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Everything posted by chris82

  1. XP is a hog on resorces compared to other os's. have you ever noticed all the things running in the background? it all slows it down. Linux is more secure because everyone runs xp or vista or mac so no one bothers writing viruses for it. and no xp doesnt pwn the shit out of all other OS's mac and linux run faster and more efficiently. And btw i just got a copy of both ubuntu and lindows live cd That's absolutely not true. (And this is not coming from a Microsoft fanboy, being I hate Windows Vista and Internet Explorer with a passion) Windows XP is a good great operating system. Why? Because so much software is compatible with it. There is very little software you can't run on it, one way or another. That's what I like about it. I play all my games, use all my productivity software, and can download and use almost any application I want on it. Also, I like upgrading my PC. I like being able to replace the graphics card with a better one to increase my fps in games.* I like being able to have four 750gb hard drives if I wished to. Have an iMac? Good luck upgrading that. Mac mini? Ditto. Another thing is the UI. I'm sorry, but I don't like the dock. I don't like the fact that each app uses the top of the screen for the File, Edit, etc... menu. I like Windows XP's interface. The flow is good. I can switch back and forth between apps like it's nothing. 'Expose' also is available as a mod for Windows but IMO it's not needed, the taskbar does a good enough job of organizing apps, especially with the application grouping feature. Plus, if you know how to correctly configure Windows XP, it takes up very little resources. I stripped Windows XP of all the unnecessary shit and processes, and I only have about 25 processes running on average (including Steam, Miranda IM, Winamp, Firefox, and Ventrilo). Plus the fact that explorer.exe only takes up about 20mb of memory. Good luck on doing that with Vista. I also happen to own a Mac in addition to my two Windows desktops and Windows laptop and let me tell you something, this Mac is not as stable as Windows XP. I very rarely have a crash of ANY kind on Windows XP Professional. Home edition is a bit less stable, but still, if you're not retarded, (and a lot of people who use computers are, I've seen people doing the stupidest shit imaginable IRL) it should work fine. Also, RTFM, 'Mac' is not the operating system. OS X is. If you have Kaspersky (every copy of Windows should come with this pre-installed because of how much win it is), Ad-Aware, and Outpost Firewall Pro, and you still manage to get a virus, badware, or any type of computer herpes, you don't deserve to use a computer. Now Linux. I like Linux. I have a copy of Linux Live-CD because Windows isn't perfect. It does sometimes have Helen Keller moments. When it does this, I can boot into Linux, salvage all my data onto an external drive, wipe the internal drive, reinstall windows, play games, ????, and profit. *There's very few games available for Mac so you really don't need to do this anyway. The ONLY game I play that's compatible with OS X is Warcraft 3 and even then I couldn't use Banlist in DotA so fuck that.
  2. Hershey's 'Special' Dark Chocolate and a bottle of water. Yum indeed.
  3. hi i'm chris82 and most car mods will include a readme file, detailing how to install vehicle mods in gta 3 (pc) EDIT: Alright, you're obviously persistent so here.
  4. Lol people continuing to use lead-based paints lol. Seriously though, Chinese imports are so for the loss. Cheap labor comes back and bites you in the ass.
  5. Use a garage editor and give yourself a tank. It's how I completed the mission, otherwise just take the tunnels and use a really fast car like the Stinger or Infurnus.
  6. Ride a bike? But 4 srsly why are you afraid of a picture? It's not going to hurt you. Like those stupid emo kids who repost chain letters on MySpace. The ones that claim if you don't repost it you'll be killed be some ghost baby or some stupid shit like that. Arbitrary code has only come so far. Stylized text doesn't have the power to make a ghost kill you in your sleep. Don't be worried. A car accident is just an unfortunate statistic. The risk of an accident comes with doing everything. Even walking around your house carries a small risk of a horrible accident, it's a part of life.
  7. 1. Uninstall San Andreas, then delete your SA folder completely (usually in C:/Program Files/Rockstar Games) 2. Reinstall the game. 3. Downgrade. 4. Install mods.
  8. Wow. 110mb is certainly different from a couple years ago. Definition of bad. But I see you have a favicon. For a free host to allow you to use even .htaccess files is pretty damn good. If you must use free hosting, then use 110mb. EDIT: Oh btw, why is this in serious chat? Nobody died. Moving to Computer+Tech.
  9. or Now, the first one is the one I'm using right now. It's pretty good if I do say so myself. I like it. In the second one, the major change is the background. It's a "tribal" brush mesh. Which one do you guys like better?
  10. English please Mmmkay, in layman's terms: Free website hosting is incredibly shitty, nobody will go to a website that is hosted for free. It's hard to even actually make a website with a free host, being with most you can't upload your website page files (like index.html) with the use of an external program or use any type of code that uses a file management system (database) in conjunction with user input to make advanced things happen. For example, without php/mysql, most of TGTAP wouldn't be possible. The forums, downloads system, and most of the things on the main site (even the news, for example) would cease to work. Also, most free hosts will edit your website's code when you send it to them. They will put advertisements on your site, embed bad things like banners and pop-ups, and ruin the whole website overall. And you get very little transfer or space meaning if too many people visit your site, it will cease to work until the next bandwidth cycle (usually one month) and you also will be very limited in how much you can put on your site. As for actually coding and building your website, I like Dreamweaver, though notepad or EditPlus is just fine. Dreamweaver is cool because you can do whatever you want with the website code then switch over to the designer view to see what your code edit will do to affect the look of your site. Also highlighting every different element of code so you can see the different codes easily and distinguish between code and the text your users will actually read. mbedded objects, eg youtube vids, etc? Doubt it but you never know. See above for free host limitations. Trust me, if you're serious about running a website, get paid hosting. It's very cheap (around $5 a month for me, and I get basically unlimited bandwidth, unlimited space, php/mysql databases, etc...)
  11. Free hosting is incredibly shitty, nobody will go to a website that is hosted for free. It's hard to even actually design a website with a free host, being with most you can't ftp or use php/mysql/any advanced server-side coding at all. Also, most free hosts will edit your html when you upload it to place ads on your site, embed things you don't like, and ruin the whole website overall. And you get very little bandwidth/space to put things on. As for actually coding and building your website, I like Dreamweaver, though notepad or EditPlus is just fine. Dreamweaver is cool because you can do whatever you want with the website code then tab over to the designer view to see what your code edit will do to affect the look of your site. Also syntax highlighting.
  12. chris82


