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Everything posted by chris82

  1. Sounds like input lag. Are you using usb-based keyboard/mouse?
  2. Exclusive content for the 360 is rubbish. Playstation 3 should have anything that is exclusive, as Playstation is the console which brought GTA to life in the first place. Not true, GTA was released on PC long before Playstation.
  3. Lol it's not the rapture or anything biblical if you're thinking that, Christians have been trying to predict when it 'will' occur for decades, even the Bible (a book which contradicts itself a number of times) says that nobody will be able to predict when it happens. And everyone thought the world was going to end On New Year's Eve, 1999. Spoilers: It's all bullshit.
  4. LOL, I don't know where you get your information, but seriously, just do some work around the house to get money, I was able to fully pay for the PS2 and PC versions of San Andreas when I was 11 and 12, respectively. The PC version can be had for $20 or less.
  5. Fun game, Spaz and I played it a few times for the PSP when it first came out.
  6. chris82

    Half life 3?

    LOL I'm sure you have a friend who works at Valve and that he told you that HL3 is being released this year. You obviously aren't familiar with "Valve-time." Any announcement of a game made by Valve will have its release date delayed by at least 2 years, unless it isn't part of the Half-Life series, in which case the delay can be up to 9 years, in the case of Team Fortress 2.
  7. Lol why is this such a big deal to you? The Xbox 360's design is less bulky than the PS3's and it's smaller overall as well. End of discussion.
  8. Yes it did, I said the Xbox 360 was concave and therefore less bulky, because at certain points, is relatively skinny compared to its weight, whereas the convex PS3 is relatively fat compared to its weight.
  9. In any case, the Xbox 360 is still smaller dimension-wise.
  10. Meh, not a lot of rules, although I'd suppose they'd get pissy if I started getting horrible grades in school.
  11. What in the god-damn hell? So a single store that has 3 pre-orders for GTAIV happens to have 1 more than the Xbox 360 version? And the PS3 is bulkier than the 360 as the 360 is concave.
  12. LOL'd But yeah, as both systems are capable of the same multiplayer and R* was only paid $50,000,000 for the DLC exclusivity, there will be mp on both systems, which is a good thing considering the PS3 needs a title like this. If only both consoles could have interoperability...
  13. No, it's not exclusive to the 360, if it were, it would have been announced a lot earlier to give people more time to buy 360s.
  14. Posted, thank you for finding this.
  15. Earlier today, gaming site Kotaku received a massive preview of GTAIV, revealing a significant amount of new information about the game. Car chases during missions aren't completely scripted If a moving car's tires are shot, the car will grind on the rims An achievement called 'One Man Army' is presumably unlocked by using a rocket launcher to blow up a police helicopter The current build of the game contains cheats, which the developers used throughout the preview Skipping the taxi ride will cost you a 'small fee,' in addition to the ride fare One mission previewed involved Niko sniping gang members in a construction site on a rooftop Similarly to Gears of War, players can now use cover, blind fire, and free fire their weapons Niko's health is shown as a green bar that wraps around the radar, while his armor is shown as a similar blue bar Items that are dropped by NPCs in the game such as money, weapons, and ammo glow in the dark to make them easier to find While there will be multiplayer, there will be no cooperative gameplay for the story mode You can check out the full article and screenshots here. Thanks to ~Brad~ for the news. EDIT: Kotaku followed up with a Q&A session with Rockstar about the game, which you can read here
  16. It's illegal in most countries, get the PC version if you want to mod, it's much easier.
  17. STFU, don't dis-respect someone just because they're new. Just because you've been here since '06 doesn't mean people should care about you anymore than this guy. I'm also leaving this topic in this particular forum because it pertains more to the site than to anything else. Anyway, jack, glad to hear you like the forums and site, hopefully we keep getting more GTAIV news. If you'd like the introduce yourself more in-depth, use this topic
  18. Team Fortress Twizzle Battlefield Twizzle Half-Life Twizzle Crysis Counter-Strike: Source Halo 3 WC3:DotA EVE Online
  19. Just search DevianTART for Vista.
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  21. ...You have much to teach us. I suppose that I stutter when I'm nervous.
  22. Self-modified version of Google:
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