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Everything posted by chris82

  1. LCD IS better than plasma, LCD won't burn in. You should get this Sony Bravia because it has 1080p, HDMI, and is 40''.
  2. Well tell your friend I said thanks for downloading one of my skins. Anyway put the savefile in My Documents/GTA Vice City User Files. Put the skin file (.bmp) in C:/Program Files/Rockstar Games/Grand Theft Auto Vice City/Skins The Jedi Starfighter is a bit more complicated. First get IMG Tool 2 and open the gta3.img file which is in C:/Program Files/Rockstar Games/Grand Theft Auto Vice City/models. Rename the skimmer.dff and skimmer.txd that are already in gta3.img to something else, then add the Jedi ones to gta3.img. Then follow the instructions in the readme in the handling/sounds folder.
  3. Well, I don't know. They can eat whatever they want. I don't care what they do or don't eat. More meat for me. But when they start telling me what to eat, Fuck them with a capital F.
  4. Dunno about them being weaker. I mean it's true that meat has a lot of protein which your body needs, but they can find alternative sources. However IMO vegans are crazy, did any of you see the one on Trading Spouses? Crazy bitch.
  5. LOL WUT? Seriously, you should have stopped reading right then and there.
  6. Nope, the 360 Elite is 120GB. And I personally think that the PS3 should drop to at least $400, or if they really wanted to stick it to MS, $350.
  7. IMO the wanted level changes will really make the game more exciting and challenging. And surfing the web sounds sexy.
  8. UK magazine Games™ has the world's first hands on preview of GTA IV's new gameplay. There are many new screenshots in the article, as well as a fair amount of new information. Times Square is called "Star Junction" Few people were on the streets in the demo that Games™ played (this could be attributed to early code) Niko can use his cell phone to call for weapons - Games™ say that Niko calls his associate Little Jacob, a Caribbean arms dealer, the conversation ends with Jacob telling Niko to meet him in an alleyway in Rotterdam Hill The player can call a taxi cab to go to a destination and view the ride in first-person or use trip-skip to speed the experience along On one mission, Niko must retrieve a memory stick with sensitive data on it from a person identified as McReary. The problem is that McReary is standing with a group of people and Niko doesn't know who he is, so he takes out his cell phone and calls McReary. When the now-revealed target pulls out his cell phone, Niko walks up and puts a bullet in his head. Missions can supposedly be "interrupted." This suggests that multiple missions can be done at the same time and that some will span several days Niko received a call in the demo, which concerned a "shady lawyer" by the name of Goldberg, of Goldberg, Ligner & Shyster. On this mission, Niko must upload his resume to Goldberg, Ligner & Shyster's website, get an interview, and kill Goldberg. In this mission, Niko purchased a $2000 suit from a clothing store called "Perseus," then ventured to the law firm and talked to the secretary over the intercom, before being let in. Niko then went to see Goldberg and promptly killed him. This caused the secretary to trigger the alarm and Niko to receive a 3-star wanted level. The "TW@" internet café from GTA3 is present but this time you can surf the web (which is "huge" and "very important," according to Rockstar) Any crime committed will give you a wanted level The star rating will create a visible search area on the radar, which, if escaped, will dissipate the wanted level The police radio returns and you can hear the police talking about where you were last spotted as in previous games, only this time, the police will know exactly where you are at because every street is named There is a clothing store called "Perseus" where suits can be purchased The draw distance is "unreal" This is certainly exciting, as never before have players been able to "surf the web" in a GTA game. The police also seem to be much more vigilant and realistic in the game, as in the missions Games™ played, killing a single person warranted a 3-star wanted level on both occasions. Thanks, killyourtv for the scans.
