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Everything posted by chris82

  1. Sauce Lol, storylines? wtf? Wresting is sofa king we todd ed man. Besides, , everyone sees every possible edit made by USA, they know it's fake.
  2. Cool, I actually obtained it from here last time sort of, I couldn't get anything to show up on Rockstar's site so I came back here and you had a link from filefront or something. Do it again!
  3. YESSSSS!!!!1111 Hopefully I'll get lucky again and be able to download it quickly.
  4. So? Do you realize that if and when games are made that will make use of all the space available on Blu-Ray disks...that they'll be the games that cost $80+ Rather have a good game with bad graphics (like GTA) than an expensive game with really good graphics. But then again look at GTA4, it has amazing graphics and fits on a DVD9. But PC really does own all, especially Valve, I mean, they're giving us HL2:Episode 2, TF2, and Portal for $50, but for some reason, the console versions are $10 more. And the PS2 DID kill Dreamcast. Why? DVDs. The Dreamcast did well before the PS2 but it couldn't play DVDs, which is what people wanted at the time. Then when Sony was smart back in 2000, they got people excited and people flocked to it. The problem is that Sony tried the same thing with the PS3, using cheap Blu-Ray playback as a way to sell the console, but the problem is that it's not cheap, and so nobody could afford it, and so people just figured that Blu-Ray wasn't worth the cost.
  5. True, just right click your models folder and click Properties. Uncheck the box that says "Read-Only" and click ok.
  6. Not really, all I have cooling my proc is one wicked awesome Arctic 64 Cooler Pro, which nowadays is probably $50-$60, I got mine on a deal around Christmas for $40, combined with Arctic Silver 5 thermal grease on top of the processor, the heatsink does an amazing job of transferring it. Yeah, but I think yours is a dual core and it runs at 2.2GHz. Oh and under load is when I'm running something like STALKER or BF2, that's when it goes to 45 Celsius. Although since my cooling fan is so nifty, I could probably turn on Cool n Quiet and get more performance.
  7. Complete all story line missions Get 100% completion Blow up 100 vehicles Use all weapons Stealth-kill 20 people Use explosives to kill 20 people Use rifles to kill 20 people Use pistols to kill 20 people Use melee to kill 20 people Use heavy weapons to kill 20 people Use your fists to kill 20 people Date every girlfriend simultaneously Maximize muscle stat Kill 10 people in a row without attaining a wanted level Find 20 hidden packages Find 50 hidden packages Find 100 hidden packages Purchase all vehicles Kill 20 people in online "deathmatch mode" Finish 1st in online "race mode" Every achievement would get you gamer points, but only some would give you rewards in the game, like hidden packages, 100% completion, etc...
  8. LOL, ok, I dare you to ask Chris to check the moderator action logs and you'll see that I didn't edit anything in that poll before today. I also like how you change your story from "you should understand my inane English" to "You edited my poll! H4x!" GG. Agreed. And remember: 1. It's your suicide, have fun with it.
  9. DRM-infested, bloated, expensive, inferior, incompatible, slow, vulnerable, shitty piece of garbage. 1. DRM, if you play non-approved high-def files it reduces quality of video 2. Too many processes running and unnecessary visual shit 3. $400 for Ultimate 4. 5. Doesn't work with hundreds of Windows XP programs and drivers 6. 20% decrease in DirectX 9 game FPS 7. Putting a defective cursor file on the desktop will nerf explorer.exe in Vista 8. Confusing, especially with all the "Administrator" errors you'll get when trying to install programs even when logged on as an admin Now there is one proper way to use Windows Vista. And installing it is simple!
  10. Yeah, I like Windows XP, not Windows Vista. Notice how when I say Windows is good, I don't say Vista, and when I say it sucks, I do say Vista. Vista sucks. XP doesn't. R.ead T.he F.uckin Q.uestions And read my previouse post and you might understand, unless your a complete frolicking retard. When you finally understand, have a coke, a smile and shut the gently caress up. The questions don't make sense. I'll edit the poll, but take English lessons and respect your superiors kthxbye. True. EDIT: Fuck it, I nixxed the poll because Helen Keller over there can't use English properly
  11. It depends, the majority of 360 games are in 720p to begin with, then the Xbox 360 will just up or down scale it to whatever resolution you're TV is at. And HD DOES make a difference, seriously if you're playing the 360 on a non-HD TV you can barely read any text in the menus or in subtitles. Which is why I'm getting this TV. I don't wanna spend $500 on upgrading my regular TV that I don't even use THAT much. Just a nice 20'' 720p TV for my 360.
  12. Sony doesn't have the assets to do that right now, their gaming division is losing so much money...
  13. Fatal, stfu, you sound so retarded right now. You wrote the questions incorrectly. Kthx.
  14. And why? Because Vista is a big steaming load of
  15. 3Y3 AR3 7H3 1337357 H4X0R j00 3v4 54W. I keep it on the internet though, the farthest I'll go IRL is saying something along the lines of "You got owned."
  16. Yeah, but you can't say "PS3 will get DLC," because you don't know that. It's not a fact, and by saying that something will happen, you're saying that it's a fact. It's not, and no matter how many PS3s you own will make it true. So in the future, please refrain from saying that the PS3 will get exclusive content. As far as right now, it wont.
  17. Hmm...I thought that if Rockstar was acquired by Microsoft, then there would be a PC version of the console game, but it would have little to no new content and take about three years to port, and be exclusive to a shitty OS that nobody uses. (Ring a bell?) Verry baaad.
  18. Really? I saw it as a different meaning? You're proclaiming your thought that the content will come to PS3 as a fact. And you shouldn't be doing that. Stop it. Please see this announcement.
  19. The Getaway did suck, it had (compared to GTA) few weapons, no map, no HUD, no radio, no interiors, basically no interactivity outside the story missions. Sure I played through it and I liked the story, but it's not even in the same league as any GTA game. And putting its features into a GTA game? No.
  20. Um, Windows XP? Sure, if you're retarded then you can get lots of viruses, but Kaspersky is dandy compensation for this. I mean, I may hate IE, but I'll be damned if I can't play CS, GTA, BF2, and EVE. Oh, and, you install Windows on your PC, and, it works. So, it works out of the box. Nice job urban. How is that? They are simple yes, no, dunno, doncare questions. Tilly's right, for the second question you're basically saying yes or no to 'Will this help or hurt Rockstar/Microsoft' If you say yes, are you saying it will help them or hurt them? See what I mean? The first and second choices should have been 1. Help them 2. Hurt them
  21. 1. You don't know that. Ok. You can't possibly say that because it's not true, there is no confirmation, no nothing, stfu! 2. How else will the chart be proven false other than the second cell in the first column changing? 3. I am doing my job correctly, I told OGTAM to stop saying the content will come to PS3 in this topic, you do the same. You're free to say that you think/it's likely/it might come to PS3, but don't say "it is."
  22. Warned. Stop spreading mis-information. You don't know that, and by saying it, you could potentially confuse other members.
  23. No, PS3 is not confirmed to get any extra content, exclusive or otherwise, at the moment.
  24. You know, I'll quote PlanetGTA on this one. Lol.
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