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Everything posted by chris82

  1. Biggest geek, Most technical, Best avatar for general awards. Also, NEEDS MOAR GTA-related awards, such as most dedicated (to GTA), which is basically like owning every game on every platform, know news before the staff, etc...
  2. What the fuck guys? I happen to hate Vista but I do like the look of it. Note to OP: Nice tutorial, although I've tried multiple ways to skinning it. To emulate Vista, WindowBlinds is the best way. Because with all the programs you have to run if you're not running WindowBlinds (ViStart, ViOrb, TrueTransparency, etc...) it's just more efficient to run WindowBlinds.
  3. Found this on /pol/, a comparison of the presidential candidates. After looking at that list (and I can't believe I'm saying this) but I'd vote for either Clinton or Dodd. Basically, if they don't support internet neutrality, action against Iran, education, the death penalty, healthcare, minimum wage, stem cell research, and pulling out of Iraq, then fuck em. Hilary may not be a nice woman but she, according to this chart, has a good stance on everything.
  4. i ju jupgrad 2 windos vista hom my mod dont wrk y?
  5. Ugh, would be a good movie if not for the horrible actor playing the hitman.
  6. LOL Bill O'Reilly is a hypocrite. He claims to give both sides of the story and give others a fair chance but whenever somebody who gets on his show disagrees with him, Bill refuses to let them talk and acts immature. All that needs to be said of Fox News
  7. Of course, I always do my part to make noticeable the corruption of LOL. Which stands for "laugh out loud."
  8. Can a brotha get a link to the video?
  9. Reinstall the game and backup next time.
  10. Saints Row is quite a good game, I actually just finished it. Kind of a sad ending and pretty short... Anyway, I've started playing on Xbox Live a bit more, Halo 3/Saints Row.
  11. Half-Life 2's three episodes = Half-Life 3. Episode 2 even better than Episode 1. Get them nao.
  12. More proof that Vista is AIDS. Make sure you're running both gta-vc.exe and vc-mp.exe as Administrator.
  13. lol I'm 14 and I can afford the $5 a month for paid hosting and the $8 a year for a domain name. If you're serious about creating a website then paid hosting and a domain are absolutely necessary.
  14. Not upgradeable, too expensive, etc... Why do you think that Microsoft hasn't created software that allows you to dual boot OSX on an XP machine? Because it isn't necessary being you already have everything you need on the PC. Boot Camp isn't even that wonderful of a concept, what, are you going to just stay on OSX and browse the web/work/do whatever and then boot into XP to play games? Why bother? Just stay in XP all the time and you can do everything. If they changed their designs to something upgradeable and made all their shit compatible with PC parts, then halved the cost, sure, I'd buy one. Fat chance of that happening. BTW I'm pretty sure that game is Crysis.
  15. lol Vista But seriously, you should have no problems, but try going directly to the Documents folder from the start menu and seeing if GTA San Andreas User Files is in there. Or, you could start a new game of San Andreas, save it, then search your computer for the save.
  16. Those are probably the only servers worth playing on, in addition to Legion At War, of course. I'll probably play on RR today.
  17. Very interesting... Too bad they removed those things.
  18. You're going to buy Photoshop...the version which costs $1000? Wow.
  19. lol that's an oxymoron. Seriously Macs aren't made for gaming and since you're at a gaming forum, you probably don't want one. Get the PC. Except make sure it doesn't have Vista on it. God help you if you get Vista.
  20. Err...that's a broad topic. Are you wanting to know how to use certain software? Do you want to learn to make certain software? What exactly do you want to know?
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