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Everything posted by K_P

  1. Yes she was. On topic - How about a security guard, like the ones in front of the Malibu. If anyone starts fighting or trouble, you have to beat them up!
  2. There is always a chance that he had another brother, but its really unlikely. They (Lance and Vic) have never mentioned they had another brother...
  3. Hey Chris, did you recieve my PM about the credit card?
  4. Okay, thats cool. What propeties are you going to do? Also wait for Jace, he's going to make a few more property pics.
  5. Yay, I was the 1000th poster. I you really going to send all this to R* Chris.
  6. Hey, maybe someone should give him a loan. Lol j/k.
  7. Woah cool down, this was a while ago, forget it be the bigger man...
  8. It was called Cherry Popping Ice Cream.
  9. They probably were there, maybe we can find out why they and the Cubans hate each other so much... On topic, since the golf course is coming back, do you think we will see the golf costume back...
  10. If the Ice Cream place was there. But remeber they dont sell Ice Creams...
  11. Great work, very good, well done man.
  12. Already a topic like this... Link http://www.thegtaplace.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=6859
  13. Yeah, but Spaz is saying its the original modding/racing game. And he's right, it was also great at the time, and I remember playing it...
  14. It would be good to see the occasional wildlife in the forest (If they have it in GTA4) But you should not be able kill them. Like if you shoot at them it does nothing or purposely misses, and if you punch them it misses aswell or something like that.
  15. I hope the pizza missions return, I enjoyed them.
  16. Yeah the Yakuza Stinger looked great and was very fast.
  17. Lol, did you know why he got kicked out?
  18. You know that Spaz dont like you imitating Victor, so dont do it or he will get mad at you.
  19. Oh good, I looked there but I couldnt find the figure! I checked other sites too but I couldnt find it on their either .
  20. Rofl, you know what they say...'What comes around goes around!' Though im sure ive pranked many people more times then ive been pranked. Its all in good faith though!
  21. According to G-Unleashed its in San Fierro. Ive also seen it there. Here's a link to more accurate locations. http://www.g-unleashed.com/index.php?cat=1...ocations#manana
  22. It just gave me a poke nothing too bad, got a taste of my own medicine eh?
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