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Everything posted by Earthbound

  1. You wanker. I feel like a dickhead now.
  2. Same here. I freakin' hate this thing. I owned a Nokia 6288 prior to this. I've always loved Nokia phones, and always will. Sony can't make a good phone for shit - Why'd I buy this thing??
  3. Resident Evil (the original)... the only good one.
  4. Welcome to the almighty Grand Theft Auto Place, Kramer. Enjoy your time here mate. Watch out for Sky, he's a not right.
  5. Sorry about the lateness. Give me a shout the next time you're on MSN and i'll send you the files you need.
  6. Currently it's around 2 terabytes a month, that's over 66 gigabytes a day, or nearly 3 gigabytes an hour. A fucking lot of bandwidth That's hellish. Had no idea the network came even close to that.
  7. Chaperone. In which you escort Maria around Portland. Which gang exists on more than one island?
  8. Looks much better without Holly. I never thought I'd say that. :/
  9. Hell yeah! I'm a vet. Good on you Chris. Your dedication to TGTAP is as strong as ever. Not many GTAF or GTAB administrators hung around with your amount of activity and the informative posts you put out to the public. You're a legend mate. Good stuff!
  10. No way, everyone knows Scott..... wait, who? Just kidding mate, have a good one! ...Too bad you missed out on the gal Righty had over for his Birthday..
  11. May need to be moved to the General Gaming forum.
  12. To Atlantic Quays, then to Portland Harbour, and than back to Salvatore's Place. Which car do you get when you complete 100 taxi missions?
  13. And so you should. You should be listening to a real mans song. Metallica - Don't Tread On Me ^ Like that one.
  14. Well, lads. Although it's not quite the 1st of December, I have shaved off the mighty mo. I managed to raise $130. Which is pretty average considering some bloke raised $23,000. http://au.movember.com/mospace/1665781 Was good fun. You should all do it next year!
  15. Ultimate sex. Can't wait! 32 players is going to knacker my performance though.
  16. Love's Disappearance? I can't remember. Which mission is triggered when you get into the Toyz van in Harwood?
  17. Haha, Cheers mate. Appreciate it. Fuck all is new. Just about to hit the hay. Ah, Thursday tomorrow. One day closer to the weekend. Ahhh.

  18. It's the quick and the dead over here, Evo.
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