able to remove the banner if it's an advertisement. If you want to change the logo, you can usually do it in the forum's control panel. Or if you want to do special things such as div overlapping and such you'll need to define how they'll look in the .css file and edit the appropriate .php pages.
  13. chris82


    lol, that site it just a rip-off of this one. Besides, you're actually going to try and learn html from a site that looks as shitty as the one you mentioned to begin with?
  14. There are so many things wrong with that statement, "all html" is not made for IE. HTML isn't made for any browser, but browsers are supposed to comply with html's standards. IE doesn't and that's why it does such a bad job of rendering pages.
  15. lol why does he have to install them again, he's not uninstalling, he's just disabling them.
  16. Any extensions you have installed under Tools>Add-ons>Extensions. Try disabling them 1-by-1 and seeing if that works.
  17. Enjoy your shitty rendering and spyware. Anyway, make sure Firefox is set up correctly in the Network Settings. Go to Options>Advanced>Network>Settings and make sure it is set to direct connection. Also try disabling any extensions you have that may be causing problems.
  18. It's possibly a one-time occurrence, but just to be sure, defragment your hard drive every now and then. The files GTA uses are quite big and can become fragmented easily, which will decrease performance and possibly cause skipping if your hard drive is slow.
  19. Yes, it's all coming together nicely. Although it's a bad statement about the internet when I see what forum is #1 on that big-boards list.
  20. Holy awesome looking multiplayer batman
  21. Not true, this isn't going to be some shitty game like Driver where the cops bust you for going too fast or something. Sure you're more likely to get in trouble if you drive down the side walk and run over everybody but driving laws are ftl in GTA games. When Napoleon was in control and attempting to expand France, he forced countries to drive on the right. Britain refused, and it remains that way.
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