    LOL? Compaq IS HP now. A Compaq is basically a re-branded HP. All pre-built computers are the same crappy components in a dull case and overpriced to make them seem nice.
  13. chris82


    No, don't do that....oh wait, you say that you wanted to use a laptop to play games on? Then you said you wanted to get a Dell to play games on? Ok, a Dell is probably right for you then. HP is just as bad. Any pre-built is just as bad. How the hell does it being a Dell make it more immune to viruses? The only way to give it better virus protection is to include Kaspersky.
  14. And you can't use your browser history to find the site? I call shenanigans on this topic.
  15. 1. Use Firefox instead 2. Hold Ctrl and move the mouse wheel up and down to change the text size 3. ???? 4. Profit
  16. I agree, Wii pwns, I may just have to pick one up, although as I said it's really not my style, that doesn't mean it's not fun. Oh and BTW, Xbox 360.
  17. I don't think it was cancelled, I think they're just done with it. Movies usually end series. Really? The Family Guy movie didn't end Family Guy. The South Park Movie didn't end South Park.
  18. Eh, sounds good I guess. Playstation 3 needs at least ONE THING to keep it going. But we don't know what kind of franchise it is. I still won't buy a PS3 unless 1. Its price drops to $400 2. The franchise is better than GTA (yeah, right) 3. There are more GTA games coming to PS3 and the Xbox's DL content is coming to PS3
  19. Game mapping. That is creating the actual places in games. I don't know modeling right now and I like mapping over programming because the user literally sees your designs. I'll probably learn modeling for the hell of it and learn more in-depth programming just in-case. 1-man game design teams are ftw! So yeah, I would like to be a mapper for games. I'd ideally like to work for Rockstar but Valve and EA are fine too.
  20. Neither does WackySlide or FireX. Sometimes it's best to stay in the dark. Sure, 4chan's /b/ is funny but 1 accidental click and you're watching Chocolate Rain or rickroll. It happens quite a bit.
  21. Yes I found out about this yesterday. Anonymous lives.
  22. Source? I can't find anything on Wikipedia or Google saying it's going to be canceled.. Then again FOX has a wonderful track record for canceling shows.
  23. ...Wow... Heh, it's just how I interpreted your post. Anyhoo, we just have to assume that the PS3 will not be getting extra content of any kind until an announcement is made to the contrary.
  24. It's not fanboyism to state facts. Sales? That is clearly a PS3 failing. Like I said in my post the Xbox 360 isn't perfect. It DOES have its share of problems, faulty hardware in the early versions being one of them. But do you remember the early PS2 models having incredibly bad disc reading lasers? I do. The Xbox 360 is not perfect. But it's a hell of a lot better, at least for GTA4 anyway. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :whistle: :whistle: [cough]OMFG OMFG PS3 SELLS A LITTLE BIT BETTER BUT STILL HAS A WHILE TO GO BEFORE IT CATCHES UP TO THE OTHER SYSTEMS AND ALSO IT STILL COSTS MORE THAN THE XBOX 360 AND WII[/cough] [cough]OMFG OMFG EARLY XBOX MODELS HAVE OVERHEATING PROBLEMS WHICH IS TOTALLY UNCOMMON WITH NEW CONSOLES AND ALSO MICROSOFT ISN'T DOING ANYTHING ABOUT IT LIKE SPENDING OVER $1 BILLION ON FIXING THE CONSOLES AND REIMBURSING CUSTOMERS[/cough]
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