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Everything posted by K_P

  1. Out of the list I would say Claude too. He was just cold and heartless.
  2. What about Mike Toreno? Might be fun to work for the government...
  3. I liked his sense of humour and some of the humourous comments he made during the game.
  4. Lol, I doubt it. He may have got kidnapped, or found out a plan to kill him so he ran off.
  5. Yeah, I though about that too before, I would like that but I dont think Tilly does...
  6. Well done racso562, I respect you for trying. If you have time, just do the above mentioned corrections.
  7. Hey whats wrong with Smoke, I thought he was quite funny. Anyway I really hate... Ricardo Diaz - Stupid, fat and thinks he runs the world...and also cant operate a VCR. Frank Temepenny - Corrupt and just generally evil.
  8. Yeah, and Woozie was quite a funny character as well. I would like SF Traids to return.
  9. Lol, where did you hear this from? Who are these idiots? Obviously it aint true btw.
  10. That was quite a big prank. Well done!
  11. Different title, does this mean another R* psp wonder game?
  12. Lol, expect to see it go way down when school starts...
  13. 1. Er, read again...I was. 2. And being able to shoot animals would give Mr Jack Thompson yet another excuse to ban GTA, want GTA banned? 3. You dont know what hippie means, just because we dont want to kill animals makes us hippies? [sarcasm]I guess any cat/dog or any other animal lover is a hippie too. I guess the R.S.P.C.A is a hippie organisation aswell. [sarcasm]
  14. Here's a better one, its full size though.
  15. Nothing Special...Just a classic background...I also minimized it slightly...
  16. Woah, thanks I shot a bear. And she's right, I just wanted this as a possible suggestion for animals, not for all future GTA games to go soft.
  17. Lol. I think I post too much. Edit: 700 posts now...
  18. Rofl, no...Because you are too poor. Lol j/k.
  19. Hey, I was only suggesting this for wildlife, no need to get sarcastic.
  20. I checked how much that member had, and he/she had more money than I was stealing, im certain. I even tried other members and it said the same thing. Luckily it did not use it up. And I did not get fined.
  21. My school hasnt. Gonna start on Wed 6th September and im starting sixth form.
  22. I suppose it'll be better that he doesent have an accent...Some people may not of liked it.
  23. Maybe, I'll guess we'll have to play VCS to find out more clues to if it was a setup or not.
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