  9. The wording of the press release makes me think it's certain that's it's only with the 80GB version.
  10. In a surprise to nobody, Sony today announced that it would be making available a new 80GB version of the Playstation 3 console, and lowering the price of the 60GB version by $100. Sony states that it will sell the 80GB (which includes the racing game Motor Storm) version of the console for $599 and set the price of the 60GB version at $499. This, of course, only affects North America. In Europe, the price remains more than double than in America. This could possibly influence not only buyers of GTA4, but also Rockstar's decision to keep their downloadable content exclusive to Microsoft's Xbox 360. This news comes after Microsoft's decision to extend the warranty on all Xbox 360 consoles because of prevalent hardware failures. Will this affect GTA4's console userbase? Will more people buy the PS3? Stay tuned. Press Release
  11. That right there is grounds for not continuing the argument. You have a prejudice towards the company. I don't have a prejudice towards any company. I am willing to try any product. For example, Microsoft. Windows XP is good. Windows Vista is bad. Xbox 360 is good. Internet Explorer is bad. Same thing with Apple. iPhone is bad. iPod is good. OS X is bad. Don't pre-judge a company. It's the products that make a company. Vista just happens to be one of those bad products. We can only hope. The thing that bothers me is that it's THIS many months since the release of Vista and we still don't have video drivers that will supposedly solve the performance problems. When that happens, Vista MAY start taking off. But we have yet to see.
  12. Nice processor, dual cores for the win. Although I only have socket 939 and want to get all I can out of it, so my next processor is going to be the dual core Opterownage.
  13. Who? The two people using Macs? If I was forced to use one, I sure as hell wouldn't be smiling. This argument isn't even about Macs. It's about Windows. Look, Macs don't have viruses because nobody uses them. If OS X had the userbase that Windows does, you'd see a lot of viruses for it as well. Even so, I got Windows XP when it first came out and never had any of these problems. Windows XP didn't have all of these compatibility issues. It did have some, but at least it worked with the basics. The first computer I put Windows XP on was a 450 MHz Celeron with an 8GB hard drive and 64mb of RAM. It ran fine. I say Vista is unsecure because of its incompatibility with so many AV programs. Sure, all the popup and warning messages are fine, but when the average person ignores them and gets infected, a pop-up warning won't do jack shit when Kaspersky doesn't function.
  14. Wow, you totally can't do that on Windows XP. GG, Microsoft. I got Windows XP when it first came out, and it didn't have nearly as many problems. Vista is a failure, and stuff like this is proof. Increased hardware compatibility? But it doesn't work with 5.1 speakers? Wow, you totally can't do that on Windows XP. Wow, you totally can't make Windows just as secure as Visa, including viruses and adware/spyware. That's not security, that's just annoyance. That's at least one thing OS X does right. Not that anyone writes viruses for Macs because so few people use them, but OS X would probably do a better job at fighting viruses because it actually knows which operations are "dangerous," and doesn't bug you with pop-ups about every fucking little thing. More secure, yeah, which is why Symantec, Macafee, and CNET say it's unsecure. More hardware compatibility? Ok, so, tell me a piece of hardware that's compatible with Vista but not XP. As previously mentioned, all Vista UI improvements can be emulated at improved speed in XP. EDIT: Oh yeah, and Fone, I haven't been in this topic before now, but did you say Vista was faster at all? Because it's, leik, 20% slower in games!!!!1111 and it consumes 4x more physical memory than Windows XP for some shitty maximize/minimize animations they stole from somewhere else and some even shittier transparent window borders.
  15. Mapping and/or modeling for games.
  16. Actually Cedega/Wine and GTAVC runs fine. Google Cedega and see what I mean. Oh and yeah Vista's a waste of hard drive space.
  17. IMO this is too much trouble for mods like this. Believe me, I'm all for GTA mods. But getting custom firmware on the PSP, dumping the UMD, repacking it, etc...it all seems like too much effort for too little profit. I think you should be satisfied with San Andreas, Vice City, and even GTA3 mods. (Because they're easier to use and better).
  18. He's harming you psychologically and this topic is proof. He's bragging about it to you to make you think about it and badly about yourself = harm.
  19. That's not true, it would get AO for something like too much secks, too much language, etc...
  20. UK got all the good people Excpet John Mayer. Oh and LOL @ Snoop Dogg in Germany.
  21. Lol, give him a polygraph test.
  22. July 2004, <3 this place since I was 11.
  23. Hot jb GTA The GTA Place Internet 4Channery Ventrilo Counter-Strike Cherry Coke, Mountain Dew, Sunkist, Bawls Bottled water BoSS EVE
  24. Dood... <3 Time Warner Cable!
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