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Everything posted by chris82

  1. Nice. But yeah, GTA's renderware engine is shit. Shit lighting. Shit physics. Shit everything. RAGE should allow for nice graphics. And your screenshot looks really nice, it looks as if you've added building shadows which show on the car, bloom/HDR effects, specular lighting to the vending machine/train station, and realistic glass for the car.
  2. Running BF2 on high settings means that you can theoretically run almost any game released before that on equal if not higher settings...talk about a system hog of a game. But yeah... Processor (Model, clock speed) Video Card (Model, amount of video memory, interface) RAM (Amount, interface/speed)
  3. But yeah, that nuclear bomb video is amazing. I still think Iran's going to do it first, but here's another interpretation...
  4. No. Uninstall V2. It disables altering memory addresses in the .exe, something which trainers need to do to function. Plus A LOT of other mods don't work with it, including script mods that alter main.scm and most model mods.
  5. I'm not saying killing/abusing animals is just. But do I respect animals? Hell no. Why should I? They're good eats, if that's respectful. And I can eat anything lower than me if it's legal. Don't like it? Tough. That's the way the world is. I'm not discussing this anymore.
  6. The animal's choice? Don't make me laugh. The animal doesn't have a choice because as I said they are good and tasty and I'll eat them if I damn well please. I don't need some leftist PETA member telling me not to eat something because they see it as immoral. Choke.
  7. If people want to wear it, it's their decision. I personally don't. Fur is ok but there are better cheaper things. And leather? That shit gets way too hot too quickly in the summer. My argument was mainly about eating these animals because they can be good for you and they are tasty. But I can't stand these hippies/PETA retards who think they know everything about everything and can tell everyone what they can/can't eat. BTW petitions to ban the fur trade that are started/signed by hippies are useless. You are a hippy. You don't shop from the fur retailer/skinner. So you boycott it. What changed? They don't lose the business from you that you didn't give them anyway. Petitions only work when the company provides good/services you do use and will stop using if they don't do a certain things.
  8. Well, Then we can start make clothes of 1yo babies aswell? Difference much? Our young can't cure diseases or do math, but they grow into the ability. These animals are stupid throughout their lives.
  9. Why not? Animals can't fucking comprehend the meaning of that word. (Or any for that matter?) I'm higher in the food chain. So until any animal that I eat can produce a gun capable of killing me, GG for it.
  10. Yes, we are superior. That's how evolution "rolls." Can these animals you care so much about cure diseases or do math? Can they have the memory and control most of us have over ourselves? Hippies PETA
  11. Agreed. I'm sorry but if you are one of those tree-hugging asshole hippies then you can fucking suck it. BTW tofu is disgusting and is probably the poorest meat substitute ever. Eww...
  12. Iran wants to wipe Israel off the face of the Earth. I doubt they will stop at anything to accomplish this so I voted for them. When Kim is taken down I believe that North Korea will be like a fucking holocaust, concentration camps and all. Soz...WWIII...new sides- Axis: North Korea Iran Iraq Perhaps Lebanon Allies: USA England Israel Japan Russia Other countries... BTW Fixed spelling in poll.
  13. Thanks guys! Anyway no, I didn't get a 360 last year like I was planning to. But whatever, I have one now... It owns.
  14. I'm too lazy to upload the pics of the pr0n I got for my birthday, but I will do so tomorrow...
  15. It's really not that exciting. Normally in San Andreas without the mod you hear your girlfriend moan and the camera shifts around randomly. With this mod you are in the house and control what's happening. If you do well, it's a 10% increase in progress I believe. Do bad and it's -5%.
  16. Of course it is! I won't even have my 360 hooked up until probably 8PM tomorrow.
  17. Err...I have never pirated a GTA or HL game and I reckon I never will. Too much respect for the developers. But until I'm not charged $25 for 15 songs or $1 for a song with DRM, why should I buy music?
  18. O rly? I can't find the case for TS2 as I bought it such a long time ago. And I paid for cd keys online for BF2, BF2:SF, and CoD2. But as for paying $650 to edit images, $25 to sit in a dark room for 120mins with other people and eat popcorn, or $1 for an audio track that I can play in iTunes but not WinAmp and on my iPod but not iRiver, yeah right. Suck it MPAA/RIAA/etc...
  19. True. We are not giving you the audio because you can't pay < 10 pounds for a game. Closed.
  20. It basically allows you to buy things if you don't have the cash available at the moment.
  21. If he bought the game and he has both CDs he can just reinstall and he should have audio. If he bought the game and lost the play CD, I'm sure he knows downloading a copy from a torrent site is legal as it is considered to be for backup purposes which he certainly needs if this is the case.
  22. Ok...so as you may or may not know, my PC sucks. It was never meant for gaming and is horrible. I can't stand choosing between unplayble framerates or horrible graphics. My current PC is a: 2.6GHz Pentium 4 without HT or SSE3 nVidia FX5500 PCi (Not PCI-e. Standard PCi, and it's a DirectX 8 card) 1GB of PC3200 DDR-RAM (2x512mb) 80GB+120GB 7200RPM Hard drives ATA/100 400w HP Branded PSU Some shitty mobo with no AGP or PCIe slots Windows XP Home So as you can see...I want to gauge my eyes out rather than continue playing games on this. So I am getting: AMD Athlon 64 3800+ AM2 Proc (Ironic that this slower-clocked processor performs better, eh Intel) ATi Radeon x1600PRO gpu ASUS nForce4 mobo Western Digital 250GB SATA 3.GB/Sec hd G.SKILL 1GB DDR2 800 RAM JPAC ATx Case w/ window and LCD temp display and 500w PSU Windows XP Professional I'm trying to make it as cheap as possible but I still want it to be able to run all my games at max settings at 1280x1024. It comes to around $554 not counting shipping and will be the first PC I have ever built. Thoughts?
  23. No. I am not going to send you 500mb+ worth of audio because you won't buy the game. Besides, VC PC is very cheap nowadays, I'm sure you could find it for under 10 pounds.
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