Bank steal aint working...It keeps saying 'Sorry, you are trying to steal more then that user has.' When I know the user has that amount of cash for sure.
Here's a pic...
Why would Lance kill his own brother? I know he backstabbed Tommy but I think he only started being a backstabbing prick when Tommy didnt give him a fair slice and didnt include him in the action. I doubt he would kill his brother just for money and drugs.
It would be fun to see cars flipping and people flying in the air, but will rockstar make it this extreme. I think only small things like chairs (If they have them) will fly around.
The normal ambulance ones got a bit boring after awhile...Maybe with the air ambulance you will have to stop for fuel occasionally or something like that.
Yeah they ripped the multiplayer features out of LCS when it went to PS2. If (and I hope) VCS does come out for PS2 then i've got a sad feeling they will do the same.