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Everything posted by chris82

  1. Tools>Options>Advanced>General Tick the proper box.
  2. I WASN'T MAKING A NEGATIVE POST ABOUT YOU FFS, IT WAS ABOUT THE TOUCH! Stop perceiving was I say incorrectly. If the post was negative towards you, it would have said "You're a fucking retard for buying the Touch which is a gimmick." Not "The iPod Touch is a gimmick." It's not about being an Apple fan, I'm just saying that I think the Touch is a piece of shit. What, so just because it's your topic, I'm not allowed to not like what it's about? I just said it was a shitty product and since I think that it's "shitty," it's my opinion. Agree or disagree, I don't care. Don't drag things out. I'm not going to censor my thoughts because you can't take it. Well my opinion is that it IS a waste of money. I'm adding my opinion to the conversation. That what a conversation is. People adding their viewpoints, opinions, and thoughts about a particular subject. My post was basically that I thought the iPod Touch was a waste of money. Then you come in and start the argument. Just because Spaz and I happen to have different opinions than you about the quality of the iPod Touch doesn't mean you have to bitch/blame us because you like it so much.
  3. Well I choose to disregard that because you can't really restrict me from posting negative things in topics. I wasn't really posting anything negative to begin with, I just said what I thought about the iPod Touch. What, do you think this is going to just be a big positive iPod praise-fest? If that was the case, what's the point of a forum? Seriously.
  4. 9/11 conspiracy theories are bullshit. +1 Yeah, the US government did 9/11 and I'm a large black man named Bubba. Ahem...
  5. Nah, the topic was closed when I got back. I was out Saturday night and most of Sunday so I didn't get a chance to see what went on in this topic. But I posted anyway because, well, you know to sustain my erection. But if you have to squint to see the regular iPod's screen, I'm sorry. Why not consider the Creative ZEN Vision W? It's $300 for 30GB of space and has a large screen. 5 hours of video? That's pretty standard battery life. The thing doesn't even get the audio battery life of the last generation Nano. You said you didn't like listening to music you listened to five years ago. The wording implies that you listen to new music (or music newer than five years ago) exclusively, so you'd only need 16GB of space. I'm not even going to question this. You want to spend more on a product with less space because of its screen? Have fun. Hope you love your new iPod. And if you're going to make such a big deal about the Touch's features, why not get the iPhone. You've bought into the whole "OMG TOUCH SCREEN" thing and it's only $100 more. Go for it. I don't try to change people's opinions, I say why I think they're wrong.
  6. It is a "gimmick," 16GB's is a rip-off with me for $400. For $400 you're allowed to have music, video, pictures, you can browse the internet, browse YouTube, and it has subpar battery life. Also, I'm a trend-following android who doesn't like listening to older music because music older than 2002 is quite obviously out of style so I like to keep the current fad of rap which I listen to and not the crap everyone else used to listen to years ago. I'm fine with a small hard drive because OMG TOUCHING A SCREEN IS SO WORTH THE COST. I'd rather have a squished version of the internet than a bunch of music/video that for some reason I would put on my hard drive, but I wouldn't listen to/watch it. Mmm...music with DRM. And it's especially awesome when combined with a fast and bug-free program like iTunes. Also, going into a snobby expensive coffee shop is fucking amazing, because I can have an iPod which will go crazy every time I enter it because it detects trendy buyable music being played. Fix'd gb2 Spaz's post
  7. IMO, Touch is a gimmick by Apple to trick people into buying iPods with low capacities for $300+ However the iPod classic is very nice, HUEG hard drive and good price. (Oh BTW I'm not being implicitly anti-Apple, but seriously, $300 for 8GB of space? Have fun putting both your movies and music on that)
  8. Can I have those 3 minutes and 33 seconds of my life back? Lame.
  9. Happy Birthday! Have some delicious cake...
  10. Posts like this really are worth a ban. You're immature on so many levels... Locked.
  11. No, the PC savegames do not work for the Xbox version of the game. Sorry.
  12. I used to watch a lot of annie may but now...not so much. Usually just InuYasha if I'm watching Adult Swim. And of course there's hentai on my hard drive, it's impossible to not have it there when you lurk on *chan.
  13. It was an internet meme about Spiderman not knowing how to shoot his web. Like how do i [insert past tense action]?
  14. Halo 3 will be a Halo 2 clone (which is a Halo 1 clone). Basically Halo 2 with marginally better graphics and the same models/textures/maps thrown around a bit. Add in a modified HUD and you have Halo 3. When Crysis, Episode 2, Team Fortress 2, Portal, Left 4 Dead, and GTA4 are released, people will forget about Halo 3. Oh btw there really is little to no difference between DX10 and DX9 on Crysis.
  15. Camera with timer? Or some person took it for you. You need to lurk moar.
  16. how do i took picture? Oh and lol kill monster.
  17. Reinstall the game. Nobody wants to send you a 900+mb file because you are sofa king we todd ed.
  18. How is editing files (modding GTA) illegal? If that were the case, Rockstar could and would sue every GTA modding website (including this one) into oblivion.
  19. Faster, more secure, and the spam filter doesn't suck. Basically it's like comparing IE to Firefox.
  20. 1. Reinstall the game and possibly back it up before you screw it up 2. Mod 3. ????? 4. Profit.
  21. Song name and artist or it didn't happen.
  22. chris82

    New(ish) car.

    Take me for a ride plz. Good to see you've got some new wheels Sky.
  23. A little something I made in Gmod.
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