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Everything posted by Earthbound

  1. Miami. Who is the voice actor for Avery Carrington?
  2. A belated Happy Birthday to you TNF! Have a good one mate!
  3. The Beatles - Yellow Submarine Oh yeah, You know it.
  4. Will do mate. I'll get on it shortly. I'll probably do a re-write just to make a little more sense of a few things.
  5. Thanks guys. I appreciate the recognition. Expect to see some changes to the gang scene in the not-so distant future.
  6. lol. I used to smoke a fair bit, but I haven't done for a good year and a half so my tolerance is probably down a fair bit, but meh. It's all in good fun ey.

  7. Haha. Bloody oath mate.. Imagine taking a full piece with that thing haha. Best use for a lamp shade yet. :P

  8. You'd "hit that" wouldn't you Mac?
  9. Thanks for the piece of information.
  10. SV, when you say "hidden" game missions, what do you mean? I don't recall any missions being hidden from me... Unless you mean 'sub' missions?
  11. Seven minutes is correct. What is the objective in the mission "Treacherous Swine"?
  12. Californication on Channel 10. One of the few US TV Series I actually enjoy. Other than Futurama and the Simpsons of course.
  13. And so I finally hit an official landmark. The big 500. Go me.
  14. Much credit to the actual author. Pretty awesome, and many good points made.
  15. Well said. That is pretty awesome thought. Gotta love optical illusions for a bit of fun.
  16. Emergency Vehicles. Which boat is used in the mission 'Last Requests' when escaping from Portland?
  17. Welcome Zinc. Stick around, mate.
  18. Drive Misty For Me At the Import/Export Garage at the Portland Docks, what class of vehicle are you required to steal and deliver?
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