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Everything posted by Gycu

  1. This is my 502nd post.I joined when everybody had parties, 31 December, close to midnight!
  2. All the teenager killers that shoot teachers/students from school have something in common: They commit suicide after killing people...
  3. European Football. And nothing else! This is the king of all sports!
  4. I heard this news on the radio 2 hours ago, the reporter said similar cases happened in 1997 or 1998 ( 9 deaths) and 2005 (12 deaths).Oh, the reporter said one of the factors for teenagers` violence are " the very violent video games that teens play".Maybe GTA . Everything that happens, you must blame it on the dog (The dog ate my homework,the dog snored) or GTA...
  5. DVD-Present Blu-Ray->future The DVD appeared in 1997 ( or earlier) and only after 6+ years it was common used to replace the CD, I think the same thing will happen with blu-ray, so I chose DVD, the present is safer than the future! You`ll see a game on a Blu-Ray disk in about 10 years or later...till then stick with the DVD
  6. I woudl tell him how low his IQ is for insulting for no reason! WWYDI You were a football player and you`ve missed a penalty in the 95th minute of the FIFA World Cup and your team lost the trophy ?
  7. GrayFox: Avatar:10/10,5/5 Amazing,I saw that about a week ago and I wanted to put it to my avatar but I changed my mind... Sig: 6/10, I don`t really like anime, only DBZ, I just hate that he has a cigarette.Smokin` kills ...
  8. Yes, I`ve tought at that but it will take a looooong time to write a long message ...So maybe this is the problem...I don`t think that e-mail will be in this game...
  9. Played CounterStrike1.6 Now, maybe The Sims 2 Seasons,I`ve created a guy,he graduaded, he reached the top of 3 jobs now I must find him a porper wife.He did WhooHoo with all his female friends!I have 5 choices...I dunno who will JohnSmith(my character`s name since TS1) pick as a wife...So I`m gonna go play this game...
  10. Question:If GTA 4 will have e-mail, well how are you gonna write something with your console controler?With PC this is no problem but consoles...
  11. Yes, I hope too, well GI and OPM did the same with GTA SA, GI wrote 10 pages as a preview for SanAndreas, and I`ve heard that OPM wrote 13 pages, with more detailed game features reveal...Maybe will do the same with GTA 4, and 13 pages is enough if there are more details about the game...
  12. Well...My mom said to me when I stayed more than 6 hours at my PC "when you`ll have 30 you will wear glasses, why do you stay so much on that stupid PC, what do you find in it?You wanna be like your grandma when in 30?". So guys, that stay more than 6 hors/day at the PC :You`ll have problems with your eyes later in your life because of your monitor sends some radiations that harm our eyes! But who cares PC addicted!
  13. Well your wrong about that, we wont use petrol in 2100, ever heard of Hybrid cars, they work on water, and we already have them. Yes and hopefully the price wont be sky-high!Yes there are alternative ways to "fuel" a car, even a special oil can do it but people, at least now don`t find a unique way to replace petrol, something like gasoline...And BTW cars wont fly, not even in 2100 , or maybe they will after the pig will!
  14. IMO-In my opinion LOL GG- good game WTF?-What The f**k? STFU!-Shut The F**K Up BTW-By The Way What does really lol means? What does IMAO means, and FTW too?
  15. Ram The Don Avatar:4/10 Sig:6/10 Person:Never seen you on the forums
  16. Possible...But how about if you take pics with your cellphone and upload the screens back in your PC or laptop so you can watch them at your safehouse? Well maybe you will be able to use the Messenger to chat with your contacts, it`s easier that with the phone...I doubt this becasue the consoles have no keyboard so you can type letters&numbers , or they have?I dunno...
  17. Grab it and take it home for dinner, too bad I don`t drive WWYDI Freddy Krueger and Jason would appear right now next to you?
  18. I bet that someone said this before I did ( maybe even me ) I`m 100% that there will be planes in GTA, but only airport pilots will be able to fly planes, not the player...So that means -Planes in GTA? YES. -Will I be able to fly the planes? NO.
  19. Woke up, went outside, stealed a car, trashed it, stealed another car, made stunts with it, killed the peds that were walking down the street, and the police was after me but when they catched me, it took all my weapons and 100$ as a bribe And the policeman told me " GTA Motherf***er !!! "
  20. Just type my name on Google and be sure you`ll find my posts/topics I made there topics about:Anything Else R* may disable?(Beside planes), GTA 4 Map Size (Just say a number)....etc....etc... Oh and welcome to the guys that joined today! If any...
  21. Hey guys just check http://www.rockstargames.com/ and click on RockstarGames,MCXVII-MMVIIto watch the video -contains clips from all the R* games (MaxPayne,Bully,GTA3/VC/SA/VCS/LCS,MidnightClub games etc.) -10 years of R* -just check out the video -made by R* 100% And sorry is someone created a topic like this (with the same subject-R* anniversary video)) before me.
  22. Cool indeed too bad it doesn`t come for PC , like the previous Manhunt did... Oh I remember R* said that we should play the 1st Manhunt in a dark room with the doors closed and windows sealed to have full experience for this game....
  23. OK, hy and welcome to TGTAP, BTW I`m GycuBrun too at GTAF...
  24. Can you help me please? How can I have this sig or avatar?OR is it impossible http://avatars.jurko.net/pic/1672/ sorry for posting in this topic...
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