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Everything posted by chris82

  1. Been saying it all along. Time to switch sides if you were a Sony fanboy. PS3 is too expensive for what you get. Like the iPhone. It funny because until around 2004-ish I was a complete PS fanboy, absolutely loving the PS2 and PSP. Then shit blows up, and Sony produces a failure of a system. When PS3 was first announced with its specs and such, I was so excited, but Sony completely screwed everything up and now they're paying for it. That's not to say Microsoft hasn't screwed up with their 360 in certain ways, but nothing compares with the stench of epic fail emanating from Sony.
  2. chris82


    Lawl. Runescape no can has competition? And that's just PvE. Don't even get me started on how good PvP is.
  3. Mmm....delicious cube. Honda Element.
  4. Actually I'm hoping that they'll sell it the night before release like they did with San Andreas in my area. At 7:00pm the game went on sale and I was first in line. Bitch.
  5. Yeah you really don't need Ubuntu right now. And trying to dual-boot when you don't know what you're doing gives you a high probability of a major fuck-up.
  6. Just as promised earlier, Kikizo has released a staggering 10-page preview of Grand Theft Auto 4. This preview has an incredible amount of information. Kikizo notes this as well, claiming every other gaming magazine and website "missed important information." Niko is regularly referred to as 'Nikolai' in the demo Little Jacob (the gun dealer) is from Dukes (the Liberty City version of Queens) En route to Rotterdam, Kikizo spotted a pizza store selling food for 99 cents and a cocktail bar with a bright pink sign called "Bahama Mamas" Kikizo started in Star Junction (Times Sqare) early in the October morning, a possible suggestion of season changes The neon-lit Junction is "dazzling" at night There is a theatre called "T.S. Pirate at the Thespian Theatre" as well as a camera store called "Liberty Cameras". Kikizo said that it seemed like the same exact camera store they bought their camera in in real life. All animations look "like they should," especially with unique NPCs like overweight policemen Phone calls extend the concept of non-linear gameplay, according to Rockstar. Weapons in GTA4 are a "precious commodity" and are "not easy to acquire" Little Jacob had a 9mm, an SMG, and a Micro SMG in his car for sale for $100 each, which wasn't "breaking the bank" as the demo started Kikizo off with $7500 Animations are always "superb." Kikizo reported that they had no concern whatsoever on technical issues in the game, other than when they slowly pan the camera, the windows on the buildings begin to get jittery as they reflect the world. They also noted this is not the case in typical game scenarios. Niko Bellic is 'a small fish in a big pond'. Niko will whistle to get a cab's attention, then press "Y" (on the Xbox 360 controller) to get inside. You're given the options to relax and watch the ride, do a trip skip, or pay double for the driver to go twice as fast. The player views the world from Niko's perspective while in the cab and you can interact with the driver while he is driving you. The game is now fully confirmed to make extensive use of HDR lighting. Car/person interaction physics are now fully in place, meaning if a car suddenly brakes, the people inside are thrown forward. The interiors/exteriors are completely seamless and the outside world can be heard, muffled, from the inside. Advertisements in the Tw@ internet cafe claim internet access for $1, offer "totally wireless" internet, and accept credit cards. Niko has his own, unique computer account so he is able to access his information from any computer in Liberty City. The mouse cursor is controlled with the analog stick. Niko's fake resume claims his objective is to "rise to the top of my profession in Liberty City," that he has experience in criminal law with cases like manslaughter under his belt. He also claims that he deals with the emerging markets in the West Indies (especially 'Jamaica and Puerto Rico'). He also claims to have been the associate attorney at Mediterranean Shipping Enterprise, and an intern at a police force. His school is supposedly 'Walford University' in the UK. Rockstar wants to use the phone as 'the primary gateway into Niko's life,' as it has his contacts, an organizer, a dailing calendar, text messaging, and a camera Several advertisements can be heard on the radio (although these may be placeholder) The game engine has sounds that can compete with the likes of "Forza Motorsport" and "Project Gotham Racing" The cars react to every bit of "undulation" in the road The camera angle is slightly over to the driver's side to give the player a better line of sight, but there are still many different angles and the camera may be moved Cars have a full-GPS system in place, which show recommended routes for missions Pedestrians are incredibly detailed, with the game including peds who are bored waiting at bus stops, people talking on various payphones and cell phones, people smoking, etc... Inside of the cab you can change the next music track if you'd like. There is an astonishing level of detail with every object in the game, with textures being varied on every sidewalk, street, and surface Car lights light up "convincingly" and reflect the street and the surroundings. The graphical quality is the best Kikizo has seen in any next-generation game Street names show up in the corner like districts have in past GTA games In Kikizo's journey towards the park (for the mission in which Niko must retrieve a memory stick for McReary), they passed through "Chinatown, Presidents City, Lancet, Hatton Gardens, Middle Park East, and a stretch of freeway, on to Lancaster, and Ruby Street." The name of Niko's cell phone network is "Whiz." The wanted level system uses "line of sight" to pinpoint Niko's location and catch him. The player must escape the search radius he gets when a wanted level is attained, but if an officer spots Niko, the search radius will be instantly reset to his position Once Niko has the memory stick, he must greet McReary by "heading down Cod Row, Denver Avenue, Exeter Avenue and stop at Northwood / East Holland." To get the suit for the interview, Niko must go "to Silicon Street, through Quartz Street, and Middle Park East." Niko must buy a "chocolate" suit for $1000 and some nice shoes for $200 To get to the law firm, Niko must go "past Star Junction, The Triangle, Easton, Chinatown, Diamond Street, and Calcium Street." Niko can take cover behind almost anything, auto-target, manually aim, or blind-fire Many things were still kept secret about the game. Kikizo was forced to leave the room while Rockstar worked with "secret menu stuff" after Niko was "wasted" by police in the demo. Thanks, rockstarrem for much of the information Kikizo GTAIV preview
  7. Please see this topic.
  8. Isn't that the problem with all of Apple's products? Also price. If the iPhone had say, a 20GB hard drive, was $200-$300 less, and had a lower price for monthly service, it would be acceptable.
  9. No. The satellite pictures Google Earth uses are taken at random times so you can't see everything "real-time." However, in certain cities like Las Vegas, you can go to street level and see everything in that city from street level, it won't be real-time though.
  10. How is it wrong? I suppose if you have a religion it could be considered morally wrong. But if you don't believe in a religion, I really don't see any point in being moral at all. The only porn that I think is wrong is child porn, but that's a whole different issue. The point I'm trying to make is... *fapfapfap*
  11. chris82


