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Everything posted by chris82

  1. It's a signature, at the top of the forums click "My Controls" and then on the left side click "Edit Signature" and put text/pictures in there, just don't make it too big. (i.e. no bigger than mine in height)
  2. Yeah that's why every other reviewer has also given it a perfect or near-perfect score.
  3. What? A R*/T2 employee didn't leak it, a third party did. If someone internally did it, they would have been found out...besides, those people already are allowed to play it why would they bother leaking it?
  4. I really don't care, Rockstar is an admirable company but they chose to ship to stores as early as they did, you can never trust humans to do what they're supposed to...especially the underpaid trucker/employee/whoeverthefuck who stole it and uploaded it. As for pirating in general...let me ask you a question...why should you pay $20 for a CD with 12 songs on it and some of them you don't like...or download the songs for a cheap price but you get DRM...why should you have to deal with that? I buy music at one place...Amazon MP3. Why? Good selection, good price, and no DRM bullshit.
  5. Bad example, because that particular word invokes a double-standard, I won't get into that argument here, but yes it's just a word, it's not hurting anybody, the physical actions are what is hurting him.
  6. Still obsessed with Futurama I am! I remember when Righty was called Millermagic I remember when Chris didn't do the graphics for the site I remember the database hacking when I joined I remember the orange San Andreas theme and the IS OrangeGreey theme which was awesome I remember when mvi looked like he was 12 I remember when I WAS 12 and posted here everyday There's a ton more but I'm tired ;_;
  7. Well the only way those people would appear there is if they took the game home from their place of work, which would be grounds for firing or if they torrented it which would get them partyvanned.
  8. Say goodbye to those Live accounts and if R* really wants to pursue this then they might even get v&
  9. That's not what TM was saying, he's saying you shouldn't just try and shield your kids though, because they will learn These words which have no effect on you whatsoever, they're just words. I understand your point of view and teaching your child not to be rude is different than what you're doing. There are situations that are seen as inappropriate to use profanity and that's understandable, but no matter where you live, the kids swear. The kids will say whatever they want when you're not in earshot because they can. It's unstoppable so why try to stop it?
  10. Pretty good speculation, but the reason why the processor speed matters is because the architectures are different so a 2.2GHz Core2 =/= performance of a 2.2GHz Phenom. Lol, I'm sure your 1.2GHz Athlon/6200 will handle it. Because Internet Explorer is a very demanding game which takes a very powerful computer to run. If you can't run San Andreas at a high resolution with all settings at their highest and multi-sample anti-aliasing and get a constant maximum framerate then forget trying to run GTA4.
  11. This. First thing I'm doing is loading the multiplayer so I can become uber awesome at the game before everyone else.
  12. Yes there are certain websites I won't be going to for a while... Not including this one! If you really care about the ending, just be careful about clicking links people send you.
  13. The French magazine PSM3 reviewed GTA IV in their latest issue. Expect the number of reviews to grow immensely as we approach the release of IV, with a little over a week left before it hits stores worldwide. The review points do contain a minor spoiler (the description of another mission) so it will be displayed at the bottom of the list: On the PS3, the L2 and R2 buttons (LT/RT for the 360) are used to break and accelerate this time around. The underground subway is confirmed to be usable in IV. You are able to buy weapons at stores, but whether the stores are called "Ammu-Nation" as in previous GTAs is unknown. As is already known, you are able to buy clothes at various stores in Liberty City, just like in San Andreas. However, unlike San Andreas, when you want to try on an item of clothing, Niko won't go back into the changing room for a few seconds while the game loads the textures like CJ did. The new apparel will be displayed instantly. When rendering at 1080p, the game looks amazing and the city is so detailed that you could wonder around for hours at a time without an objective and find interesting new things Pay 'n' Spray locations will not affect your wanted level when you use them this time around, but they are still available for repainting your vehicle. PSM3 France called it the "Best game ever made" and gave it a perfect 20/20 score. MINOR SPOILER: Just like III, Vice City, and San Andreas, Grand Theft Auto IV includes a mission involving a bank heist. PSM3 said that escaping involves use of the subways. The only grievance PSM3 had with the game was the aiming system. The magazine claimed that aiming felt 'heavy' at times, but because of how immersive IV is and how much of an improvement the controls are from previous games, that this is barely noticeable. Thanks to GTA4.fr (French) for the news and GTA4.tv for the translation.
