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Everything posted by Dazza

  1. I don't trust my Mum all that much, judges me in her eyes, I know it. Government, no way. Friends, totally. I don't open up often, so the people I do open up to, are special to me.
  2. I'm Dazza. I find emo and scene girls hot. I enjoy the TV 'Hannah Motanna'. My ringtone is 'Through The Fire and Flames' by DragonForce.
  3. Wow, it's like Aarons video all over again. lol
  4. I am a Neutral. I don't belong to a group, I'm friends with everyone, I'll join in on a group dissing if I can be bothered. I can be smart wehn I want, I'm not in any 'Nerd' classes. So yeah. Cliques are stupid.
  5. Super Mario Galaxey = PWNAGE! Simpsons Game = Crap! The sad thing was that I finished Mario in like 2 days :/ I borrowed it from a gaming shop, loved it. I cannot wait for Bully though, I think that will be the best, same with SSB: B.
  6. Well, I might help you in this department. I upgaded to broadband not to long ago, and it pwns! I have a 5gb limit, but they hardly ever check it and switch it over to Dial-Up, so I have on adverage, maybe 9-11gb limit until they switch it over, cause it's not done automaticly, they have to do it themselves. I wanted to get a 10gb, but that was going upto maybe $100, or more. So I have a plan with iPrimus that I have my home phone and broadband all in one, plus free line rental and modem, all for $70 per month. Maybe you can think about that, or ask them about just the broadband. But with my deal, if I pay $10 more a month, we'll get 12gb of download, which is pretty sweet.
  7. Yeah, download some sort of codec, and player, you can use WMP, I like it, but I much perfer PowerDVD, and I think that's free, if not, well, there are easy ways to get it. Regoins won't really have an effect on computers, maybe a little lag, but everything I use is fine. Get the XP codec pack, has everything you need. If that doesn't work, then you'll need to find out if it's the driver, newer DVD's have different encriptions on it, so it won't work on computer's/DVD players (that's what's happening to me), you you'll need to update the driver and codecs. But, if worst comes to worse, buy a new DVD player/burner.
  8. Well, this guy was already retarded, this makes him insane. I mean if this happened in the US, Jack(ass) Thompson would be all over this. Thus killing WoW, which would get his off Rockstar and onto retards, which would be great for us.
  9. Maybe that guy was Dinsey Channel fan who loved Hannah Montana and other stuff lol. I happen to like Hannah Montana so stuff you. Anyway, he can't re-create the images without permission. So you using them for your own personal use is against the law. But who gives a shit, the only people that are going to see them are us, and we don't care. Plus, look at all the GTA stuff we put into our signs from screenshot of the game. Do Rockstar care? Does Take-Two care? No. Disney just want more money then they already got, they make children slaves in their theme parks and then if they don't work they'll make them be in a Tim Allen Christmas Movie. He just likes the little power he might have, did his work have his signture on it? If not, you can use it, as he doesn't prove it was his in the first place.
  10. Yeah, add a border. Maybe a sky blue one, like the sky that your using. Maybe a transparent square or something as well, just to jazz it up. Oh, and sharpen it, I don't know why but it looks like it needs it. But good though.
  11. Just a question, how can be official with onlt 3 members? And they don't even have a recutiment forum.
  12. Where do you live Dmac? I think Australia's like the safest place, now we got rid of the Bush Fucker, we won't have any enemies in different countrys. I think USA is the worst, you can go from Slum to Mansions in a few minutes. Plus not to mention the school shootings that happen every other week. They have Aligaters in the swamps, they have deserts, and they have LA, one of the worst cities in the world. Don't even get me started on the government.
  13. So did most of us at RockstarWatch. That was funny. Was it at Yahoo? Or Hotmail? No one can can everything that someone has copied and ask them to give them credit. Oh look, that sign looks like mine, except it has a different blck spot. It's stupid. Look at all those celebraties who get's used in RP games. Do you think they care. Hell, I've seen some use different people to hide themselves. No one cares. Plus can he prove he made them, he might have just copied them from another site.
  14. Dazza

    Grand Theft Auto 5?

