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Everything posted by Gycu

  1. I also dislike a mission in GTA 3 The one where you had to drive a bombed Infernus from Shoreside Valley to Portland without crashing it I tried this mission like no others ... Once I reached the garage but I missed the door and crashed into the wall > Explosion > Mission Failed (( But I made it after many tries ...
  2. 1.Not having a map ... 2.The yardies are f***ing annoying ... 3.No bikes 4.No helicopters
  3. It was one of Zero`s missions I think the last one ... That was a real pain in the a$$ ... I lost the count of how many times I tried to do it ...
  4. Watching it right now but is not great video, I have seen better ones but the effort worth it ... still a average GTA SA vid ...
  5. Listen to me carefully If you don`t find a sollution you must Uninstall the game but my advice is that if you don`t want other errors after re-installing the game you should download a free trial version of Registry Cleaner and delete the SA registries and you won`t have problems with SA ... I had some problems ( with my older PC ) with a game but after I uninstalled it and deleted the registries it worked fine ...
  6. I don`t know if this has been mentioned before ( 104 pages of wishlist discussion ) but [*] Here is a feature to prevent you from exiting the city - the cold water should decrease your health, so swimming ( if included ) won`t be a sollution to reach the city bounds ( limits ) ...
  7. What about arcade games such as Tetris and Pong ?
  8. Gycu

    Weird dreams?

    Long time ago I had this dream ... I was in the middle of nowhere and suddenly I realised this couldn`t be real so I said myself " This is a dream, so if is a dream I can do whatever I want " And then I flew like a bird in the sky ( Phew! Phew! Phew ! just like in that commercial ) and that`s the end of the dream ... Usually I don`t realise is a dream but this is the first time I did ...
  9. This is the first High School year for me but in 16th of June the school will end and then 3 months of vacation `till 15th of September ... My grades are pretty good, on the first semester I finished the 6th from my class ... Of course I hope this will change and hoping for a higher place ... this monday I recieved 4 A+ ( or 10 in my country ) but Tuesday I ruined it all ith a 5 ( equivalent of D in some countries ) at French Language ... Damn!!!!! I made only one error but it was fatal High-School is pretty interesting, it has good and bad moments ... Anyways this month I did some things that were strange to me due to my high school ( lots of competitions and sports events ) most of them were bad things ( I did something illegal today but please don`t tell the cops ) ...
  10. Infact Chris, 2003 was the one who quoted that guy`s posts ... I have nothing with you 2003, but let`s not blame Silverio for things he hasn`t done ... Silberio
  11. LOL indeed Chris Oh and what do I have to do in this topic ? Oh, I remember... I think this month will be 1 year since I play Counter-Strike
  12. The best EasterEggs IMO must be - a giant green apple somewhere in Central Park ( New York`s nickname is The Big Apple ) - something related to Spider-Man, maybe a comic book or some web ... - a new "You shouldn`t be able to read this message " easteregg - a gorilla costume dumped into a dumbster with the initials PK( Prince Konga ) on it ( King Kong related easteregg ) ) - Radioactive Cans near the water ...
  13. Cool, and yes I hope that you can stash your weapons there, so you can hold in your hands just a knife + secondary gun ( MP5, Uzi etc. ) and the primary gun ( M4A1, AK47 etc. ) and the other weapons in the trunk ... If you can carry people in the back of the trunk that would be Yeah that`s a very bad thing... Sometimes when your car is in flames you don`t have time to get back your weapons from the trunk ... so all weapons lost, waste of time and money ...
  14. Gycu


    ROFL! Almost fell of my chair... Sex = Source: Wikipedia... Link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sex
  15. Gycu

    Ask Gof

    Infact it was 69 but I like the way you think How many correct answers ( 20 in total ) my team gave at the Geography Quiz last Friday ?
  16. Avatar 9/10 Sig 10/10 Person : One of the coolest guys around these forums... I like him a lot ... :friend:
  17. Gycu


    Masturbation? I`m trying to quit... I only do it sometimes, about 1 time per 1 or 2 weeks...
  18. I haven`t seen a topic like this one so here it is ... I apologize if this topic is in the wrong section... Now here is the most interesting optical illusion I have ever seen ...
  19. I think R* loves this topic : 69 pages
  20. What about Supaplex ? Or Dyna ( Bomberman `91 )
  21. Wow what a major bump Windows Vista ( user ) Anyways... PC type : ULTRA GAMES PRO CPU: AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 3800+ (rated at 5.70 GHz ) RAM: 1024 MB GFX Card : nVidia 7600 GT 256 MB Sound Card : Realtek AC97 Audio HDD : 250 GB OS : Windows Professional XP Version 2002 Service Pack 2 Misc : Genius Keyboard ( about $4 ) Compaq Mouse ( about $10 ) A4Tech Speakers ( $20 ) PrOview 15" Monitor ( $100 )
  22. ???? WTF? I think this is a must-see movie for me ... But I mean The Sims is a life simulator, in this game you create your characters... Not too god for a movie to be inspired from a game that hasn`t unique characters and unique storyline ( GTA,True Crime, Mortal Kombat. Max Payne etc. ) But still the characters + storyline is unique in TS ... So what you`ll see TS menu and some real life characters acting like sims ? I`m 100% this movie will be a comedy...
  23. Gycu

    Ask Gof

    You didn`t answered my question you prick: What is the number I`m thinking of right now ? C`mon this is easy... Sorry for writing the text with the 3 size ...
  24. No, no, no, I didn`t meant that I will complete those 100 hours in one year... Maybe in a few weeks... I meant that I`ll have to wait for the PC version that will come more than a year from now ( or maybe never ) so I can play 100 hours of GTA 4 Sorry for not being clear in the first post ...
  25. I can`t believe I have to wait more than one year to play those 100 hours
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