  14. Funny how the graphics haven't improved at all since the first one. GTA has traditionally been notorious for sub-par graphics and with IV they look so good, plus the dynamic physics...Saints Row 2 didn't improve the graphics or physics at all. Plus all the shit in GTA IV like the Internet, the humor, etc...that SR can't copy no matter how hard they try. It's not even close.
  15. Grand Theft Auto IV is finally finished and ready to go. During Take-Two's shareholder's meeting earlier today, it was announced that GTA IV has "gone gold," and according to Take-Two CEO Ben Feder, This is certainly good news as it ends any rumor of delay or intervention by Electronic Arts, who attempted multiple times to buy Take-Two to make a profit on Grand Theft Auto IV. New information about the game was also revealed when Lazlow was interviewed on the Opie and Anthony show today: The Xbox 360's downloadable content is confirmed to contain new missions, new characters, and new comedy acts. You can use the in-game websites to go on dates with people in the game. If Niko is shot in the leg, he will realistically limp and bleed from the location of the wound. Much more information is revealed in the show, listen to it below! Sources: Grand Theft Auto IV golden, already in transit Part One and Part Two of Lazlow on Opie and Anthony
  16. That's how you feel. If a Spanish person who didn't understand English was called a bitch, would he be offended? No, because that word doesn't exist in Spanish so the meaning is unknown. If you didn't know Spanish and you were called a puta, the same would apply to you because you have no idea what the meaning is. They are just words, you should teach your kids that it's the intent that actually matters. Many parents will tell their children to use different words in certain situations...i.e. a small child says "Shut Up" and the parent says "No, say 'Be Quiet'!". This is bad parenting. Words are not physical actions, and the notion that someone shouldn't be allowed to say something because it offends someone else is insane.
  17. This game is easily going to be the greatest creation of the 21st century.
  18. 13712, damn, I wanted one that started with 0. Shall be fun!
  19. Lol that was Gabe Newell, and I agree with him there, but then again I think all consoles are a waste of time, PC is where it's at, especially for that genre of game. But why does that matter what he said? The Orange Box is still one of the best games ever created, seriously, I think GTA IV and TF2 will go down as being the best games ever made.
  20. Please stop arguing. And yes, since III, Lazlow was in every GTA game except Advance. III = Chatterbox (Moved there because he got kicked off of VRock/WCTR) VC = VRock (There after failing high school) SA = WCTR (Entertaining America Show, after moving to the west coast) LCS = LCFR (The show Chatterbox became the only show by GTA III) VCS= VRock (Couzin Ed's sidekick) And if there was a rapper whose music I liked, it would be Eminem, at least he has fun with his music and reflects that in some of his songs.
  21. Holy shit! Read the post! The blockiness/low-detail is an issue with screenshots. Even in the 1st trailer from GTA IV you didn't see that. It's only in the screenshots. The game will not look like that!
  22. If you'd read the previous posts in the topic...specifically mine, you would have read that for some reason GTA IV's screenshots have weird effects but they don't persist in video of the game so the graphics obviously won't look bad like that in the actual game...would OXM have praised the graphics if they had? And you should also read up on the news, health is that green bar displayed around the radar. And the HUD is fine, you can see more on the screen it it's really helpful considering GTA is in high-definition on consoles this time around, so it won't take up half the screen if you have a standard TV. Also you can probably check the time on your phone.
  23. Yes, they are linked-to in the recent news post.
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