    WoW is not a great game. I've played it before and I don't think it's fun at all. It gets extremely repetitive. And PvP is not satisfying at all. Add that to the fact that the greedy bastards at Blizzard want to charge extra money for 'expansions.' They can suck it, at least CCP will roll out EVE expansion patches for free. Also, in WoW you have to discover a lot of map locations. In EVE you know where everything is at the start. That's the way it should be, screw exploring places. I wanna kill people's spaceships, laugh and say "Ha Ha, I'm better than you," steal their items, and get away with it. Also WoW causes you to neglect your friends.
  12. 1. Like I said, this isn't about whether the phone looks good. Who gives a flying fuck if a product looks good? GTA has shitty graphics but the gameplay is damn fun. 2. No it doesn't did you see him quickly zoom in/out on the N.Y. Times? And go through the tabs from N.Y. Times to his website to Google. All in a few seconds. 3. If you've never seen a hyperlink on a cell phone then I feel bad for the cell phones you've used. 4. It most likely did have it on his phone, nearly all phones have a 'Quicktype' feature like that. I really don't want to start a fight, I'm stating the facts. And you're not wrong to like the product because you like the way looks and whatnot. You're wrong to say it's a 'good' or even mediocre product by today's cellular phone standards, especially at it's base cost, it's monthly service cost, and it's gangbang provider requirements. (i.e. Cingular wireless blows, I want Verizon)
  13. 1. I said besides the UI. It doesn't matter how fucking sexy (btw you're using a word which describes something you think is 'hot'-you're physically attracted to it) you think the UI is, the fact is that it doesn't make the product better in any way apart from being more visually appealing. 2. Read the Maddox article. His internet browser is better. And the iPhone doesn't support things like Flash. Fail. 3. Wow. Seeing text that leads to a website. I think I've heard of that. Not that un-common on cell phones. 4. Typing is faster on Maddox's phone, it has a full keyboard and you don't need to press an extra button to access numbers, punctuation, etc... 5. You're missing the point. I don't hate it because it's expensive. I hate it because Apple will make a fuck-ton of money on it because retards will buy it because they're...well, retarded and don't know anything about anything, let alone spending their money on things that are actually worthwhile.
  14. You're right, me not liking it doesn't make it bad. What makes it bad is that it's a piece of shit which costs too fucking much for what you get. I hate the iPhone because retards will buy it based on the fact that it has a mildly cool interface. I don't want one. The interface aside, what exactly does it have that other phones don't?
  15. chris82


    That's a good, well thought-out response defending why your game isn't sucky.
  16. It uses the Internet Explorer rendering engine so it's clearly some epic fail.
  17. chris82


    Lol, that's how it is when I play EVE. In my community's Vent, you can hear the word 'Fuck' multiple times every minute. But then again EVE is a good MMO, it's not like WoW where everything in PvP is so repetitive or Guild Wars which is like WoW for poor people. EVE gives a good rush when killing other people.
  18. You don't know if that's an iPhone. There was a side view of something that resembles the side of the iPhone. It's not confirmed. Besides, even if a character in GTA has one, that doesn't make it good. Actually, it is bad. Maddox has a cheaper phone that not only does more, but is easier to type on. Same with the iPod. Sure it looks good, but the Creative Zen is cheaper and does a hell of a lot more.
  19. Click here to see why. Please feel free to tell me why you think the iPhone is a good product (or even worth the cost) and I'll be happy to tell you why you're wrong. Seriously.
  20. Mine can do that! And his new PC will beat mine in any benchmarking test. BTW when you buy a CPU retail, it usually comes with a CPU fan (big) as well as the CPU and thermal grease.
  21. chris82


    No offense to you, but I think Runescape is the poorest excuse for an MMO ever created and the only people who play it are little kids (who aren't already playing another bad MMO like Maple Story or Habbo Hotel) with bad graphics cards who don't have the $15 to spend on a real MMO.
  22. Dude, it's stupid. Do you really need to see your different windows at different angles? Seriously, it's cool for the first two minutes. Then you realize it's a waste of time.
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