    Yeah, they do that for every single game they have. So fan sites like this can't pose as the proper sites. Yes they redirect to the sub domain. But they still own the Domain name.
  15. I can't say I ever played the Classics. I might of once, don't remember. The graphics are shit, I'll tell you that much, but beside that it's quite good. I stopped playing it when I got VCS, buttotally would play it again.
  16. Someone you hasn't played it would say that. GTA Advance is a pretty good game. It got me through the gap between LCS and VCS. It has a pretty good storyline, the controls are a bit hard to get used to, but you do get used to them. It also tells you alot about III and LCS, helps clear up things, like why 8 ball was in the truck with Claude. You haven't completed every GTA till you finished this.
  17. OK, aznn. I'm sorry. But I'm with them. Now, Rockstar can't use Renderware, it was brought out by EA, but surprisingly they still use it for some games, has anyone ever heard of Rockstar Games presents Table Tennis? Only the X360 version you might say. That's where your wrong, it's also on the Wii, exactly the same game, except your using your WiiMote, with RAGE. Now the WiiMote, is there any other gaming console that makes you get up and 'play' a game, not sit down on a couch getting fatter by the minute? No. That's what makes the Wii Next-Gen. Now, I'll have you know that I have just been playing Super Mario Galaxy for 3 days, non-stop. I was amazed, really. The graphics and detail they have is awesome. But that isn't what makes it, its how you have to shake the WiiMote to spin. Could you do that with any other console? Plus it has this nice little feature, where you can collect Star Bits by just going over them with the WiiMote. You can move, spin, and even kill enemies with the WiiMote. Not just pressing buttons. Now, Bully. If you have seen the screenshots for it, you would see that the Wii has actually got better graphics. But who cares as long as it has awesome gameplay. Bully is just a teens version of GTA. San Andreas could fit like 3x on a Wii Optical Disk. Now, make the map the size of Vice City. Add hell good missions and amazing gameplay. Then do graphics. 'Cause who really cares for Graphics, you want gameplay. You could have the best game, graphic wise, and it has shit gameplay, what would you do with it? Just play it for the graphics? No, you'd get bored and leave it to collect dust. Oh, and just to let you know. The only game I have played on the Wii that had loading times, was GH III. And it was fast as. Like 5 seconds at most. Tell me the X360 or PS3 don't have loading times for GH III. Manhunt 2 is a classic example, it was banned for it's GRAPHICAL NATURE. Now you tell me the BBFC would ban a game for red pixels coming out of another pixel. No, it was banned because the graphics were so good, that it was like watching a live action movie. Thus them needing to tone it down. Even then the BBFC didn't want the game out. San Andreas had shit graphics compared to other games out at the time, but I see people here still talking about it. It was one of the most sold PS2 games of all time. On the Wii, as seen in Scarface or is it Godfather? Can't remember, you can get a katana and slice someone's head off with a flick of your WiiMote, your not pressing buttons. Imagine that for GTA, the rocket launcher, guns, grenades, hell even a baseball bat. Smashings someone's head in with that would give me hours of pleasure. Driving, you would use the WiiMote as a wheel, not using a joystick.
  18. Woah, good luck getting it guys. On the 29th, I turn 15, meaing I can get the game whenever I get the money to buy a X360 or PS3 . But least I can get it LEGALLY! lol
  19. I haven't had my two cents yet. I don't like the idea. First off, what about us people that don't have MTA or SA:MP? We don't have anything to do. Secondly, some of us won't be able to afford a Next-Gen system, that runs GTA IV. Thirdly, why would we for one game?. Fourthly, sounds alot like GTAforums, why are we following them? Yes, your letting us keep our forums, but what's the point if we don't have gang wars? One of the reasons I stayed in a gang, now running one. I'm going to try and keep the SFM running as much as I can, but you getting rid of it, I won't be able to.
  20. Um, did you just read what TEC said? He is not Russian, it has be confirmed, by Rockstar. I still like he's from Serbia, but he probably ain't.
  21. Dazza

    Well, that means I'll have to make a stupid 'normal' AIM account. Fuck that, we can talk through PM hopefully.

  22. To add to what TEC said, yes it is set in 1984, and is a pregual to Vice City, if you notice in the Prologue of Vice City, you actully see Victor and Lance in the Maverick, and sadly Victor dies.
  23. Nice work mate. I'll help out if needed/wanted. Just PM the details.
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