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Everything posted by Charger

  1. You can just insert the SA disc, and the option reinstall will appear.
  2. That's what I was thinking, but would you really like to pay a Fine or possibility of some jail time. Some chance you'll be let free, by a nice judge.
  3. So far its a Hoax. Since the guys lacked evidence on Friday.
  4. Charger

    skate 2

    Looks good, never really had interest on Skating, but I enjoyed Skate. I'm looking forward for Skate 2, we''l see what the demo brings.
  5. You might be able to lower some of the settings in OPTIONS, but the cars look high-res. The best cure for that is more memory & better video card. Yeah I've done that, but is it okay if anyone else can lower the detail?
  6. The Dodge Charger Police cars, are now out on the streets. I seen the LAPD use them now, they look great. I like some of the Modded LAPD cop cars, but they are too detailed for my PC to run them smootly, such as this one: http://gta-worldmods.planet-multiplayer.de...c259bd07238e0fd It runs it ok, but makes the game slow once 2-3 cop cars appear, anyway to lower the detail?
  7. Even though I would like Obama to win, I see McCain winning it all.
  8. I'm Catholic. Not that into it though.
  9. Welcome to the Forums tRiBaLmArKiNgS, enjoy your stay.
  10. That's because America is counting the Most Medals, which the U.S.A has. They aren't doing anything wrong.
  11. Yeah I got in. The game is good, I may buy it.
  12. I believe so, do I have to turn it off in order to play?
  13. I downloaded the demo, and punkbuster kicks me out, how do I stop this? I join the server demos.
  14. I'm gonna download the demo and try it out, hopefully there's people online. Then I'll decide to buy it, should be kinda cheap by now.
  15. Gotta agree with you, hilarious people (sometimes).
  16. I would like to try it out, is there still lots of players online? And is there lots of cheaters?
  17. I'm gonna say American. The Cadillac, Hummer, Corvette, Viper, Charger, Yukon, Tahoe, etc. There's more.
  18. Yeah, sometimes in the police radio you can hear police calling for backup at "Los Angeles International Airport" or Downtown Los Angeles.
  19. I just got my new HDD, and I have backed up. So now its time to format and wait about 3-5hrs for it to finish. I don't think I had a virus, its just hardware failure. Urbanoutlaw I don't know, I think you can turn off.
  20. The only Hispanic here... Unique.
  21. What a crazy world we live in..
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