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Everything posted by Dazza

  1. HAHAHAHAHA This is bullcrap, it's acted out and at the end it shows a shitty Barbie game....
  2. Happened with me as well. Must be a bug sort of thing...
  3. My Mum plays Sonic (Old School ones that still kick most new games arse) and some other junk on my Sega-Mega Drive, like whenever she can. It's quite funny.
  4. OMG! I really hate the Toohy one, like the one where this guys pulls out his hair and puts it in th ground, then the day changes and their is a pod where the hair was, he opens it and freezes the person inside and takes the beer their holding, I mean come on.
  5. Kill me, but I'm only giving it a 1. The Gorilla is grainy, the text is crap, and it has no border. Sorry man.
  6. Another flaw, not all of us have a PS3 or X360. So it won't only work on GTAIV.
  7. The save files... GTAsf-.b (The - is the number on the Save Game list)
  8. Dazza

    Holden VS Ford

    I'm 14, course I haven't (Driven families cars though). But I've never actually heard of a Sierra, what's it like?
  9. I can't see why not? I would play if we used SA:MP or VC:MP, but if we used GTA IV I wouldn't be able to play, we should stay with SA:MP for now until the prices of a PS3 and X360 go down, since I know for a fact that most of my gang members can't afford (This includes me) the console plus the game.
  10. Dazza

    Holden VS Ford

    No actually, which is fine. No offense to Ford but they are German made and drive like shit. Holdens are australian made and drive awesomely... I prefer driving my Mum's Holden then my Pappa's Ford. Even though the Ford is really sporty.
  11. This is amazing! Wonderful job mate ... you can have 5 cookies...
  12. Dazza

    Holden VS Ford

    Sorry for the late reply... Its cause of the axis, the car is to wide for the road so they had to change it and make the H3, which sorta sucks, cause bigness is one of the reasons I love the hummer.
  13. Hey, I know who made this video...nice guy. If you want I can ask him anything, if you want of course, he dug around every little bit of VC's files.
  14. Adults can go there, it's like a Uni, I was saying for the people that don't know what a TAFE is.
  15. Dazza

    PS 2 to PC

    You can do it Legally by using a TV to PC cable that can make you run your Hard Drive on your TV and let your PS2/X-Box etc. work on your PC (So you can like copy videos and that) but beside that I don't anything else will work.
  16. Where is the Replay files? And how do we save it?
  17. Yeah, Conner is right () Like Connor said, you might need to update or just delete some other stuff from your computer, that's what I did for my GTA SA to work.
  18. Sorry man, It's an Aussie thing for me ... Conner is spelt like that here, I can change it if you want.
  19. Well, I must say... This is bullcrap ... and I waste of 10 forum dollars ... it should be split between me, Conner, GTA player and GB for reading and replying to this shit.
  20. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Cloud has detention....... SUCKED IN!!!!!!!!
  21. Well, this ain't to bad. In the city a week ago, at the local TAFE (Uni) they found a dead baby in one of those pad things. The baby was alive when it was put in there and it wasn't found for a week, so this ain't really the worst of it around here.
  22. What would I get for slashing my Principals and Math teachers tires? And then drawing dicks on it?
  23. Meh, I have better things to do, plus I don't have a bid room, and I already have posters up everywhere (Newest one being The Simpsons Movie poster) and then I just fitted it in. So maybe if I get a bigger house/room but no not at the moment.
  24. I'll see what I can do... Count me in for now.
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